Chapter 34

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After the week was over and I was able to take the Madrake leaf out of my mouth I had been working on the next few steps, making the ears appear but nothing else, then a tail, and that's as far as I've gotten. I had woken up early this morning, surprisingly enough, but I had a good reason to, there was a trip to Hogsmeade happening today, and Alex and I were going dress shopping.
When I got out of bed I walked over to my wardrobe and picked out my outfit for the day, a blue knit sweater, grey tights, black lace up boots, and a grey toque.
I walked over to my bed and went back to reading the animagus guide, still fascinated that I had the marauders copy.
After about an hour Alex was walking out of the bathroom ready to go.
"Breakfast?" I ask, sitting up and placing the book down on the bed.
Since I wasn't going to eat we left for Hogsmeade as soon as Alex was finished.
"So dress shopping first?" I asks as I watch the beautiful snow fall to the stone path.
"Sure might as well get it out of the way." She says and link arms with me and walks towards the shop.
"What about this?" She jokes and hold up a Cinderella style fluorescent pink dress.
"Oh that's horrid." I joke back.
After searching for an hour I finally find a dark purple strapless ball gown with silver embroidery all over the bodice.
"Found one!" I squeal as I show it to Alex.
"It's looks perfect for you, now let's go try them on."
After paying for our dresses we stepped out of the shop into the crisp air.
"Alice, I need to talk to you." I hear a soft voice call out to me, I turn my head to him and see George standing there with Fred beside him.
I tugged on Alex's sleeve hoping to leave, but she didn't move.
"At least he's trying to fix things with you." She says to me with a stern glare directed at Fred.
"Alright fine." I say and walk to a nearby bench with George and sit.
"So what do you need to talk to me about?" I ask, a bit snarkily.
"I wanted to ask you something, but it's probably stupid." He says sadly, looking down at the ground. I look down at my hands as I wrung them.
Nice going Alice, now he's upset.
"I'm sorry, what did you want to ask me?" I ask softly.
"I wanted to know why you have been ignoring me first." He says.
"All I can say is it involves something illegal." I answer vaguely in a joking tone.
He looks at me with a puzzled expression, I smile back.
"Now you."
He suddenly gets nervous, and starts stumbling over his words.
"Well.... You..... I" He starts, his voice rising a bit in the process. "WouldyougototheYuleballwithme?" He had spoken so quickly I almost didn't catch it.
"What about Katie?" I ask him.
"What do you mean?" He asks.
"Aren't you going to the ball with her?"
"No, I turned her down."
"Yeah, so...."
I sat there for a moment just staring into his bright pleading brown eyes.
"Of course." I say, and his expression instantly turned into a full on grin.
"Yes!" He said, pumping a fist in the air.
"I gotta go get Alex, but I'll see you later." I say with a small wave as he begins to walk away in the direction Fred had walked off in, a huge grin still on his face.
Once he's far enough away that I know he can't se me I start doing my happy dance(similar to snoopy's happy dance) then go off to find Alex.
When I do I practically skip over to Alex, not being able to contain how ecstatic I am.
"What happened with you?" She asks.
"George just asked me to the ball!" I squealed, bouncing in place.
"I thought he was going with Katie?" She asked, sounding confused.
"Turns out he said no." I say, the huge grin never leaving my face.
"Let's go buy some presents and then go back to the school." I said pulling her down the street excitedly.

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