Chapter 30~ the pleasure of the ex

Start from the beginning

" I'll walk you to his room." Matt said walking me out of my room.
This looked like a legit hospital.
" wait we are really in the HQ?" I whispered.

" yes." He grinned.
" wow."
" this is my work here."
" what about at home?"
" that's just my lab." He said stopping at a door.

" Jason McCann. There's a button in there, if you need it press it, if he needs it he knows what to do. Good luck." Matt smiled.

" thanks." I turned and opened the door quietly. It was dark in his room except a lamp in the corner and his tv on.
I slowly walked in, trying to fight the pain I had throughout my body with every step.

He was sleeping but when I walked into sight his eyes opened.
" Lauren!"

I didn't say anything at first. I was just so happy that he wasn't dead.
I walked over and kissed him without saying anything.

" I'm sorry." I whispered leaning my forehead on his.

" we need to talk about it." Jason said sitting up.
" I know." I sat in a chair next to his bed.
" no, my bed is yours, get up here." He moved over and I laid next to him.

Oh man how I've missed the feeling of his body next to mine. I practically melted once I got next to him.
" I shouldn't have freaked out on you." He said taking a deep breath.

" it my fault for telling you at a time I knew you were mad. But i should've just told you when you asked me about it the first time at my house...."
" yeah. Well, I really am sorry for lashing out on you. You know that that's not how I am. I just let it all get to my head." Jason said kissing my cheek.

" Jason what happened to you with the car?"

" well once you jumped down the cliff, I went to go after you but the car came and hit me and it threw me down the cliff also. I don't know how the hell it didn't break any bones but I only have a concussion and bruises."

" and Alex?"
" uh. He got side swiped I think. He pissed me off. There was no reason for him to come out there." Jason said tensing up.
" listen it already happened so just let it all go." I said calmingly.

" alright."
" I thought you were dead." I slapped his arm playfully.

" sorry to disappoint but I'm alive and breathing." He said oddly, but funny.
We sat in silence for a second just cuddled into each other.

" Jason?"
" yeah princess?"
" when can we get out of here?" I asked with my voice cracking.
" if you go get Matt we can talk to him." He said.
"Just press your button."
I said pressing his button for him In seconds Matt came running in.

" what's wron- what Jason?" He stopped mid sentence.
" um since we are both like fine, when can we leave?" Jason asked.

" I want to keep you guys here for at least two more days to keep An eye on you all." Matt said checking Jason's iv.

" come on Matt. We are obviously fine." I said sitting up.
" don't make me change my mind and say a week." Matt said.

" this is soo stupid." Jason said closing his eyes and breathing.
" it's fine, two nights won't kill us." I said leaning on his shoulder.

" if neither of you two get hurt or have any... Symptoms from anything I'll let you leave tomorrow night." Matt said leaving the room.

" im hungry." Jason said while Matt left.
" I'll send a nurse in." Matt said closing the door.

" so, since we are at a place where people around. Is there anything else I should know about redhawk or nick or anyone?"
I shook my head no.

" you promise?"
" I promise. Trust me, I would tell you, i don't need to see that side of you again." I said biting my lip.

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