32: You Should've Known Better

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«This chapter is mainly about Dethan with a little Briam since they haven't been getting a lot of couple time. Jydia (JordanXLydia) are more of a private couple and their relationship is going great for them. Moreover, this chapter will tell what happened with Scallison last chapter. This will make sense. Vote/ comment, yeah? Bye!✌

(Pic ⬆ of Ethan's apartment layout is, Elijah, & Danny boy) »


It's been hard. I'm a single parent with no-one to really fall back on for support. I feel even more alone now than I have ever felt in my entire life. I miss Aiden so much right now. He'd know how to help me if he were still here. He always did.

I picked up Elijah from his crib, cradling him in my arms and made my way out of our shared room to the kitchen. "Look at you. You're so adorable, baby boy. You a lot like your daddy", I cooed sadly. Danny hurt me. He hurt me a lot but I still love him the same. Danny was my first time, love, and the father of my first child. It just sucks that I didn't mean the same thing to him that he means to me.

I kissed Eli on his head making him squeak in glee. "It's time for you to eat, Eli. Your tummy is gonna get nicely filled up and it will be all smiley and happy instead of grumpy and mean", I cooed and blew a raspberry on his onesie covered belly. He giggled, his big brown eyes lighting up in glee. That right there made life easier for me. I walked over to he refrigerator in my small kitchen opening it before grabbing one of his preprepared bottles of breast milk and sticking it in the microwave about the oven to warm up. I played with Eli until his bottle was ready and took it out, testing to see if it was too hot before walking over to the couch in the living room area.

I was about to sit down and feed him when there was knocking at the door. I looked down at Eli who was already looking up at me with one of his little browser raised. I chuckled and kissed his head as I made my way to the door. I checked the peephole and frowned before cracking the door open wide enough for me to be seen but not Elijah. "What are you doing here?", I asked my baby's father. "I came to pick you guys up", he responded casually.

I rolled my eyes, "We're fine, Daniel. We'll manage just fine without your help like we've been doing", I said, voice monotone. Elijah made a noise alerting his father and his boy toy of his presence. Yes, this douche brought one of his Fuck buddies to my house and I am seriously considering strangling the life out of him. I sighed, "You interrupted his feeding time. So scram, Daniel", I said haughtily. He glared at me, hating the fact hat I call him Daniel now just to spite him. "I want to see my son", he demanded making me chuckle humorlessly.

"You'll see him when you're not whoring around. I will not allow you around Elijah while you're rotating your bed warmers. My some will not grow up thinking that this stuff is acceptable", I sneered. "Bed warmer? I don-" "I don't care what you have to say because you are just like everyone else that he sleeps with. You're the first, but you will be the last that he brings to my house and around my son. Goodbye, Daniel", I hissed and slammed the door shut startling Elijah who squealed in fright. I smiled apologetically to my baby boy who was frowning up at me. "I'm sorry, Eli. Mommy shouldn't have done that", I apologized walking over to the couch ignoring the yells coming from outside my front door. I grabbed his bottle off of the table and held him cradled in my left arm before rubbing his bottom lip the nipple.

He opened his mouth and latched onto the nipple and I relaxed into the couch breathing a sigh of relief. Then my front door banged open startling the both of us. I tried doing damage control for my son, but his bottom lip trembled and he unlatched from the nipple letting out wails of distress. "Ethan!" "Shh, shh. It's okay, baby. Your daddy is just a stupid head scaring you like that. Shh, Elijah. Relax baby and drink your bottle, shh", I cooed trying to calm my distressed baby boy. Danny came storming into the living room are, the front door being slammed shut behind him.

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