Chapter 14

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After the song ends I think of pulling away, but I'm much to happy with the way things are right now, having his arms around me, I feel safe, and he's warm.
I could almost fall asleep right here.
We dance to silence for a while, now that the song is over, and I lean into him a bit more.
Suddenly an alarm goes off in my head.
Looks like class is over.
I look up at him slightly, with every intention of telling him we need to get to class when I see his face, the sweet smile on his face as he looks at me and and then he brushes a stray strand of hair from my face.
5 more minutes couldn't hurt.
I rush off to class, I'm 5 minutes late.
Thank Merlin the room of requirement is only just down the hall from charms!
I dash over to the door and I reach for the door knob but grab someone's hand instead, I look up to see Alex staring at me confusedly.
"Alex?!" I exclaim.
"Alice?!" She exclaims back.
"Why-are-you-late?" I ask between pants.
"Reading-in the library." She answers, trying to catch her breath. "What's-your excuse?"
"Potions." I answer, finally breathing steadily again.
"So you're late because of your class?" She asks, regaining a bit of her breath.
"Well from the sound of it you weren't even in your class." I say, getting a bit irritated that she skipped.
"I wasn't in the class, but I was still doing the work for it." She states, noticing my tone.
"Whatever, we need to get in there." I say, opening the door.
"We're sorry professor, we were running behind in our last class." Alex apologizes for us, making her way to an empty desk, me at her heels.
"Well we didn't start anything yet so you're both excused from punishment.. this time." Professor Flitwick tells us as he walks back up to the front of the room and climbs onto his stack of books.
"Thank you professor." I say, and take the seat next to Alex.

Double The Fun {George's Side} [book 1]Where stories live. Discover now