24: Talks With Mom Makes Things Better

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«At first, this was an entirely different chapter but I decided to change it up after reading the previous one. The first one left me drawing blanks so I came up with another idea, but it would be pointless because it will be used for a later time. So this chapter is solely focused on Stiles. This is also a filler so it will not be nearly as long as the other chapters. Bye!✌»


Being pregnant sucks so much sometimes. I groaned reaching over and grabbing a few tissues to wipe my mouth. I had just thrown up my breakfast and now I feel so drained. I groaned again as another wave of nausea hit me, but luckily for me I only dry heaved. Once I was finished I got up flushing the toilet and grabbed the mouthwash. I uncapped it taking a topful and rinsed out my mouth before spitting it out.

I looked up at myself in the mirror scrutinizing myself. I couldn't help it. Every since Derek my self-esteem plummeted to the depths of hell. My eyes are too big. My mouth is too wide. My nose is stupid. Why is it so pointy and upturned like that? I'm too slim and-

"Stiles?" I looked away from my reflection to the doorway and saw my mom leaned up against the frame with her arms crossed over her chest. "Hi, mom", I breathed looking away from her back to my reflection. "Hi, honey", she responded warmly. You're ugly, no wonder he tossed you aside like trash. My mom had walked up behind me and silently stood there. "Oh, honey. Come downstairs and have tea with me and that's an order mister", she said before kissing me on the cheek and leaving me alone with my insecurities.

I closed my eyes and leaned against the sink with my forehead resting against the mirror. When I opened my eyes I noticed the tears rolling down my face. "You're fucking pathetic", I sneered at my reflection. I stood up straight and angrily wiped my face. I stared at my reflection feeling beyond frustrated with myself before shaking my head and leaving the bathroom, turning off the lights as I left. I made my way downstairs, not caring about my lack of presentableness.

I had on a pair of old gray sweatpants and an old ratty sweatshirt that hung off one of my shoulders with some fuzzy hot pink socks. When I walked into the kitchen my mom's back was to me as she poured two cups of tea. "You're right on time. Sit down, honey. We need to have a long overdue talk", she said sitting the kettle down on the isle. I quietly sat at the table and she placed a steamy cup of tea in front of me before sitting across from me with her own. She smiled and took a sip of her tea. "So tell mommy all about it", she said and I did.

She looked troubled by what I had told her. She took a sip of tea before slamming down her now empty cup on the table. "Mom?", I mumbled. She looked up at me and sighed. "Sorry, sweetie. I'm just pretty riled up that that boy hurt my baby like that", she said apologetically before blowing out a breath. "That boy is a capital ass", she deadpanned making me giggle.

She smiled, "There's my happy giggling baby boy that I remember", she cooed making me pout. "I'm not a baby anymore, mom", I whined. She chuckled, "No, but you're my baby girl", she said. I sighed, "Why wasn't I good enough for him?", I whispered. She sighed and reached across the table taking my hand in her's, giving it a squeeze. "He wasn't good enough for you. You are an amazing person and if he couldn't see what he had then the asshole obviously need lasic eye surgery. With a Jetti lightsaber", she said making me laugh when she made a Robot Chicken reference.

"He should. If I knew that you were on board I would suggest we go find the little punk and blow him a new one with your dad's shotgun", she added standing up and going over to the stove refilling her tea cup. "You're crazy, mom", I laughed. She just smiled innocently with a shrug of her shoulders before she took a sip of tea. "Can we have a mother-son day?", I asked. She grinned, "Of course, sweetie. Batman, Doctor Who, or Star Wars marathon?", she responded. I hummed thoughtfully, "How about a Marvel Marathon instead?", I asked.

She squealed in excitement. "I'll start on the snacks while you grab us blankets and pillows out of the hall closet", she said giddily. See I get my dorkiness from my mom. She is the all around American Housewife but she is also an all around dork. My mom was the one who turned me on to my obsession with comics and Sci-fi. Whenever there's a new movie or comic coming out about our favourites we are usually the first to know.

I downed the rest of my tea before I went and set up the living room for our movie marathon. When I was sitting the last blanket out for us my mom came strolling in the living room carrying a tray full of snacks and balancing a case of Rootbear soda on her head. Strange woman my mother is I tell you. I took the soda off of her head while she sat the tray down on the makeshift bed I made on the floor. We watched the movies giving critic on it and snacking. I had wind up with my head in her lap rubbing my swollen belly as she ran her fingers through my hair.

'You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

I felt my eyes watering as many memories of her singing this very song to me at night when she used to tuck me into bed.

The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping
I dreamt I held you in my arms
When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken
So I hung my head, and I cried

My tears spilled down the sides of my far falling into my hair.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

I'll always love you and make you happy
If you will only say the same
But if you leave me to love another,
You'll regret it all one day

A sob tore from the depths of my very soul. Everything that I had been keeping inside. All he hurt and pain came spilling out.

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are grey
You never know, dear, how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

My mom just continued her singing and running her fingers through my hair, her voice dying down to a whisper on the last line.

Please don't take my sunshine away'

"I love you, my baby Stiles", my mom whispered before leaning down and kissing me on the forehead. I sat up and latched on to her like a baby koala to its mom. She just held me and rocked us letting me cry on her shoulder. When my sobs died down to hiccups I pulled back from our hug. "Feeling better, honey?", she asked. I nodded and laid my head back on her shoulder.

"Thank you, mommy", I whispered. "For what, honey?", she asked. "For being here with me", I whispered. It seemed that I couldn't bring myself to speak louder than that of a whisper because I was still overly emotional. "That's what a mother does, sweetheart. No matter how old you get or the situation, I will always love you my little sunshine. I will always be here for you, even when I am no longer a part of this world of the living", she said. "Thank you anyway", I whispered. This is why my mom is one of the greatest women i've ever known and she will always be the girl of my life.

«I'm back! Did you like the fluff? Until next time, bye!✌»

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