Chapter 17

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I wake up and see its 8am.
Shit, I slept in.
I get out of bed warily and head to the bathroom to have a shower and change into my uniform.
I rush out of the dorm and out of the common room and I quickly run to get to class, skipping breakfast.
I rush into potions and notice I'm still early, so I go over and plop myself into my usual seat next to George, although he's not here yet. I here someone sit down next to me so I look over to see Katie Bell, glaring at me slightly with a pissed of attitude.
"Why are hanging around George?" She asks jealously. "You're not his girlfriend are you?"
"I'm hanging around George because he's my.... Friend..." I answer blushing as I say the word friend.
"Your dating him aren't you!" She exclaims angerily.
"Maybe, maybe not..." I say, unsure of the answer.
"What are you two talking about?" George asks, picking me up talking my seat and setting me on his lap.
"Just girl talk." Katie says awkwardly with a forced giggle.
"More like she was interrogating me about you and I dating." I tell him, leaning into his chest.
"We were found out." He says, giving me a look that said 'play along', so I did.
"Seems like it." I say, stretching a hand out and pulling his head down so I could stare into his beautiful hazel eyes.
"So you're actually dating." She asks, sounding shocked and appalled.
"Ew, gross!" I say, giving George a smile.
"So you're not dating?" Katie asks, starting to sound a bit annoyed.
"Nope." George states matter-of-factly.
After potions I head to charms, then I skip lunch to do homework in the library, then muggle studies and then being assigned an essay on the special abilities of an animagus.
I go to dinner feeling drained, following Ferin in since I have no sense of direction when I'm this tired.
I trip on something and fall flat on my face.
"Ouch....!" I whimper as I begin to pull myself off the ground.
"Sorry." I hear a voice say as I'm gently helped up.
I look beside me to see a girl from Beaubatons.
"It's okay." I say, brushing myself off. "I was in a bit of a daze anyway."
Then we both walk over to our tables.
When I get to our spot I see Alex and Ferin sitting and talking with a Hufflepuff boy.
He had shorter blonde hair with his bangs died a dark pink, and icy blue eyes.
He seemed chipper, but not too chipper.
I go over and take my usual seat next to Alex.
"So, who's this?" I ask, grabbing a roll and ripping bits off before eating them.
"Hayes, Triss Hayes." He answers, imitating James Bond.
"I'm Alice." I say with a smile. "Are you a half blood?"
"Yeah." He says with a smile.
"Thought so, cause of the whole James Bond impression." I answer with a laugh.
Looks like we're gonna be great friends.

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