Chapter 10

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Ferin and I walk down towards the great hall.
We walk in and sit down at the far end of the table and wait for Alex. Alex shows up a few minutes later.
"Hey Alice." She says sitting down next to me.
"Hiya Alex?" I say, and then begin to introduce Ferin. "This is Ferin."
"She's in my advanced transfiguration class."
"As well as your roommate." Ferin adds in a bored tone.
"Nice to meet you two, I'm Alex." She says to Ferin with a shy smile.
"Oh so you're Alex." Ferin says, sounding uninterested. "Alice said I needed to meet you."
"How was DADA?" I ask Alex.
"I swear Moody is just a little insane." She says with a small laugh. "But he knows so much about the dark arts and how to fight them."
"Would you expect anything less from an ex-auror?"  Ferin jokes, showing the fact that she actually has a sense of humor.
"I know, and I'm sure Alice is just going to have the best time in his class third term." Alex jests.
"Wait, isn't that class for sixth years?" Ferin asks, finally showing some actual interest in the conversation.
"Yeah, but Alex has always been crazy smart with DADA." I say proudly, patting Alex on the head. "And since there's no advanced DADA she's was bumped up two years!"
Dinner went by pretty quick, with a few comments and a few huffs from Ferin.
I was just about finished when I realized Alex was already getting up to leave.
I quickly shovel my remaining food in my mouth(I know, very attractive.) and rush off after her, sending a small wave to Ferin as I go.
"Don't think you're leaving me here." I say, linking arms with her as we walk.
"Moody, isn't he just the best!" I hear a familiar voice(Fred) say from behind me.
"He really knows what he's talking about!" Says another familiar voice(George). I look behind me slightly to see who I had thought it'd be, Fred an George.
"Wait a minute Alex." I say, stopping both of us.
"Hm? What's up Alice?" She asks.
"They just said something about Moody!" I say, my voice rising. "Are they in your class?!"
"Um, yeah, actually they are." She answers, taken aback slightly by my voice rising.
"Why didn't you tell me?!" I ask, my voice still a bit high.
"You never asked." She sates calmly.
"I'm a little hurt." I say, my head falling a bit.
"Hey, it's not like you told me you were a tutor for him right away." She says, nudging my elbow.
"Well, because, I, oh, whatever!" I try to say, fumbling over the words.
"Embarrassed are we?" She asks teasingly.
"Why would I be embarrassed?" I ask.
"Because you think he's hot!" She states.
"Sure I think he's hot, but there's no romantic connection there." Yet.
"But potions is all about chemistry, especially advanced potions." She says winking at me.
I could feel the blush creeping on to my face.
"Oh, very funny Alex." I sneer at her, and then dash off towards the common room, her right at my heels.

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