9: Proud Mary Be Damned

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«I was going to have what is now chapter 10 be 9 but I decided that Jackson needed a voice in the baby bombshell. So wallah! Don't forget to vote/ *excuse me* *throws a bucket of water on Jackson*

Jackson: *wakes up with a gasp* what the-what is your problem!?

Back to what I was saying. Don't forget to vote/comment! Hey, this makes sense. Bye!✌

Jackson: You could've killed me!

Me: I wouldn't let you die... ψ(`∇´)ψOr would I? Mwhahaha!

Jackson: *stares*(´・_・') you're weird»


I haven't seen Lahey in days. A baby. He's pregnant with my baby. I groaned, "How could I have been so stupid?", I mumbled. "Because you're you", Lydia said sitting next to me on the bench outside on the patio. "It's ok, Jackson. It happens", Allison assured trying to make me feel better.

It didn't work. If anything I felt worse because after all of this time I finally got someone pregnant and worst of all I don't even really remember the night we shared. When the kid grows up and asks how they were made our story is going to be one of the worst. It's gonna be like 'Oh well, we got drunk at one of my parties and grinded all on each other until we were practically having sex on the dance floor before going upstairs to my room and having drunken sex. Yeah, good times kid.' I groaned again scrubbing my face with my hand. "Oh, will you shut up with all of your groaning? For all you know, you might not even be a dad", Danny bitched. I rolled my eyes, "And why am I still friends with you, Daniel and what exactly are you implying?", I asked. He smiled sarcastically, "The feelings mutual, Jackson. You don't know if the baby's actually yours, idiot. He could just be trying to pin it on you for money, attention, or something. For all we know, the little nobody could be lying about even being pregnant", he spat. He really hates Isaac now.

In the blink of an eye Danny had a red hand print on his cheek with a fuming Allison standing in front of his across the table with her hands clenched into fists. "That's my cousin you're talking about, Danny. Say one more negative thing about him or anyone I care about and I will kick your ass myself. Isaac will never lie about something like this. He told me everything and do you know how scared he was? He was freaking terrified but he told me. You, you're just a attention whore that's bitter because he's not the center of attention or is getting attention from the person they want it most from. You need to grow up", she spat before storming off. I seen McCall come out of the cafeteria and follow after her like a puppy.

"What a bitc-" "Don't you finish that sentence", Lydia warned pointing her nail filer at him threatebingly. "What!? She was being a bit-", he shut up and gulped when Lydia put the filer against his Adam's Apple digging it in a little. "I thought I told you not to finish that sentence Danny boy? See, i've just been sitting back letting you get away with your bratty behavior, but enough is enough. I should've stopped you the moment you started bad mouthing Stiles because he's dating Derek instead of Derek's dating you. So you thrive on bitch, or do you drown your sorrows in haterade? Allison had every right to react the way she did. Jackson has every right to kick your ass for the way that you insulted his man and their baby. Why we're still friends with you, I don't know anymore because the Danny we became friends with was fun, witty, and had a heart. You, you bitter impostor can miss all of us with your bullshit. Now, get up and walk away and don't come back until you're ready to correct your wrongs", she said casually, all while digging the filer deeper into his neck before abruptly pulling away and began filing her nails again.

Danny sputtered before getting up and walking away fuming. I didn't feel he least bit bad for him. Lydia was right, as usual, an- hold on. "Lahey is not my man, Lydia", I hissed. She gave me a bored look before putting her filer in her purse. "Out of everything I said, that little detail is what stood out the most? Unbelievable", was her brilliant response.

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