Chapter 18

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I wake up and see it's 4am.
Damn you Hallloween...!
I slowly, and regrettably sit up and look over to see that Alex, Tails(the Crup, it finally has a name) and Ferin are still sound asleep, so I lean over the end of my bed and grab my Advanced Trasfiguration textbook and flip to the section on animagi.
I read intently for a while until I reach a part that catches my eye.
'Each Animagus bears an identifying mark on their animal form that is caused by something on their human body. This may be a physical trait like dental structure, or an acquired trait such as glasses.'
So if I were to become an Animagus I would have some sort of defining mark.... I wonder what my Animagus form would be...?
I hear a small whimper come from Alex's bed and look over to see Tails trying to wake Alex up. He starts to paw at her arm, but she doesn't stir.
Then he barks at her playfully and she continues to sleep, so he sits down and begins to yowl at her. Ferin quickly turns over with a growl and pulls her pillow over her ears and Alex scrunches up her face, then sits up and just sort of stares at the little thing as its tail(s) begins to wag and he licks her hand, happy that she's now awake.
"Argh!" Ferin whines, obviously wide awake now.
"At least you got to sleep longer than me." I sate, going back to my book.
"How long have you been awake?"
Alex asks as she goes over to feed Tails.
I look at the clock and see it's 6am.
"About two hours." I answer, I hear Ferin groan just at the thought, neither of us are morning people.
"That sucks." Alex says.
"Yeah." I say not really listening, but reading:
'It takes skill, practice, and patience for wizards and witches to become Animagi. The process of becoming an Animagus is long and arduous, and has the potential to backfire and cause the transformation to go horribly wrong.'
After another hour and a half I get up to have a shower and get ready.
"Im gonna have a shower then go down to breakfast." I tell the girls as I walk towards the bathroom with my uniform in hand.
"Well, wait for us in the common room and we can go together." Ferin says as she looks up from her homework.
I walk into the bathroom and have a quick shower then go down to the common room to wait for them.
After they come down, Ferin, Alex and I go to the great hall to meet Triss for breakfast.
We walk over to our usual seats and see that Triss is already there waiting for us.
"Hey Triss!" I chirp as I sit down next to him.
"Hey Alice!" He chirps back.
The rest of breakfast went by with me and Triss joking around, Alex feeding Tails, and Ferin doing her homework until Fred and George come racing into the great hall with vials of some potions, yelling.
"We got it, we got it!" They yell in unison as they rush up to the goblet.
"That must be the aging potion Fred was going in about." Alex mumbles to me.
"Aye sir." I mumble back as I eat a ripped off piece of chocolate chip muffin.
The twins each down a vial of potion then jump into the circle around the goblet, and grow their pieces of parchment into the goblet.
Triss's jaw drops.
"Wait for it." I say, as the twins begin to jump and dance around the circle triumphantly, when the fire in the goblet goes berserk and two pieces of parchment shot out at the twins.
I look at the twins more closely and notice that they are growing beards.
"I told them so." I say, in an all knowing tone.
I walk into Muggle Studies and sit down next to Draco.
"Hi." He says as he notices me.
"Hey." I say back, pulling out my textbook. "So... Talk to Hermione about Pixel yet?"
"Almost." He says glumly.
"What happened?" I ask.
"Weasel decided to get in the way thinking I was trying to pick on her." He answers staring to get angry at the thought.
"He can be a bit over protective of her." I say. "Try talking to her during lunch, she's usually alone in the library."
"Good idea, thanks." He says, a small smile spreading onto his face.
After a boring and and somewhat factual lecture about muggle wars I head down to transfiguration for a lecture on Animagus registration.
After the short lecture we're let out early so Ferin and I make our way to the great hall for the Halloween feast.
We sit at our usual seats, Ferin across from me.
We wait for another 10 minutes when Alex and Triss come and sit down with us.
"I wonder who the Hogwarts champion is gonna be." I say as Triss sits down next to me.
"I hope Cedric is." He says, a lovesick look on his face.
"Awe, does somebody have a crush on the Hufflepuff seeker?" I ask mockingly.
"Oh, shut up." He says defensively turning red.

Double The Fun {George's Side} [book 1]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant