33: You Should Know Me By Now

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«There will be drama & unexpected smut too. This will make sense!

P.s. I think I will be doing one more chapter then an epilogue before the story is over. I'm not sure though. Bye!✌

(Pic of Briam's baby girl, Letti⬆)»


I stared at the wall in front of me blankly. I feel numb. This can't be happening right now. "It's okay, baby. We'll figure something out", Jax whispered nuzzling know my neck, but I didn't respond. That monster that Brett and I are so unfortunate to have as a father called Child Protective Services (CPS) on us with false claims that we're unfit parents. If his allegations are proven true then they'll take my babies away from me and to make matters worse, i'm pregnant again. 

He doesn't know. "I'm scared, Jax", I whispered hugging myself. "Dont be. Neither of us have anything to worry about. We are great parents and your father is just being a dick because his life is shit", he assured. I nodded numbly. "I'm pregnant", I mumbled and I felt him tense against me. "Are you sure, babe?", he asked.

I nodded, my curls bouncing on my head. "Yes", I whispered and he sighed. "It's okay, Issy. We'll figure everything out", he said trying to reassure me. "How? I'm pregnant again, school's about to start, and you already have enough stress on you as is with working and providing for out family. I don't want to make our situation worse", I responded exasperated. "What are you trying to say, Isaac?", he whispered, his body relaxing and kissed me on the cheek. "I don't know", I mumbled looking down at my still flat stomach where our fourth baby is growing.

"No, I think you do. We are not killing our baby. I thought you were against abortions?", he sneered making me whimper as his arms tightened painfully around my chest. "I-I am. Ja-ackson, you're h-hurting me", I stuttered, but his arms didn't loosen. "You thought about killing my baby", he mumbled darkly. He's scaring me. "No, I-I-" "I don't wanna hear it. I don't care if we lived in a shelter or a box as long as I have my family. My family is never a burden to me and regardless of timing I will always love and provide for my children. Do. Not. Make. Me. Hurt. You. Lahey", he said menacingly. I nodded stiffly, "I'm sorry", I whimpered.

"I love you", he mumbled and kissed me on the head. I nodded stiffly fighting to keep my sobs at bay. The baby monitor went off and he let go getting up and leaving the room without a word to me. I reached over to he nightstand and grabbed my phone before unlocking it and  dialing 5. I waited gnawing on my bottom lip getting lost in my own head. "-sac. Isaac! ISAAC!"

I jumped clutching at my chest. "H-hello?", I stuttered feeling my eyes water again. "What's wrong baby boy?", she asked sounding concerned. "Why did I have to be born?", I whispered, my voice cracking at the end. "Hon-" "He's trying to take my babies away from me, mommy. Why? Did I do something so bad growing up that he has made it his mission to ruin my life? Why does he hate me? I-I ju-please help me! Please don't let them take my babies away from me", I whimpered before a sob tore free from my mouth.

"Baby boy, shh. It's gonna be okay. No one's going to take your babies away from you. Shh, Isaac. Don't cry sweetheart", Mama Talia cooed softly through the phone. "The-they're trying t-to ta-ake the-em awa-away from u-us", I sobbed. "Noone's going to take them away from you, baby boy. I won't let them, the family won't let them, and Jackson-" "Hates me too, mommy", I whimpered. "Wha-" "I-I'm pregnant, mommy an-and I don't know w-what I was thi-inking, do-on't kn-ow what I-I w-was thinking", I stuttered, my eyes clouding over as what happened a few minutes ago replayed in my head.

"Baby, talk to me. Tell me what's going on. I can barely understand you anymore", she said gently bringing me out of my thoughts. I took a few calming deep breaths and tried explaining the jumbled up mess that was running through my mind. "Baby. I'm having another baby. I'm pregnant again a-and I just didn't want o burden him further with anything e-else. H-he thinks that I w-wanted to k-hurt our baby, mommy. He's mad, no furious at me right now. H-he looked at m-me li-like I d-disgust him. I-", the words just died down and I just couldn't find the strength in me to go on as I hiccupped trying to keep my sobs down. "Baby boy, talk to him. Talk to him my precious baby boy. I think that he's just as worried as you about everything and is trying to keep everything together. You and my grandbabies are his world and someone is threatening that. He just wants you guys to be okay and feels like he's failing you guys. Go talk to Jackson, sweetie and stop stressing. You're pregnant again and you already know that stress is not good for the baby. Go talk to him and call me back after you guys have Tue makeup sex", she advised making me blush, but I couldn't stop the giggles from leaving my mouth. "What do you know about makeup sex, mommy?", I asked sniffling.

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