Chapter 21

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After a while someone comes into the common room.
I look over to the door and see professor McGonagall
"Is Alice Tracy here?" I professor McGonagall asks.
"Yes professor." I say, standing up.
"Draco Malfoy is I'm the hospital wing and won't speak to anyone about what happened to him, he just kept saying he wanted to see you."
I rush out of the common room and straight to the hospital wing.
I run in and see Draco sitting in a hospital bed with madam Pomfry handing him a potion.
"What happened?!" I yell, my voice shaking as I rush over to Draco's side, panting slightly, trying to regain my breath.
"Weasel." He said, a scowl immediately making it's way to his face.
"He did this to you?!" I ask, as I was looking over his injuries, he has a black eye and his right wrist was sprained.
"Yeah." He says. "But if you think this is bad, you should see him."
"I'll be right back." I say and stomp off towards Griffindor tower.
I walk in a slam the portrait shut behind me, getting just the right amount of attention.
"I'm looking for Ronald Billius Weasley!!" I shout.
"I'm right here, how do you know my middle name?!" He asks, sounding embarrassed, walking over to me.
I look him over and see that all he has is a slight limp and a scratch across his nose.
"Not important!" I yell at him. "Outside now!" I point at the portrait hole.
"Why did you do that to him?!" I shriek once were outside, the other two parts of the golden trio following behind.
"Because he was making fun of 'Mione!" I hear Harry call from behind him.
"No he wasn't, he wanted to speak to her, like a normal god damn person!!" I yell back.
"Well he isn't a normal person!" Ron yells at me.
"Do you want me to make you look worse than him!" I threaten, putting as much venom in my voice as humanly possible.
I begin to speak, crossing my arms and facing the golden trio. "Draco was trying to speak to Hermione, he just wanted to have a normal conversation with her!"
"He what?!"
"Yeah, he wanted to talk to her." I say, giving him a 'shut it' look. "And I think Hermione would be a good influence on him, he's actually very sweet."
"Why in her right mind would 'Mione want to be anything near friends with Malfoy?" Harry asks.
"Because he's been trying to be a better person, did you know he's taking level 5 muggle studies to impress her and learn more about her kind of background? Or that he'd stopped calling her, and most others, a mudblood after Hermione got petrified in second year, he thought it might have been his fault." I say. "Did you know he also has a house elf named Pixel that started working at his house after Dobby was set free, thanks to Harry, and he treats her as a friend and helps her cook and clean when he's at home, his mother is the same way with her, his father is the only 'evil' Malfoy in that family, and Draco is afraid of him, that's why he acts the way he does, out of fear!"
"I didn't know that.." Ron mumbled.
"Of course you didn't!" I shriek at him. "You've been looking at him as an enemy since first year because he was a bit if an twat, but during that time he still looked up to his father, and didn't realize his father was wrong!" I look over at Hermione. "Hermione, I know you most likely don't like Draco in any sense and would probably rather stay away from a guy who has been a bully to your for the past four years, but he's changed, so please, at least let him try."
I say, giving her a knowing look towards the end, I then turn around and walk into the common room and sit down with Alex and the twins as if nothing happened.

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