Chapter 45

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It was finally the day we go back to Hogwarts and I couldn't have been happier as we boarded the train. Alex had been able to get further in the steps to becoming an animagus and was now at the second last step, she had just completed the in between stage.
I had completed the final stage and had decided to keep to my fox form as much as possible, since it was so much more fun, and so most of the last few days had been Alex and I having one sided conversations with each other since I couldn't answer her.
We grabbed an empty compartment, closing the blinds behind us.
"Why am I having so many troubles with becoming an animagus?" Alex asked, slumping down in a seat by the window.
"Lack of focus?" I inquire.
"Not likely."
"Yeah you're right about that. I don't know why you can't fully morph yet."
"Maybe I'm just not suited for it."
"Everyone is suited for it, just the amount of practice is different. Just keep trying."
Through the rest of the train ride I  read and Alex kept trying to change.
No success though, sadly.
We stepped off the train with our trunks on to the platform to see large amount of students already there.
"I'm so excited to see George again!" I squealed as we sat down in a carriage.
"I know you are, you kinda haven't stopped talking about it since we left my house this morning."
"I can't help it." I said with a large grin.
I kept looking out the window hoping we'd be close enough to see bright orange hair.
The carriage stopped and I jumped out of the carriage excitedly, searching the grounds for a familiar red head when I heard his silky sweet voice call my name.
"George!" I called to him as I flung myself into his arms.
He picked my up and spun me around about 5 times before he stopped and placed me down again, keeping his arms wrapped around my waist.
"I missed you so much." He whispered, his lips only inches from mine.
"I missed you too." I whisper before leaning closer to him, causing our lips to meet in a soft tender kiss expressing all the longing we've been feeling for each other these past couple of weeks.
I pulled away slowly and saw George smiling down at me.
"I'm so glad your back." He murmurs, pulling me into another hug.
"Fred I am so gonna kill you!" I heard Alex yell and I turned my head to see her start chasing him.
"Sorry but I'm not taking that off." He laughed and continued to run and laugh from joy.
"Alex isn't he supposed to be the skirt chaser?!" I call to her.
Fred finally came to a sudden halt and swung around opening his arms, which she ran straight into.
"I've missed these exciting moment." He said and hugged her tightly.
"Well enjoy the moment while it lasts because you might not live to see tomorrow." She mumbled in a bitter tone.
I laughed and George tightened his grasp on me.
"I have a surprise for you." He whispered in my ear.
I looked up and smiled at him, giving him a quick peck on the lips.
Alex stole me away from George before I cousin say anything more than goodbye and we went to our dorm to unpack before dinner.
"Wait so you can't take off the collar at all?" I asked as we walked to the great hall for dinner.
"Nope I've tried a number of different spells and I've even tried ripping it off by force. But it's still there."
"Well at least it's Gryffindor red." I said after trying to look for a positive, even though I'm a pessimist.
"Property for Fred Weasley, eh? What did you do over the summer?"
"Wow Triss thanks for that." Alex said sarcastically to the cheery Hufflepuff standing behind us. "Fred put the collar on me and I can't get it off."
"Sounds like such a dreadful thing to have been claimed as a hot guys property." Ferin said, the words dripping with sarcasm.
"Hey it's not that great either. How am I supposed to get a boyfriend if every guy thinks I'm taken?"
"That's a good thing because the only guy you should date is Fred. Speaking of which I feel this warrants as the thing you wouldn't be able to say no to, and I mean that literally." I said teasingly and started laughing while pointing at the collar.
"Shut up." She said and went on with eating her dinner while Triss, Ferin and I continued to talk about our winter breaks.

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