Chapter 5

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When the train stops, Alex and I walk out of the compartment and make our way to the door.
When we exit the train I see Hagrid lining up the first years and I wave. 
As we make our way towards the carriages it begins to rain, We run to get inside and read our books as we wait for two other students to join us since it's four to a carriage. After a few moments two students come rushing in soaked from the rain and sit across from us.
We continue to read, not caring to see who came in, they speak to themselves for a few minutes leaving us to our very comfortable silence, when they finally turn to us and introduce themselves.
I hear Alex close her book rather loudly, and decide to look up. When I do so I see the two red haired twins from Diagon alley.
"What's so wrong with reading?" I hear Alex ask, rather defensively.
"Wouldn't you rather have some fun?" The twin in the right asks.
"This is fun." I chime in, shutting my book as well.
"We could show you two a better time then those books could." The twin on the left says, a cocky smirk playing on his lips.
"We don't even know your names." I say.
"Fred" The one on the right says. "George." The one on the left says.
"Somehow I don't believe that." Alex and I say in unison.
Their eyes grew large.
"How did you know?" They say at the same time.
Alex and I turn to each other and start giggling.
"We should introduce ourselves, I'm Alice and the one on my left is Alex."
I say and motion to her.
Alex starts a conversation with Fred and so I start talking with George.
"So you guys like practical jokes, huh?" I ask, with a sly smile.
A smirk instantly appearing in his.
"How did you know?" He asks.
"I saw you both pranking your brother in Diagon alley." I say. "It was hilarious."
"Why thank you." He says cockily, running his fingers through his wet hair, pulling it back and out of his face, in sync with Fred, almost as if planned.
The water dripping down his face to his slightly exposed chest.
Hot damn...
After that the twins were fairly quiet except for a few remarks.
Once we arrived at the castle, Alex and I make our way to the great hall and towards the Griffindor table. We sat down together near the end and waited for the first years to arrive.
We sat there in silence, just waiting until Alex began to elbow me.
"Psst, Alice." She whispers, rather loudly. "Look over there."
"How did we not notice they were in Griffindor after three years!?!" I ask astonished at the turn of events. "And in the carriage?!?"
"I don't know, but they haven't realized either." She says.
And then I feel someone blow into my ear.
"What the!!!" I gasp as I practically fall out of my seat, only to be caught by the twin I assume is George.
"Thanks..." I whisper, and he let's go as I sit up straight.
"See you two later." George says, winking at us, and they saunter off towards the other end of the table.
"Mild heart attack there." Alex's says as I try to even out my breathing.
"Geez their sneaky." I say
This is gonna be one hell of a year.

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