20: Taking Care Of You

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«This is last chapters continuation. This will make sense! Bye!✌ (Picture of how Jax was feeling⬆. That will always be one of my favorite childhood movies.)

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Recap (Isaac):

I didn't want Liam to get arrested or get in trouble so I tugged on Brett's arms. He looked down at me, tears spilling from his eyes looking helpless. I hiccuped, "Get Liam. I don't want him to get hurt or in trouble", I cried glancing between him and the fight. He shook his head glancing between me and the fight too, "I ca-" He tensed and closed his eyes while I gasped when we saw Liam get thrown into the DVD rack knocking it over. Then Brett was charging at Brent and swung his fist hitting him square in the face.

Behind the fight I saw my friends come running towards us with Jackson in the lead. When our eyes met he sped up and before I knew it he was tackling Brent to the floor while Lydia, Allison, and Stiles ran to my side after pushing their way through the crowd to get to me. I was shaking and I couldn't stop crying. They were firing questions at me about what happened and if I was okay but it was all falling on deaf ears. I the feeling of being winded started creeping up on me and my breaths started shortening. The babies kicking wasn't helping me any neither and I felt like everything was spinning out of control.

"Jax", I whimpered looking at the fight through my blurry tear filled eyes. I could barely tell anyone fighting apart but because of their height and clothes I could distinguish them apart. I saw Jackson get hit in the face by Brent and something red smear on his face, blood. He was hurting Jackson. He was bleeding. "Jackson", I called but he didn't hear me over everything happening.

I took a deep breath standing up to get off of the scooter ignoring the sharp pains I felt in my stomach. I swayed a little on my feet but arms wrapped around me steadying me. "Jackson!", I called louder but he still didn't hear me. I took a step and my knees buckled but I didn't fall. I felt someone trying to get me to sit back down but I couldn't. Jackson was hurt and I had to stop him.

"Jax!", I yelled clutching my stomach as another sharp pain hit me. He glanced my way this time dodging a punch before kicking Brent in the knee knocking down to his knees and punching him so hard blood flew out of his mouth on impact and he fell over onto the floor. I whimpered feeling something rolling down my thighs. "Oh God, my babies!", I exclaimed choking on a sob. "Issy!?" I hunched over as another pain hit me so hard I screamed.

"Jax!", I screamed through my sobs. Another pain far worse than I have ever felt in my entire life and my eyes rolled into the back of my head. I heard yelling and shouting but it sounded so far away. I felt someone shaking me trying to snap me out of it but I couldn't come out of it. I felt lips touch mine, my hair, my forehead, cheeks, nose, and lips again. I'd know those lips anywhere, Jackson. "Babe, wake up! Please, baby open your eyes!?", I heard his voice plead. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, I'm sorry, Jax, then I let go.

Jackson (Continuing)

He wasn't responding to me. He wasn't responding to anything. He was bleeding and I was freaking out. I can't lose him or our babies. I can't lose them. "Someone call 9-1-1!", I screamed running my shaking hands through his curls. Isaac would usually nuzzle me somewhere or let out a little content sigh, but he did nothing.

"Baby, you have to wake up", I mumbled running my fingers through his hair as I watched his face for any signs of him waking up. I was disappointed because nothing changed about his face. "Bambi, babe, Issy, I can't lose you. I can't lose our babies neither. Now you wake up and let me see those pretty blue eyes of yours", I cooed but nothing. I wiped my face with my free hand. "I can't wait for our babies to be born. I'm excited, but i'm scared. I don't want to mess up. I have a lot of mistakes and I don't want to make one by messing up our Bambinos. I bet they'll have your dimples and smile. Baby wake up, i'm scared for you guys", I mumbled before leaning down and kissing him on the forehead. Nothing. He wasn't responsive at all.

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