Chapter seventy-eight

Start from the beginning

Why the fuck is Robin calling me now? I thought he's off my dick for good. He should know by now that I won't be letting Liv go. Just 'cause he's a decent enemy to everyone; doesn't mean shit. Hasn't he at last get the fucking hint that I've no longer got fucks to give that he's an a lister in catching gangs with evidence. Fuck this fucking shit.


"Get the fuck away Robin or this will get ugly. She's mine willingly!" I furiously yell. "You're pushing it with the fact that you raised your fucking hand against her. I'll let it slip this time 'cause of her sake. Now leave before I'll make you eat those words and kill you. She told you where she wants to be." I was seeing red, I wanted to get my hands on him and strangle him for daring to touch her.

"You fucking scumbag will pay for this! You have no fucking right to tell me what I should do or say to my own flesh! Listen good, asshole, she is my daughter. Mine! She's not here for your amusement, I hadn't had my child to land with a hell bound criminal!! I will tell her everything!" he spat with a maniac stare aimed at me.

"We both know if you do, it will only be for my benefit." I cockily sneer at him. He's reaching far if he thinks I believe him, if he was about to say something he would have done it by now. He doesn't because Liv would be on the end to receive the backlash of the outcome.

"You're afraid she'll hate you! You would have told her by now if you weren't!" he shouted using my thoughts against me, plucking a chord deep down me with that sentence, "You're so predictable! You selfish bastard, you think she would still want you if she knew!?" he dared to go there. I couldn't think straight, the thought of him taking her away from me after he could reveal what he had against me, she already hates me because I forced her to meet her dad, makes me lose it and not even Liv's fingers that are brushing tenderly against my arm unconsciously could calm me down now.

"Shut the fuck up!!" I roared, shooting my hands forward and yank him by his collar so we're face to face.

There's challenge in our eyes, and postures, by his glowering face, that look of devotion and hatred, I know very well what it means...he's up for the killing and I'm up for messing with his head.

"If I lose her..I'll have a nice reminder," I whispered to get in his head, I was rampant, my words flow cunningly, not thinking clearly,"Your little girl is quite good at begging.. begging for me to fuck her harder that is. I made sure she got fucked so hard her knees buckled after; just as she wanted it." I spit quietly, saying the words slowly so they etch in his dickhead and they do their purpose. His anger tipped at this because he noticed my honest tone.

"Don't you dare talk about my daughter like that again!" his face looked disgusted, clearly in denial, the delusional fucker, and we both get in each others throat then fight as Liv's soft voice pleads for us to stop...


Once Liv was out of sight the real fucking issues were talked through, if you can call yelling and threatening each other 'talking.'


I blink rapidly. Fucking hell.

The flashback of our last meet up; it hadn't end up in good terms. Fuck, no. Not bad terms but in a vow for vengeance. It was dreadful, nagging on my conscience for a long fucking time, especially because if Liv knew I said that spitefully to her father she'd hate my guts. Not only that, there's more stuff that I hope she won't ever find out. It's no secret that he fucking hates me and if it were by his rules he'd kill me off the second he would have the opportunity. But he isn't used to not get his reward he probably shows off in his picture perfect ass house after getting the villain. He's not used to have to deal with an egocentric motherfucker that always gets it his way, who also happens to want his little daughter more than anything else.

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