30: No Goodbyes, But Goodbye

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«Well, this chapter is all about Derek's 'disappearance' and how everyone reacted to it. Howeverrr, I will not reveal how or where he went until the sequel. This will make sense! Don't forget to vote/comment. Yadda, yadda, yadda, bye!✌

(Pic of baby Nathan (Sterek) & Elijah (Dethan) Yeah, Nathan's pic is of an older baby/ toddler, but that is generally what he looks like though. As for Elijah, his pic is months older as a baby, but the babeh looks like Dethan to meh!»


He's gone. My best friend and brother is gone. He just up and left without a trace. I don't know where he went or if he's even okay. I am so mad at him, yet so hurt. Why did he leave?

I feel like he lied to me. He did lie to me. He promised, no swore that he'd never leave me. But where are you now Derek? Gone, leaving me here in your wake on my own. I have been crying for over four hours now because of it.

All he left was a lowsey fucking letter. He didn't say where he was going. He had just told me goodbye. I almost tore up the letter because I had gotten so angry at him. He never said when it even if he would be back. I hate, but love him so much and he just abandoned me.

(<<flashback: The letter<<)

I had just gotten home from taking the kids to the park. It was such a tiring experience, but I would never take it back. Jax, who was carrying Kaidence, had gone to get the mail while I took the other two triplets up to their room and put them in Aiden's crib since it was his turn in the rotation schedule we came up with. I had just laid Jaiden in the crib when Jax came in the room cradling a sleeping Kade and a letter addressed to me in his hand. "Here babe, you got some mail", Jax said handing it to me. I took it from his hand and just stared at it for a minute trying to figure out why I was receiving it.

Before I had even opened it, I knew it was Derek who sent me the letter. I knew his handwriting anywhere and since I hadn't seen or heard from him in a while I was highly curious. "I'll be in our room, baby. Come join me in a minute", I said staring at my name scrawled on the envelope in black ink. Jax hummed carefully lifting Kade out of the carrier he had her in. I quietly walked out of the nursery down the hall to our bedroom and went sat on the bed. "What is this for, D?", I mumbled opening the envelope and taking out the carefully folded letter.

My eyes skimmed over it once, twice, three times before a tear escaped my eyes and I released the breath I didn't know I had been holding.

Hi Is,

I bet you didn't expect to here from me this way. I didn't expect to send this to you. We both know i'm not very good with words so I will just get to the point. Firstly, I want you to know that I am sorry for what I did. You were right, that was not the Derek Hale that you knew and I was such a fucker (your words, not mine). I miss you, Isaac. You are my best friend, my brother and I drove you away. I hope that you can forgive me for what I did and what I am doing now. You're probably wondering what the fuck an I talking about? Well, i'm leaving, Is. I can't stay here right now and I have to do this. I'm sorry for telling you like this. I'm sorry for leaving you, but it's for the best right now. I bet the triplets will grow up and be little hellions just like their father, but sweet as pie like their mother. You tell them that I love them everyday and don't let them forget about me. I love you, Is and i'm sorry I won't be there like I promised. I will miss the hell out of you guys, don't forget your little shit of a best friend.


He is gone and I just feel hurt now. How could just leave us like that? Why didn't he talk to one of us? Is it my fault? Did I drive him away? Jax had found me on our bed crying clutching the note to my chest that day.

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