Chapter five

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I spent my free Friday going out shopping with some friends, playing tennis and now I was drinking wine in my bathtub. I tried not to think about tomorrow, to relax in the warm bubbly water. I groaned because I should have just told Ben no, but no being the nice person I am I quickly agreed. I should quit altogether but I wanted to save some money and I liked the cafe. It's not that I was that scared but those people don't have a touch of humanity in them, therefore I should be scared but I'm not.


I took a shower after I woke up late, then started to get ready, mentally going through the self-defense moves because today I would see them. Putting on some skinny jeans, a black hoodie, light make up, combing my hair I finished.

Around four I went to work calm and not scared.


It was now around half past nine. Only some costumers were left silently reading now, there wasn't much to do. It has been a busy day indeed but that's a daily thing here. So Ben was kind enough to let me read a book. I love books, it's like an escape from your own thoughts but at the same time you're lost in other characters minds.

The shiver on my skin made me still because I felt someone watch me. When I looked up, there really was, my eyes went a little wide. Zayn's looking at me, slowly letting his eyes trail everywhere from my face to my body. I put the book on the counter,and stood up flustered.

He had worn a tight black t-shirt hugging his skinny and muscle filled body, revealing his sleeve tattoos, his hair as ever pushed up, facial hair suiting him, his expression grim and blank. Standing tall he pulled out a cigarette, cupping his hands around it lighting it while never looking away from my eyes. He inhaled and then puffed some smokes out. There was no denying of how good looking he is and he knew that that's why he is so confident and sure with himself.

"It's rude to stare and more rude not to attend your costumer." he says with his velvet voice in his lazy accent.

"What would you like?" I ask calm and firm, even though I was shaking lightly but not from fear.

When I looked around the cafe I saw at least eight men sitting and talking loudly, then I looked back at Zayn's glare.

"A lot of things. Let's start with attending me and then you be thankful that I didn't let your cute bum get beat up or worse r.aped that night." his voice surprisingly turned soft. "Maybe you should think of a way to thank me." he pushed his tongue against his cheek and then made a gesture with his hand near his mouth. My cheeks flushed at his shameless actions. What's with him and always trying to make crude gestures. He chuckled at my red cheeks, his nose scrunched and eyes wrinkled. He looked cute. A gang member appears cute to me, I probably need some water or a chocolate since I'm seeing things that aren't there, my blood pressure must be low.

"I want a coffee and light beers for them. Something to eat too." his eyes trailing to my lips when he said that...

"What should I make?" I ask quietly. Why was he looking at me like that? He blinked quickly, getting back to now when he heard my voice.

"Do I have to fucking tell you everything?" he scoffed, scurrying away. I rolled my eyes at his nonsense behavior, turning around to the coffee machine to make some coffee, took the beers, placing on a tray to balance them on my hand, before I went to them.

Looking down I served them and received cat calls. Thankfully not one of them touched me, even if they said a lot of unspeakable things while I walked away, commenting my body.

I heated four pizza's since the cook has long left, then went to serve again, two rounds to the table where his men were, and then another round pizza's. I decided to not go at Zayn's table first since they occupied three tables, because I just felt weird and maybe uneasy.

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