Chapter 22

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After about our 20th game Fred thinks it might be a good idea to start betting on it.
"Don't you guys still owe us from out last bet?" Alex asks the twins.
"Yeah, they do." I add, looking over to her.
"How about if Fred wins against Alex we don't have to pay?" George offers.
"And if Alex wins, you have to buy us something on our Hogsmead trip tomorrow." I add.
"Okay." George concludes, shaking my hand.
"I love that you guys just bet on us and we didn't agree to play." Fred says as he shuffles the cards and begins to deal them between him and Alex.
"You were already shuffling the cards." Alex states as she picks up her hand.
"I was making an observation and then delicately excusing George and I from the game so we could see who's better while also betting on it." I tell Fred.
"Plus it was your idea to start betting in the first place." Alex adds. "And so I hope you guys are ready for me to be dragging you around Hogsmead all day tomorrow."
Good, she's getting cocky.
"Are you asking me out Alex?" Fred asks jokingly.
"No!" She squeaks.
"Well then why do you want to drag me around Hogsmead all day tomorrow, doesn't that sound like a date to you?" He asks trying to play innocent.
"Can we change the wager?" Alex asks, well more like squeaks.
"No!" George and I say in unison.
"Fine..." She says, going back to the game.
About 10 minutes later, Alex wins.
"Hah!" I jump up and squeal. "Well, I guess we'll be seeing you guys at Hogsmead tomorrow."

Then I walk off to my dorm and fall onto my bed and curl up with a book.
About 2 hours later I get up to go down to the common room because Alex never came up.
As I walk over to the door I hear a knock on the door.
I open the door to see George leaning against the door frame, smiling at me.
"Wanna make a potion?" He asks.
"Always." I answer, smiling back and following him down the stairs. When we get down stairs I almost forget about the fact that Alex isn't in our room until I notice her on a couch, cuddling with Fred.
"OMG!" I squeal. "THEIR SO CUTE!"
"Shhhhhhhh!" George scolds me, pushing me towards the portrait hole. "Be quiet, Fred has been wanting this for over two months now, let them sleep."
I nod, a goofy smile spreading across my face as we set off on our way to the room of requirement.
After making about two potions as I blast muggle music in the room of requirement, thank Merlin it's got a silencing charm around it, George starts making a potion by himself, a simple love potion.
As he mixes the ingredients I notice he's doing fine without my help so I sit back and start to sing along to the song playing:
I'll misbehave to turn you on,
No Mr. Right,
if you want Mr. Wrong.
I'll tell you lies,
if you don't like the truth.
I don't wanna be bad,
I just wanna be bad enough for you!

After the song is over George has just about finished the potion so I go over to check it and make sure it looks all right, and sure enough it does.
After a few more songs the potion is finished brewing and I go over and test it.
He puts a few drops into a glass of pumpkin juice the room magicked up and I take a sip.
I look up at him and stare into his eyes, nothing.
I give it a few moments to kick in, but again, nothing.
"Did I do it wrong?" He asks, sounding a bit disappointed.
"Nope, you did everything right." I state, putting the glass down and looking up at him again.
Weird, it's not working...

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