18: Healing The Hurt

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«I have news! It will finally be revealed what Jackson did to make practically everyone turn their backs on him I hope this lives up to your expectations & also I will do some explaining at the end. This will makes sense! Bye!✌

P.s. Don't forget to vote & comment your opinions on what Jackson's done!»


It all happened so fast. One minute we were all shits 'n' giggles then there were people dying all around me. 30 people died and 13 were wounded that day. 19 students, 3 teachers, 2 teacher aids, 1 janitor, and the 4 gunmen. The gunmen were either killed by the deputies of the Sheriff's department or they committed suicide. I don't know what could've possibly made them do that but I do know that I will never forget what happened that day.

I cried for Aiden. I may not of loved him romantically but I did love him. Whenever I needed someone after Jackson hurt me Aiden was there. He was arrogant, and could be a jerk but he was also sweet, dependable, and passionate. Now he's gone.

Malia's gone too. I cried for her too. Malia was a sweet girl. Now she's gone too, just like Aiden. She died saving Allison and now Allicat isn't our Allicat anymore. She's so quiet and fragile now.

I think that we all are fragile now. Instead of us all grieving together and giving strength to one another we all just broke apart. The school's close for now until further notice and some parents want the school demolished. I think that they're stupid in wanting that. Tragedy may have happened at BHHS but so did many great memories. By tearing down the school you're tearing down the last place that the deceased was full of life, where they spent their final hours.

No, it should be held as a reminder of those that we have lost. We should honor those that lost their lives that day. At least that's what I think. I have more nightmares now. I dream about my dad, Jackson, and the school shooting. I barely get any sleep, two or three hours at the most.

"Baby boy?" I looked up from my journal to see Mama Talia leaned up against the door frame watching me. I hummed and went back to writing in my journal. My therapist told me that getting my feelings out creatively will help me so I went bought me a journal and once a week I pick an entry and let her read it. Then we discuss it and go from there. "How are feeling?", she asked walking over to atand by my bed. "One day at a time, left foot, right. That's how i'm feeling", I whispered signing my entry before closing my journal and recapping my pen.

She hummed before sitting down beside me criss-cross apple sauce style like me. "How are my grandbabies treating you?", she asked carding her fingers through my curls. I hummed in appreciation and if I were a dog my tail would be wagging vigorously with my tongue hanging out of my mouth. "They're power tapping on my bladder at odd times and move around a lot but they're good", I responded rubbing my swollen six months pregnant belly. She ruffled my hair before resting her hand on my bump, "You guys better behave before grandma comes in there", she cooed and a series of kicks happened like they were showing their displeasure at her words.

She grinned victoriously, "Don't mess with Grandma Talia, pups", she said sternly before gently patting my stomach. I giggled rubbing my stomach to calm my babies down. They get so rowdy when they hear their grandparents', aunts', and uncles' voices. "C'mon, dinner's ready and there's someone here to see you four baby boy", Mama Talia announced getting off the bed and holding out her hand to me. I climbed over to the edge of the bed and took her hand using it to center myself as I stood up. We slowly walked down the stairs with her in lead and three minutes later we were downstairs walking towards the dining room for dinner.

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