Chapter 44

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It's 3 AM. I have school tomorrow and I'm completely exhausted, but I can't sleep. I can't stop thinking about Simon. I don't know why, but he's there, in my mind, every time I blink. I've tried everything to to get him off of my mind. I counted sheep, I finished opening the fans' gifts, I edited videos, I read a book, I listened to music, I drew pictures, I've done everything. I slowly and quietly got out of bed. I just need a drink.

*Simon's POV*

I can't sleep. I can't stop thinking about that note that Mackenzie gave me in the car. The tweet she tweeted afterward. It was all too much for me. Does she still want to be with me? Do I still want to be with her? I do want to be with her. I fucked up the first time and suffered the consequences. If we did get back together, I couldn't hurt her again. I wouldn't. I haven't had any contact with the girls I slept with whilst I was dating her. I ran my fingers through my scruffy hair for the millionth time tonight. I got out of bed and walked quietly to the door. I needed to get something to drink. When I came to the bottom of the stairs, I saw that the light was already on. I shrugged it off, thinking it was probably Vik. He had the weirdest sleeping schedule. To my surprise, Mackenzie was sitting on a stool, head in her hands, a glass of water in front of her. She sighed and took her hands away from her tired face. He saw me and slightly smiled. "Hi." She said with a small sigh. "What are you doing up?" I asked as I went yo the sink with a cup in hand. "Couldn't sleep." She said simply with a nod. A reassuring nod."And you?" She added quickly. I removed the cup from my lips and turned around to look at her. I rested my elbows on the island and sighed. "I can't stop thinking." I said. I knew she wanted to ask what about, but she was lost in her own thoughts. "Why couldn't you sleep?" I asked her. Her head snapped up and she awkwardly looked around the room. "I was thinking too." She said quietly. "About?" I asked. I wanted to open up to her, and now was the perfect time. "It doesn't matter." She said with a shrug and looked down at her glass, still filled with water. "It does. If it's causing you to lose sleep, then it does matter." I said as I took a seat a few seats away from her. I turned the chair to face her as she looked down quietly at her glass. "You can tell me." I reassured her by reaching over the empty seats and laid a hand on her knee, just like I had done in the car. He eyes darted directly to my hand, but she didn't look up at me. "You." She finally said. Me what? She was thinking about me? "You too." I said as I slowly removed my hand. She sighed and put her head down. "Why does everything have to be so damn complicated?" She asked, her voice came out muffled, but I could hear her. "It is what you make it." I said with a firm nod. My mother used to always tell me that. When I was upset about something or angry at something else. She would teach me to look at the positive side of life with those little words. "Why am I making everything so damn complicated?" She asked, looking up at me. Her eyes were expressionless. "I don't know. It's your mind." I said and pointed to her head. She sighed and looked back over to the sink the back to me. "Why were you thinking about me?" She asked suddenly. "Because of that note you have me in the car. It made me think about me, you, us. If there ever will be an 'us' again. I'm just sorry that I hurt you an cheated on you. I'm sorry that things ended the way they did. I fucked up. I want you back. I don't know if you want me too, but if you do, I'm right here. I know that you don't want to try again because you are scared to lose me. But you couldn't get rid of me if you tried." I said quickly. She got out of her seat and walked slowly and unsure to the seat right in front of me. "I don't know what to fucking do." She said with a frustrating sigh. I was silent. She looked up to me with her eyes shining. She had made her decision, I could tell. "Love is difficult. Love is like giving someone a gun and having them point it at your heart." She explained. As she explained she grabbed my hand and made a gun shape with it. She pointed to her chest and the looked back up at me, her hands still grasping mine. "And trusting them not to never pull that trigger." She said as she put her hands down. My hand still remained and I watched as her hand went back up to mine and held it. She looked back up at me with a small smile. "I'm trusting you with everything I've got right now." She said quietly. I smiled and removed my hand. "Does that mean we're back together?" I asked as I picked up her hands in mine. She looked at our intertwined hands and felt exactly what I did. Then, with out speaking. She looked up at me with a smile. She nodded. That was what I had been waiting for for so long. I got lost in her eyes. Those eyes held so many things. I kissed her. I kissed her hard and passionately. I made sure to let her know that I would never pull that trigger. Never. Once was enough to let me know that I didn't ever want to lose this girl.

YAY!!! They are back together! Whoop whoop! I did this because a lot of you wanted it. So, here it is. Have a great day! Bye!

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