Chapter 35

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George POV
"I'm not sure about this Fred." I say as I set up a cauldron on the floor. "You might just make things worse."
"Since when do you ever back down from a prank." Fred says as he gathers the ingredients I told him to.
"But this isn't a prank, it's you possibly making a complete fool out of Alex." I say with a huff.
"Yes, possibly, as in she could possibly end up falling for Goyle...."
"It's a love potion, not the end of the world." He mutters, interrupting me, as he starts to do as I tell him, following the steps.
"Or it could end up just not even working....." I mumble as I begin to pour ingredients into the cauldron.
"What do you mean?" He asks, sadly hearing my doubt.
"Last time I tried to make a love potion, it didn't work." I say as I begin to stir the potion.
"Who did you use it on last time." He says, staring intently at the potion as it bubbles.
"Alice." I answer reluctantly.
"That's strange, but I'm sure it'll work this time." He says reassuringly.
At lunch the next day I followed Fred into the great hall, worried beyond belief.
I absentmindedly follow him over to where Alice and Alex normally sit, being too hung up in my thoughts.
What's if I messed up big time?! What if she really does fall for Goyle?!
I'm suddenly snapped out of my trance when I hear Fred.
"You ready Georgie?"
"You're making a big mistake." I told him, voicing my worry.
"But I'm not."
"Hey Alice, hey Alex." I said as we walked up, trying to fake being calm.
"Hey George." Alice smiles up at me.
Alex took out a pad of paper and wrote 'I'll be right back' showed it to Alice and then walked towards the Hufflepuff table.
Fred took out the vile and poured the potion into her goblet.
"Fred what did you just do?" Alice looked rather concerned after witnessing Fred's very 'discrete' maneuver.
"You'll know when she drinks it. Don't worry it won't hurt her." He said with a wink.
I leaned in and whispered to Alice.
"It's a love potion." I whisper in her ear, my worried tone slipping through. "I swear it's not going to work."
She gives me a reassuring look then turns to Fred.
"You're going to embarrass Alex." She says sternly.
"It'll be fine but please don't say anything to her."
"Fine but-" she was cut off because Alex came back and sat down.
"Talking with Triss?" I ask, trying to cover up the fact we were just talking about her.
Alex nodded and reached for her goblet.
Please work....!
I crossed my fingers underneath the table as Alex took a small sip.
"Hey Alex." Fred said making sure He was the first person she saw.
She put the goblet down on the table and stared at him in a funny way.
"I'm going to class, later Alice." She said with a bit of a lisp and walked off.
"Gaaaahhh! Why didn't it work?" Fred and I said in unison and laid our heads in the table.
"Why can I never get that potion to work?" I whined.
Alice just stayed silent.
"It's not your fault George. Maybe she just hates me too strongly for the potion the change it." He said in total misery with a look of complete defeat on his face.
"I'm sure it'll work out eventually. Just have hope." Alice said then got up and left.
"We should get going." I said pulling him to his feet.

Double The Fun {George's Side} [book 1]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz