Chapter 3

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After buying all our school supplies we just sort of wander around for awhile through the bustling streets. We walk past a tall building clad with red bricks that seems to, sort of, stand out amongst the rest.
"That place looks so vintage." Alex says, in awe at the unique building. I sigh.
"Yeah, but the building is going under renovations in a few months so they can sell it." I comment, noticing the old newspaper covering the windows and the for sale sign in one.
"I wonder what they'll put in it." Alex mutters.
"Who knows, but we should get going." I say. "Wanna grab some tea?"
"You know I don't like tea, but a nice cup of hot chocolate sounds pretty good." She says, a small smile on her face.
After we leave the cafe I wander back to where I flooed in, noticing a large family, all with striking red hair.
I notice two boys, twins, throwing something down the youngest boys jumper.
They both take a few steps back, mischievous grins on their faces. The youngest boy begins to squirm as he realizes there's something in his jumper.
"Is something the matter Ron?" One of the twins asked in mock concern while the other tried to hold back laughter.
"I reckon there something in his jumper Forge." The other laughed.
"What did you put in my jumper?!?" The youngest boy, Ron I assume, asks, a worried look on his face as he continued to squirm.
"Aww, Ickle Rommiekins doesn't seem to like having a spider in his jumper Gred." The other twin aays in mock sympathy, looking to his twin.
Almost instantly Ron's face turns to one showing complete terror and begins to try an fish it out, screaming un-comprehensive sounds.
An older woman, whom I assume is their mother, comes rushing over at the sound of Ron practically screaming.
"What did you two do to poor Ron?" She asks sternly.
"Just dropped a spider down his jumper." The twin on the right answers.
"I was an accident mum, we promise." The other say, trying his best at an innocent face, but I just didn't suit him.
I laugh slightly at the sight, twins with mischievous grins and shaggy red hair. They were kinda cute, oh who am I kidding, they were hot!
"You know Ron hates spiders!" Their mother shrieks at them, and then they bolt, the mischievous grins returning to their faces once more.

Double The Fun {George's Side} [book 1]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin