3: All Hale Breaks Loose

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(This is unedited.)


I have gym with everyone. Now this can go one of two ways, good or bad and honestly it's mostly the latter. Scott, Stiles, Danny, and I are walking into the locker room when I spot Theo out the corner of my eyes flirting with some guy, Mason I think is his name. I rolled my eyes, he sure does miss me and want me back. "Hey, Isaac? Isn't Derek in this class too?", Danny asked. I smirked because he is crushing hard on D.

"Yeah, he is and there he is, with no shirt on, looking all broody like", I teased. I heard a noise behind and looked back behind me to see that Stiles had tripped but Scott caught him before he could fall. He blushed, "Uhm, thanks man. I'm gonna go change guys", he said quickly before scurrying away. "What was that all about?", Danny asked. To be so smart he can be quite oblivious and dumb. "Don't worry 'bout it. I'm gonna go get changed so i'll catch up with you guys in the gym", Scott responded before heading off.

Danny soon left to change too while I headed over to Derek to change for class too. Derek gave me the famous Hale eyebrow raise. "Wanna tell me why Jackson's friend was gawking at me?", he asked tying up him shoes. I smiled evilly, "No reason", I responded. He did not look convinced. Smart boy he is.

"So how have your classes been going so far?", I asked casually taking off my shirt and putting on the BHHS gym uniform shirt. He shrugged, "Boring. What about you?", he responded standing up straight and leaning against the lockers. I grunted in displeasure at the thought of my first two classes. He chuckled, "That bad?", he asked. I groaned undoing my pants and pulled them down. I took off my shoes before answering him.

"I have homeroom and first Theo Raeken and Jackson Whittemore plus second with Jackson too. On the bright side Sciles and Danny are in that class too so I won't have to deal with him alone", I responded. He snickered before bursting out laughing. The jerk was hunched over, hands on his knees he was laughing so hard. This earned him some weirded out looks because come on, since when does Derek 'I can kill you with a glare' Hale laughs so carefree? I rolled my eyes, "I wonder why I put up with you sometimes", I mumbled putting on my shorts, but he heard me.

He snickered standing up straight and caged me in against the locker. He leaned in close, our breaths lingering. "See babe, you put up with me because you love this Hale loving I give you and I am always going to be your rock. That's why you put up with me", he whispered before closing the distance and kissing me on the cheek, very close to my mouth. Ha, I bet you thought we were going to share some passionate kiss. Nope, he is my best friend that I share a very affectionate relationship with. I smiled blushing a little because Derek is hot and the fact that he even gave me the time of day is amazing.

Derek is amazing even if he annoys me sometimes. His lips brushed mine when he pulled back with a knowing smirk. I jumped hearing someone punch a locker. I looked around over his shoulder to see who had done it when my eyes made contact with Jackson's. He was seething with a frantic looking Danny at his side trying to calm him down. "D, give me a little room, yeah?", I asked.

Derek raised a brow and glanced back following my eyes to Jackson before smirking. "Looks like someone really likes you babe", he teased pulling me into him, practically molding our bodies together. I heard a locker slam shut then I heard Scott's voice. "Stiles? Stiles, dude where are you going? Stiles?!", he called out. Derek tensed a little before giving me a squeeze. "It's ok, D", I cooed hoping to relax him.

He nodded and I kissed him on the cheek before he squeezed me in response and let me go. When I looked over his shoulder back to Jackson, he was gone but Danny was still there looking at Derek and I with an unreadable expression on his face. I looked away and quickly put my shoes on before filing out the locker room with the rest of the guys in the class. On the other side of the gym was Stiles talking to Scott's girlfriend Allison. I looked over at Scott, who was standing a few feet away from us, questioningly. He just shrugged and made his way over to them.

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