Chapter 28~ 5 second rule situations

Start from the beginning

" good. I could be better. Jason and I got into it last night..." I said biting my lip.
" how bad?" She asked sitting in one of the open seats.
" I got out of his car and ran from him and almost got both of us killed by a train." I said looking down.

" omg why?" She asked curiously.
" well he didn't tell me about Tyler and I was pissed from him continuously lying to me." I said spinning in Jason's chair.

" oh yeah. How's he doing?" She asked.
" you knew!?" I stopped the chair quickly.
" I was in here when they brought him in here. You and Jason left early." She said quickly.

" oh. Wow..." I started spinning again.
" you know im going back to school in a day." She said sadly.
" same." I said waiting for her reaction.

" I'm not kidding." She said abruptly.
" yeah me either."
" really!" She stood up.
" yeah but only for a day. Then I'm out. I think Jason and I are going back to Miami for a while." I said smiling.

" oh that's good!" She sat back down and Jason entered.
" yeah but Jason is a total dick like I hate him so much." I said to Ana knowing Jason was in the room.

" Lauren is such a bitch like I hate her so much." He said stopping me in the chair.
" oh hey babe didn't see you there." I looked down and he has my Advil and a letter.

" what's that?"
" the meeting, where Fredo and Alex?" He asked.
" Alex is still chasing him." Ana said.
" please go get them and bring them in here." Jason said laughing.

" haha okay." She got up and Jason looked down at me.
" that's my seat." He said while I sat comfortably slunched down.

" mine now." I smiled.
" nope nope." He said picking me up.
" I was comfy." I crossed my arms while he sat down.

" you can get comfy on my lap or another seat." He said pointing all around.
I rolled my eyes and sat on his lap and crossing my legs over his body.
" I hope you're happy." I said frowning/ smiling at him.

" with you on my lap you bet I'm happy." He said grinning and raising one eyebrow.
" just don't get too excited McCann." I said leaning my head against his.
" or what?" He whispered holding my hips and pushing me down on him
" you know-"

" ALRIGHT let's get this meeting going." Alfredo said slamming through the door, Jason and I bumped heads from being surprised by fredo.

" owww." Jason and I rubbed our head and laughed.
" oh my b. I was told to come here."
"Let's get this over with." Alex said coming in and slumping down on the couch and holding his head.

" alright so last night, while you all were getting shit faced, Lauren went to her room and took Advil, am I right?" He looked at me.
" yeah..."

" alright you took this Advil?" He put one in his hands and I shook my head yes.
" alright look on that and see if there is any Advil logo on it at all." He said giving me one.

My heart started to beat faster.
" it doesn't." I said analyzing it.
" you got this letter along with your pills." He said handing me a letter.

It was from nick.
Fuck my life.

" so... He basically drugged me again without me knowing." I said getting mad.
" yep. You said you were having hallucinations?" He asked.
" yeah."
" that's why babe." He said taking the pill from my hand and putting it back in the container.

" I don't know what they've been putting into you that makes you hallucinate but I'm going to have Matt take it to his lab." Jason said tightening the lid.

" so are we going to plan on finding nick?" Alex asked.
" sorta... We aren't going to push it because I know he has to be in hiding."
" literally all of redhawk is gone. I doubt he's going to come for her anymore." Fredo commented.

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