Chapter 37

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     I heard my alarm going off and I groaned. I looked around me to see Zeus beside me and my door closed. Well, I guess it wasn't a dream. I really did get a reality check yesterday. I slowly got out of bed and stretched. "Do you need to go outside?" I asked Zeus as I leaned down. He just stretched with me. "C'mon. Let's go outside." I said as I opened the door and looked into the hall. Zeus was right behind me the entire way to the door to the back garden. I slid it open and felt the cold air against my bare skin and I shivered. I took a deep breath, letting the cold air fill my lungs. "Oh, there you are." I heard Simon voice behind me. I mentally sighed and turned around. "Yep, I'm here." I said with a shrug. He scratched the back of his neck. "About last night...." He started. "No, you said that if it gets brought up again, then you'll be upset, and so will I. Let's just pretend we never dated, then we will only have to pretend that we never broke up." I said as I looked back to Zeus, who was running around the perimeter of the fence and barking at bugs. "Okay then." Simon said. "Can you do me a favor while I'm at school?" I asked as Zeus ran past me and into the house. "Sure." He said with a nod. "Edit that GTA video we recorded yesterday...?" I said as more of a question that a statement. "Uh...I thought you edited that last night." He said with a smirk. "Please, I went to sleep." I said with a small smile. "Yeah, I can edit it. Now go get ready for school." He said. I nodded and ran up the stairs. That's when I remembered what was happening next week. Insomnia! We were leaving Monday morning to go to Coventry and just hanging out for an entire week, which means no school! I was going to make this week good, despite what happened yesterday. I got changed into a white and blue 'WEEZY' t-shirt and some black skinny jeans. I put some socks on before I went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and put my hair into a cute messy bun. As I was putting on mascara, Simon came in and began doing his hair. It was silent at first. "Are you about to record?" I asked as I put the mascara up. "Yeah, and then Rebekah is going to take me to the doctor with her at noon." He said, his eyes darting around nervously. I didn't need to ask who Rebekah was. I'm pretty sure that that was one of the girls that he cheated on me with. The one who was carrying his baby. "Have fun with that." I said as I adjusted my shirt. I slid my phone into my pocket and went downstairs. I sighed when I saw my bag by the front door. Simon must've brought it down. So sweet. Wait, what? No. Not again. I refuse. I shook my head, shaking those dreadful thoughts away before I made my way into the kitchen. "Wow. You're up early." I said as I walked into the kitchen. Josh was sitting in one of the stools, eating a bowl of what looked like oatmeal. "I have a breakfast date with Freya." He said with a small nod. "Then why are you eating?" I asked, pointing at the bowl in from of him. "Because, the date isn't for another two hours and I will be hungry again by then." He said. "Then why are you awake now?" I asked. He sighed. "Well, I woke up and I couldn't go back to sleep. So, here I am." He said with a shrug. "Okay.." I said as I began making a bowl of cereal, my daily breakfast. "How are you? After what happened last night, I thought you were going to kill him." He said with a small smile. "I've never been better." I said with a nod. He nodded, but I think he knew that I was lying through my teeth. Yes, it is easier than I thought to be completely normal with Simon, even after what happened, but that doesn't mean I'm not still hurting. "I'm just making sure that the week before Coventry is a good one." I said with a nod. "Oh man I forgot about Coventry! I'm so excited!" Josh said as he stood up. He washed his bowl and then turned to me. "Have a good day. Please don't beat anyone up. I'm busy today and I can't go to the school." He said with a smirk. "No promises." I said and he walked away. I heard footsteps coming towards the kitchen along with Josh's that went away. "Always cereal." Simon said as he entered the kitchen. I smiled weakly and continued eating. "Are you excited for Insomnia?" He asked. I nodded quickly. "I have a surprise." He said. "And that is...." I said, swallowing some door. "You're going to have your own booth! Right next to ours!" He said. I felt excitement flutter throughout my body. "No way!" I said in disbelief. "Yeah. Since you're not a part of the Sidemen actually, but still have a ton of subscribers and fans that want to meet you there, me and the guys organized you a booth." He said quickly. I squealed like a little girl. "I'm so excited now!" I said as I stood up and walked quickly to the sink. I put my empty bowl in it and turned back to smile. He had his back to me and was on his phone. I walked up behind him and wrapped my arms tightly around him. "Thank you." I said. He nodded in response. I don't know if he felt it like I did, but I missed us already. Maybe it will be as hard as I thought.

