Chapter 31

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*Mackenzie's POV*

     Simon and I are officially dating now. No one knows yet. Well, he did just ask me an hour ago. He uploaded the Q&A we did earlier and we were watching it together. I was sitting in his lap. Throughout the entire video, I was laughing at us. We were so stupid. If I wasn't laughing, I was smiling. At the end of the video I sighed. Usually I would tell Karmyn to go watch the new video, but I couldn't. I tear rolled down my face and I hurriedly wiped it away before he saw. Karmyn's would've loved this video. I still can't believe she's gone. "What do you want to do?" Simon asked, bringing me out of my dark thoughts. I shrugged and leaned back on him. "Make yourself comfortable." He said sarcastically. I forced a smile. I've found that faking a smile is a hell of a lot easier than explaining why you're upset. "The boys should be home any minute." He said. I nodded and stared at the wall blankly. "I know you're upset. I know why, too." He said softly as he played with my hair. I sighed in response, still staring at the wall. I began daydreaming about anything and everything. Just staring into space. "Are you even listening to me?" Simon asked loudly, bringing my attention back to him. "What?" I said as I sat up. He sighed in frustration. "I said that if you want to feel better maybe we could do something to get your mind off of it. We could go to Nandos or Thorpe Park tomorrow or something." He suggested. I looked at the floor and wiggled my feet. "I just want to record at the moment. When the guys get back, that's what I want to do." I said as I continued to stare at my feet. "Okay, whatever you say." He said as he patted my back. I heard the front door open and close and I perked up. I ran out of Simon's room and down the stairs. I found Josh and Vik in the kitchen, unloading a lot groceries from many grocery bags. "It's about time!" I said as I entered the kitchen. "Miss us that much?" Vik asked with a smirk as he put stuff into the cupboards. "I've been waiting to record something." I said as I threw my hands into the air. They exchanged looks and just shrugged in unison. "We're almost done." Josh said as he put the last bag of cold food into the fridge. Vik slammed the cupboard, signaling he was done. "What do you want to record?" Josh asked as he grabbed a Dr. Pepper from the fridge. "I dunno. Maybe a Cards Against Humanity." I suggested. They nodded. "Sounds good." Vik said as he walked towards the door. As he left, Simon walked in. "Hey." Josh said as Simon entered. Simon gave a small wave. He got behind Josh and looked at me. 'Have you told him?' He mouthed to me. I shook my head 'no' without Josh noticing. Simon nodded and looked in the fridge casually. "You guys are hiding something." Josh said after an awkward silence. "We've got a detective on our hands, do we?" I said sarcastically as I crossed my arms. "Can't get anything passed Josh." Simon joined in on the joke. "You guys are dating." Josh said bluntly. Simon and I looked a tech other quickly and back at Josh. "What makes you say that?" Simon asked. "It was bound to happen." Josh said as he threw his hands in the air. " don't care?" Simon asked. "I'm just happy you finally got a girlfriend!" He said cheerily. I giggled. "You've no room to talk! You're single too." Simon argued. "Freya and I are trying to work things out actually." Josh said matter of factly. (I couldn't keep Freya out much longer!) "And how's that going?" Simon asked. I knew who Freya was from old videos. "Good actually. We're going on a date tomorrow." Josh said. "Tomorrow's the funeral." I said quietly. Simon had informed me of this earlier. "She can come." Simon said. "I don't think a girl wants to go to a funeral for a date." I said. "I can just reschedule it, she'll understand." Josh said with a nod. "We can go to Nandos after or something and she can meet us there." I said, trying not to feel guilty for ruining their date. "Nandos? In funeral clothes?" Josh asked as if I was crazy. "I was trying to make suggestions so you can still go on a date. Take it or leave it." I said sarcastically being sassy. He rolled his eyes and chuckled. "Can we record now?" Simon asked with a sigh. I got up and went to my room, sprinting up the stairs. A few minutes later, Josh called me on Skype. The call included Josh, Simon, Ethan, Vik, Tobi, and I. It was a really funny video. Although I was mostly quiet, I still enjoyed spending time with some of the boys.

I know this is short, but I have a good idea for the next chapter. Sorry for no daily uploads, I'm drowning in homework. There may be one tomorrow, if not, then the next day!

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