29: Stidaddy Needs A Doctor

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«I mentioned court last chapter but it's fine. No, i'm not a crook. I had a car accident, but moving on. Fluff and drama because Derek + Stiles + Theo= A mistake waiting to happen and bad decisions. Now onto the story! Vote or comment, yeah? Yeah, bye!✌ Don't forget, this makes since!

(I have no idea why find that picture ⬆ so funny, but it is. I'm not all there. Ignore this.)

P.s. This sucks. My bad.._.


"Baby?", I whined from the couch. I was at Theo's house because I was too far along in my pregnancy to be alone since my dad is at work and won't be home until much later. That and I just wanted to spend time with my boo. Speaking of my boo, he came walking into the living room drying his hair with a towel and a pair sweatpants that hung low on his hips showing off his v-line. I licked my lips watching a drop of water trail down his neck to his chest before he wiped it away with the towel. I pouted and he chuckled.

"Yeah, babe?", he asked. I looked up at him meeting his eyes with my own dazed and confused ones. I blinked, "Huh?", I asked dumbly making him smirk. "You called me, babe", he said. I blushed feeling like an idiot because I did but I forgot for oggling him. "You have no idea how cute you look when you blush", he commented.

"Shut up", I grumbled sitting up with a wince. "You okay, Stiles?", he asked concerned. I just nodded and have him a reassuring smile. "I'm fine. I promise. I was just wondering what was taking you so long", I said. "I was showering", he deadpanned. I rolled my eyes, "I know that now pretty boy", I sarcastically.

He gave me a bored stare. "I am not a pretty boy. That'd be Whittemore", he drawled. "And you too, Mr. Look At My Body", I teased. He scoffed, "Oh, I am totally not like that", he denied indignantly. I smirked, "Somebody's getting prissy", I teased. He pouted, "I am not", he denied with a huff making me giggle.

"You're so cute", I cooed reaching out and pinching him on the cheek. He scowled slapping my hand away making me laugh more. "Are you done?", Theo asked giving me an unimpressed look. I snickered but nodded reaching out grabbing the waistband of his sweats. I pulled him forward and reached up resting my hands on his shoulders. I pulled him down and kissed him.

"Love you", I mumbled against his lips. "Love you too", he whispered and pecked me on the lips. He crouched down and kissed my stomach, "And I love you too", he said before standing up straight. He held his hand out to me and I took it letting him pull me up to my feet. I waddled my way into the kitchen and over to the oven to check on lunch. For lunch I had made breaded boneless baked chicken breasts and pasta with garlic bread on the side.

"It's almost done. 15 more minutes", I mumbled to myself. I made my way over to the sink and washed my hands before getting out two plates and utensils for us to eat. "Do you need any help?", Theo asked walking around the counter to stand beside me. I just shook my head with a small smile. "No. I got it. Just sit down at the table and look pretty, babe", I responded waddling over to the over and taking out the garlic bread. I put two slices on each of our plates before putting a spoon and a half of pasta on our plates.

I had made enough so his family could have something to eat when they came home from school and work. Plus, I sat a container aside for my dad that I was taking for him to eat later. When the chicken was done I plated a piece for each of us then carried out plates to the table. Theo had already had us cans of Pepsi ready on the table so I sat down beside him in my seat. "This smells so good, babe", he complimented making me smile. "Thank you, now dig in", I responded cutting a piece of chicken and eating.

I moaned at the taste and another came from beside me making me blush. "Oh, babe. Fuck", Theo groaned making me feel flustered. "You're gonna get me repregnant", I mumbled and he choked before bursting out laughing. I frowned and ate some pasta while he laughed his ass off beside. "Re-re-preg-nant?", he stuttered laughing making me scowl at him. "Yes, you dick", I hissed.

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