Thriving For Beauty (CHAPTER 1)

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 *BEEP BEEP BEEP* My eyes fluttered open to the white ceiling above me. Just as I have feared another morning had come again. Looking over to my alarm clock I see it's 6:00 AM. I wait a few minutes before I finally find enough courage to plant my previously warm feet on the cold concrete floor of my studio apartment. After the usual minimal pampering (AKA brushing my teeth and hair) I get dressed in my dance clothes. * * 

Looking in the mirror I sigh. My hips are too wide. My thighs have only a tiny gap in between them. My stomach has a bump. My forehead is huge and my eyebrows belong in the jungle. I mentally kick myself for judging myself but it doesn't do anything.  "Just accept your a hideous beast who no one will love." I nod slightly and grab my dance bag off the kitchen counter. I glance at the fridge noticing I haven't eaten my breakfast. But I advert my eyes to the door and keep them fixed on it until I am out of the house. Eating isn't that important...

About 15 minutes later, I see my best friend, Katrina entering to the studio as I exit the cab I had taken from my house. There really is no point in having your own car when you live in the Big Apple. 

"Kat!" I say as I run up to her from the street and close the cab door behind me.

"Oh, hey Ari!" Kat says as she turns to me. Her smile decreases and I see her eyes scan up and down my body. "Um.." she closes her eyes a bit to long, seeming to look for the right words, "have you lost any weight recently, Ariel?" She looks at me, hoping I didn't take it to defense.

"Me?" I say quietly. "A bit. But just because I've been so busy." adding quickly, "No need to worry, Kitter Kat." I gave her a reassuring smile. We have been through this before. And not that long ago either. About 3 months ago Kat had to take me to the emergency because I pasted out right after our performance of The Nutcracker. After that it seems like our relationship hasn't been the same. 

Katrina gave me a quizzical look for half a seconded but quickly replaced it with a smile. It was obvious she didn't believe me. To prove it I invited her to the Big Bean coffee shop for some doughnuts and a cup of coffee about two blocks away from the NY Ballet Academy. 

Kit smiled at me, looking a bit relived, "Alright," she smiled, "I've missed hanging out with you too. We need to catch up." 

"Agreed" I said, linking our arms and walking into the studio together. 

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