26: Don't Ask, Dont Tell & If You Did... You Might Be Fucked

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«Long title, but I like it so... Whoop, chapter 26! I honestly didn't think this would even get pass 22 chapters, but thankfully my imagination is always running rampant. So now I have no idea how long this will actually be, but I can definitely say this will be ending in maybe 8 more chapters at most/least, not sure exactly. That's just an estimate but I could decide to just take it further. *shrugs* Anyways, this will make sense & don't forget to vote/ comment, yeah? Yeah, alright. Bye!✌

(Pic of the Hale- Argent twins, Christian & Daniel)»


"Love, could you please grab Dani for me? Christian doesn't seem to want to let go of my nipple and to think that he's the oldest", I asked my husband. He chuckled and kissed the top of our greedy eldest baby boy before carefully picking up our youngest baby boy, Daniel. "Chris, let go of papa's nipple. If you keep drinking then there won't be any for your brother", I cooed at my son who stared up at me with his dull blue eyes that he inherited from Chris. He made a gurgling noise like he was detesting the idea of letting go before continuing to drink from me. I rolled my eyes, "I see that you've inherited more than your eyes from your father", I drawled. Chris scoffed from beside me where he was feeding Daniel from a bottle of some of the milk I had pumped earlier in the day.

"Yeah, his good looks", he commented making me give him an unimpressed look. "You know, usually i'm the narcissistic one", I drawled and he winked before cooing at Daniel who let out a little snort. I chuckled, "Even a one month old baby knows that you're full of it", I teased and he rolled his eyes. "Yeah, well now we know who Daniel takes after. Say, I take after you mommy", he cooed making me scowl at him. Chris knows I hate to be called 'mommy', although I am technically the twins' mother just like he is Allison's. It makes me feel even more like a woman than I already am.

I already have freaking ovaries, can get pregnant, carry a baby to full term then deliver it naturally, and produce my own breast milk. Now if that doesn't make me practically a woman than I don't know what does. I have a freaking penis. I am a man to the outside world, but a woman to the medical and I hate it. There are millions of males like myself, my husband included but I still feel like a freak of nature. You're supposed to be only one of two things; a boy or a girl.

Anything else is abnormal. I know that there's a third gender, the unisex, but I was raised a boy. I am a man. If it had not of been for those bad prenatal pills and pregnancy symptoms suppressants then millions of guys and myself wouldn't even be able to do this, have our own families. It really is a beautiful thing because before that gay male couples didn't have the option to create a baby purely from the love shared between themselves and their partner, but now that is possible. I don't hate that I can have children, I just hate that it makes me feel like I lack masculinity.

When I didn't respond and chose to caress Christian's cheek instead Chris sighed. "Baby, you know that I was just teasing you", Chris said. I shrugged and began gently rocking our eldest twin baby boy. "Pete?", he said. "Yes?", I responded sighing in relief when Christian finally let my nipple go. "I didn't mean to upset you, Peter. I was just kidding and I forgot. I'm sorry baby", he apologized and I just hummed in response positioning Christian into the burping position.

"Dad, have you seen my black pencil skirt with he split in the middle?", Alli's voice called from the top of the stairs. "In the damn trashcan where it belongs", I heard Chris grumble. I gave him a bored stare before refocusing my attention on burping my son. "Sorry, hon, but your daddy apparently threw it away but wear the ripped faded blue jeans with your nude flats instead", I suggested. "Daddy!", she whined and Chris smiled sheepishly as he tickled Daniel's feet making him squeak in laughter. "Thanks, dad!", she called.

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