2: Scott, Stiles, & A Whole Lot Of Foolishness

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I am really enjoying writing this story. Anyway, let me know how you like this or whatever. Don't forget to vote too. Well, here's chapter 2 & this is unedited. Bye!✌


Who the hell does Lahey think he is to turn down me? I'm THE Jackson Whittemore. He should have been bowing down at my feet begging for me to let him suck me off. Ugh, whatever. I don't need him. I have plenty of options.

After he slapped that douche, Theo and got detention he stormed off. If anyone deserves to be slapped it's Theo. Even I wouldn't have cheated on Isaac if I had him and I admit that I may be a bit of a manwhore. I mean come on, Lahey has a nice ass and is sassy as fuck when he wants to be. He'd keep you on your toes and there would probably never be a dull moment with him. "You know he's going to come crawling back to me on his knees, right?", Theo whispered leaning over towards me.

It was obviously his way of telling me to back off Isaac but the words quite and surrender aren't in my vocabulary. I scoffed, "As if. You don't scare me Raeken. He obviously doe want anything to do with you. I'm pretty sure most of the school saw what happened this morning", I said with a smirk. "I have a way better shot at Lahey and I don't plan at being unsuccessful." He chuckled, "Is that so Whittemore? Well think about it this way, when I get Isaac back you can have my leftovers when i'm done. Plans dot always go according to plan Jackson", he responded with his own smirk.

We heard a scoff and looked away from glaring at each other to see Isaac standing in front of our table scowling at the both of us. "Talking about me like i'm not even here, huh?", he asked haughtily. "Let me make this clear for the both of you; Theo, I do not want anything to do with you. You broke my heart and trust and I would be a damn fool to ever get back with you. Jackson, you make me sick. I see you run around this school like you're King Tut or somebody and like people should be throwing roses on the ground for you to walk on or kiss the ground you walk on. You're a douche Whittemore. Maybe I would give you the time of day if you pulled your head out of the Narnia that's buried deep up your ass. The both of you, leave me alone and do not talk to me", he hissed at us with so much venom a rattlesnake would be jealous.

"Ha, cute babe", Theo commented. Although Isaac looks all cute and cuddly he can be menacing if he wants to be but he doesn't scare me. The look ha gave Theo as he sat down in his seat in between us could freeze the gates of hell. However, he didn't say anything. He just turned his head and looked straight ahead ignoring the both of our existence for the remainder of class. When class was over Lahey practically ran out of there making Theo chuckle as he stood up to leave. I took my time gathering my things and putting them in my backpack because seriously, i'll get there when I get there.

When I walked out of class my best friends Danny and Lydia were leaned against the lockers talking. I walked pass them, them following behind me and falling into step at either sides of me. "So, Lahey huh?", Lydia started. I narrowed my eyes at her. "Chill man. Everyone's talking about it. The Jackson Whittemore, king of the school got dissed by Isaac Lahey, the shy sometimes sassy nerd. That's good shit", Danny chimed coming to Lydia's defense. Lydia snickered slipping her hair over her shoulder.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "Whatever. I have plenty of hoes. I don't need him", I said haughtily. They burst out laughing. "Where? The sluts of he school are an everybody thing. So try again Jack", Lydia commented. "Yeah, they even tried getting with me and i'm gay, strictly dickly. Try again, baby boy", Danny said adding in his two cents. I grunted, "Let it go", I mumbled annoyed.

"Nope. That's what you shouldn't do, let that dick go into any willing body", Lydia said shutting me down. When she realized what she had said we all froze. "Lyd, you did not just say dick in a non attitudinal way?", Danny said looking at her with wide eyes. She scoffed, "Bitch please. I say what I want", she sassed before strutting ahead of us. We glanced at each other before following after her.

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