*Skip time to at school, in class*

I looked to my right and sighed at the empty seat. That was Karmyn's seat. I looked forwards again and tried to forget the tears that wanted to fall so bad. "Class, we have a new student. Usually we don't have new students at this time of year, but we do. I would like you all to meet Levi." The teacher said and scooted a little to the left. He revealed a very tall, lanky guy with glasses. He was honestly really cute. He looked super uncomfortable to be up there in front of everyone. Maybe he is just shy. I looked him up and down again. I noticed he was wearing a Sidemen hoodie and I smiled. "Levi, you can sit there beside Mackenzie. Mackenzie please raise your hand." The teacher said. I slowly raise my hand and Levi's eyes went directly to me, as did everyone else's. I looked at Levi only though. His eyes went wide and a smile creeped up onto his lips. "No way." He mouthed. I just smiled weakly and he walked slowly to the desk beside me. "Hey." I said as I turned to him and smiled. "Mackenzie. I-I'm such a big fan of you and the Sidemen and everybody." He said quickly. I smiled and nodded. "Well thank you for the support." I said and turned around the correct way in my desk. "I'm going to pair you up so you can work on the new project that will be due Friday. "Levi, since you're new and probably not with us in our lesson, I will pair you up with my best student, Mackenzie." The teacher said. I mentally sighed and nodded with a smile. Now, he's going to want to come to my house and drool over the guys. I looked over to him. "Where do you live?" I asked him, maybe he lived close by and it wouldn't be hard to work on the project. "Uhh...(street name.)" he said awkwardly. Man this guy really was shy. "You must've moved into Karmyn's old house. I live right down the road." I said with a nod. "Really?" He said excitedly. "Yes, but you have to promise not to give our address away, then we'll have to move probably." I said with a shrug. "I promise." He said with a reassuring smile. He's pretty cute. "You can ride home with me and we can work on the project today after school if you'd like." I offered. He smiled and nodded in response, I guess that's a yes. "What class do you have next?" I asked. He looked at his schedule and handed it to me. "We have the same schedule." I said as I handed it back to him. It's funny how things work out like that. "I guess you'll just have to be my friend then." He said as he looked back at the teacher. I giggled. Maybe. But not for sure.

*Skip time to after school*

I waited for Levi at the front doors. I finally spotted him and sighed in relief. He was wearing his gym clothes still and he looked a little funny honestly. "How was P.E.?" I asked as he walked beside me towards the car. "Painful." He said as he wiped mud off if his forehead. "Don't play football often?" I asked as I wiped my forehead that had sweat and mud on it. "Not against girls, no." He said. We had another scrimmage against the boys today. Levi was actually pretty good. "You did good in defense though." He added. "Thanks. I am black goalie." I said with a small laugh. He chuckled and then we were at the car. I opened the back door for him and climbed in the passenger seat. "New friend?" Simon asked as he started the car. "Me? A friend? Nah mate. We are partnered up for a science project and he's new here so he tolerates me." I said and looked back at a very happy Levi. He was smiling so wide. "And he's a bit of a fanboy." I said with a smile. "A fan and a fanboy are two different things." Simon said. Levi was quiet, but I knew he was internally freaking out. "Anyways. Something happened while you were at school and I think you are going to enjoy it. JJ came over too, and he's still there." Simon said. "What happened?" I asked. "It's a surprise." Simon said with a smirk. I sighed and looked back at Levi. He just shrugged and looked back at Simon. Well, I guess I'll find out when I get home.

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