That one day, in that one coffee shop. (CHAPTER 2)

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"And a 5-6-7-8!" My instructor, Mrs. Patson, ordered as she cross over the room, scanning us with her beady eyes. My breath was shallow and I could feel my toes, under my pointe shoes, ache with each leap and turn. "Peters! Soft hands and hold them." Mrs. Patson barked to me before she continued, "7 and 8." How I hated that women.

Once the 2-hour rehearsal for the upcoming Swan Princess show was over the changing room was crowded. Kat and I were just taking out our hair when the 'Queen', as she is infamously known as, came over and purposely kicked over Kat's dance bag, sending bobby pins all over the floor. I felt my blood boil, "Watch it, Ellie." I yelled, looking up at her from the floor and then proceeding to stand up. 

"Excuse me, Ms. Peters, but I do believe that I have just as much right being over here as you do." Ellie said with a snotty look and high-pitched voice. 

I crossed my arms over my chest and gave her an 'oh no you didn't' look. My specialty. "Why don't you change your attitude and get lost, El." 

She looked me up and down, not batting an eyelash, "The only thing I would change is your eating habits. Do you really think any guy can lift a sack of potatoes?!"  By this time, almost everybody in the dressing room as turned their eyes and waiting for a cat fight. Which was not anything I was gonna give them. Not wanting to start anything bigger I just turned on my heels with tears in my eyes and grabbed Kat's arm and hightailed it out of the room. 

After a 30 seconds of silence Kat spoke up, "You know, it wasn't that big of a deal. And you are not a sack of potatoes"

"Oh please," I said, getting in one of my rant moods and forbidding any tears to leave my dull brown eyes, "El just thinks shes the best and shes higher then everybody else. She thinks she can get away with anything. Even if its the tiniest thing!" I saw Kat's eyes give me one of those innocent puppy dog looks and I shut myself up. "You know what? Let's forget about it and go on our coffee date, okay?" Katrina looked relived and agreed then she went off about what kind we should get and how when she went to France and got a doughnut there and how much she cant wait to go back. The only thing that was going through mine was how many calories they were. 

It didn't take long to walk to Big Bean's but even at the studio we could hear constant screaming and as we approached the shop, it only got louder. "Oh gosh.' we said in unison as we turned the corner and saw a huge mod outside the door of the shop. "Umm.. okay?" I said, turning to Kat. She shrugged and we pushed our way to the front of the shop.  

A girl with long blonde hair patted me on the shoulder when we finally got to the entrance, which was locked. "Only people with the band can get in!" After having her repeat it about 5 times I got the just of what she was saying. Band? What band? And I honestly didn't have the strength to ask about 8 times back. My feet hurt and I was honestly really hungry (but I wasn't, well I wanted to ea- its's complicated.) Point of the fact was, I wasen't going to sit here with my bleeding toes and exhausted bones while a band who thinks they are better then everybody else gets to sit inside. 

I pounded on the door while Kat hung onto my bag to not get lost in the crowd of potential teen stalkers. The 5 boys that were inside would take a few looks behind their shoulders before looking at each other and continuing on. Okay, I'm not gonna lie, about 5/5 of them were extremely attractive. But still! Let me in the darn coffee shop. 

After about 1 minute of pounding on the door I was about to give up hope when the curly haired one turned around and locked his light emerald eyes with mine for a seconded, god yeah he was gorgeous. Suddenly he whipped his head back and called over a security guy and suddenly the guy started walking towards me. Well crap, he probably wanted this ugly piece of crap out of the eye sight of the high and famous curly haired boy. 

"Quick!" The security guard said quietly to me as he opened the door.

"What?" I said, giving him a confused look.

"Get inside!" He said louder. 

"Oh!" I grabbed Kat's arm and swung her inside with me. The door was shut quickly afterwords and Kat looked over at me and me at her with confused looks. "Okay then." I said, quickly fixing my hair and regaining my balance. Kat whispered over to me, "Ari. They are staring..." I glanced over and sure enough they were looking at us. An adorable blonde guy was giggling quietly and I suddenly felt my face get hot. I lifted an arm, "Hi." I said awkwardly. 

"Hellooo." Two of them said unison. "Their British, oh my god, their British." I said to myself. I took a big breath.

"Well, I'm just gonna go get my friend here a doughnut."  I said awkwardly, heading over to the counter.

"And yourself a donut, Ariel." Kat reminded me under her breath. 

"Obviously." I said, acting as if I meant to. I felt my stomach rumble and put my hands on the counter. After I ordered myself a plain donut and Kat ordered a chocolate sprinkle. I just knew the guys were watching our leos and sweats, yeah this is wonderful. I felt so self-conscious under the eyes of the gorgeous British guys behind us, up until I glanced behind my shoulder just in time to hear and see the curly haired one whisper to the adorable blonde one. "I call dibs on the girl on the left. She's perfect." 

I looked over to Kat...The girl on the right. Oh my god, I'm the perfect one?! I almost turned around to call him out on a huge BS but I just stood there. "Perfect." Somehow, in that moment, I felt perfect...and it felt nice.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Jun 11, 2013 ⏰

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