16: When It All Started Falling Apart

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«I was writing a different chapter 16 but wattpad decided to a little shit to me again & deleted over half of what I had written & saved when I was halfway finished. Now I don't have the best freaking memory so it all has basically turned to shit. Thank you so fucking much wattpad! Anyways, here's what is now chapter 16. This will make sense! Bye!✌»


I fucked up, again. Why was I being so stupid? Everything was going so good between us then I just had to fuck everything that we had up. Now I have practically everyone that I care about or have taken a liking to after me. And the one person's attention I want the most won't give it to me. No, instead it's been weeks. A whole two, almost three freaking week since i've last spoken to Isaac.

I tried going to his house to talk to him but I wind up getting a shotgun pointed at my head by Talia before she yelled at me to get off her property. I have never been so scared in my entire life than I was in that moment. I had to check myself to see if I pissed myself when I got in my car before speeding off like I had hellhounds on my ass. Then I got the shit slapped out of me by Danny, Lydia, and Stiles plus a busted lip from Derek, a black eyes from Brett, and a bruised jaw from Theo. The twins didn't give me any physical damage but they did in collateral. My baby, my Porsche's tires were slashed, windows knocked out, and keyed.

I haven't gotten any sleep in over two weeks and it shows. I have dark bags under my eyes and I look so unkempt. I think this is karma kicking my ass for hurting Isaac and I accept it all wholeheartedly. I deserve everything that I was given over the last two almost three weeks. Now here I am sitting at lunch by myself watching Isaac laugh with his friends enjoying himself while I sit wallowing in my own misery that I created. Isaac looks so happy and carefree.

I used to be a part of that but not anymore. No-one wants me around anymore. He doesn't want me around anymore. He doesn't want anything to do with me. He told me I couldn't even be a part of Bambino's life anymore. He said that I wasn't a good example and he didn't want me around the baby.

I tried to argue that he couldn't keep me out of Bambino's life but he wasn't hearing it. He shut me down and told me stay away from him. I've noticed the little touches and touches he and Raeken or Aiden exchange with each other. He used to do those things with me but now that's over. I didn't even get to fully call him mine and now I don't think I ever will. My parents found out about Isaac and the baby and they were so disappointed in me.
No, I didn't tell them. I was so confused at first then I couldn't find the right time and then there never was a right time. So I never got around to actually telling them. I got yelled at and now I have to take the bus because they refuse to pay for the damage done to my Porsche. They also took away my allowance for 3 months along with my bank card and credit cards. Now, I have no 'friends' because i'm basically poor now and that was the only reason a lot of people hung out with me.

The only people that talk to me are the people looking for sex and I fuck them then we move on from each other. I'm practically a slutty nobody now. If I even look at Isaac and one of his friends are around I get sneered and glared at. Even Danny and Lydia have abandoned me. They're only Isaac's friends now. I lost the brother and sister I never had behind what I did.


Everyone has been giving Jackson the cold shoulder and although I am still pissed, very pissed at him I think that everyone's going overboard. I mean yeah, he made a mistake but we all do. The guy is clearly suffering in school and out of it. He looks like he's going to drop dead any minute now and no-one seems to care. I hate seeing him like that. I know he hurt my cousin badly but is everything that he's going through necessary? I don't think so.

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