27: Bambinos and The Blues

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«Well, obviously we know what this chapter is about.⬆On the flipside, school is going well and my personal life, bleh. It's okay, I guess, well decent. Don't forget to vote and comment. This will make sense! Bye!✌

P.s. I didn't mention this last chapter, but there will be a short sequel to this. I have no actual release date for it yet but I do have it figured out.

(Pic of the triplets⬆It is hard finding pictures of triplets, 2 girls & 1 boy, especially looking how I described. For my sake, imagine they have curly hair under those caps.)»


"Jax, can you please go buy me some ice cream?", I asked laying on the puppy eyes heavy. It's three o'clock in the morning and I was having another craving. I know that it's late but my cravings are bad now. I feel like i'm suffering from withdrawal if I don't fulfil my cravings. "Jax, please? I'll do anything you want in return if you go get me some ice cream", I pleaded. "You sound so desperate", he groaned rolling over away from me onto his stomach.

"Baby, please? I'm desperate and I need it. You know how I get if I don't satisfy my cravings", I pleaded kissing on his back. Jackson sleeps in nothing but his boxers, if even that and I love it. I ghosted my fingers over his back as I kissed it. "Issy", he groaned making me giggle. "Hmm?", I hummed. "Stop", he mumbled.

"Let me hear that sexy morning voice of yours, daddy", I cooed making him groan. I trailed my hands down to his butt and gave it a firm squeeze making him grunt and throw the blanket off of him. I sat up in bed and stared up at him innocently. "Are you going to get me ice cream?", I asked hopefully. He gave me a half-assed glare because he was still half asleep. "What if I crash and die because my cranky boyfriend wouldn't let me sleep for wanting ice cream?", he grumbled.

"Then you can watch over us from heaven and be our guardian angel", I responded. He grumbled some cuss as he stumbled over to the dresser and pulled out a pair of sweatpants before opening another grabbing a shirt. "What damn flavor do you want?", he asked snarkily. I just smiled because I will get him back later for that. "Mint chocolate chip", I replied happily before laying down and snuggling under the blanket. He grunted and came back over to the bed and kissed my forehead before grabbing his keys and phone off the nightstand then leaving.

I snuggled down more into our bed ignoring the slight discomfort I felt. I had drifted back off to sleep but that didn't last long. I was woken up by a sharp pain in my stomach. I groaned rubbing my swollen belly trying to ease the pain. "Bambinos, please stop hurting mommy. It's time to sleep and i'm tired. Please go back to sleep for me babies?", I whispered rubbing my stomach. When it passed I was able to fall back asleep.

Jackson wasn't back yet so I figured that he'd wake me up when he got back. Again I woke up from pain in my stomach, but now it was so much worse. It passed like the last one and I again fell asleep. I must've slept threw some of the pain because next thing I know I wake up screaming, clutching my stomach. "Oh, God! Ah, it hurts! Jax! Jackson, please help! It hurts!", I screamed. He never came and the pain became worse as the minutes passed.

I whimpered in pain, tears cascading down my face. "Jax", I whimpered. It was so much pressure at the bottom of my stomach. I took a deep breath, "Jax!", I screamed choking on a sob. I rolled onto my side and curled up clutching my stomach sobbing. The doorbell burst open and Jax came rushing over to me.
"Baby, what's wrong?", he asked panicked. "St-stomach", I sobbed. Next thing I knew I was in his arms clinging to him while he carried me to the car. All I could think about was my babies. I felt something trickle down my legs and I became hysterical. Jax drove that Range Rover like a damn Ferrari and we got there in no time but it felt like a lifetime dealing with the pains in my stomach.

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