Chapter 9

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I was sitting in the living room with Simon, Vik, an Josh. They had just given me the whole 'you can't let your anger get the best of you' talk. My phone started ringing, it was Cal so I answered it. "Hello?" I said into the phone, sitting back against the couch. "The first day of school! The first bloody day of school, and you get into a fight?!" He yelled, making me pull the phone away for my ear for a second. "Cal, she was being-" I bangs to protest. "Did you win?" He asked. I smiled, I knew he had a smirk on his face. "Of course." I said. We then went into details about the whole fight. Then he gave me the same talk that I have heard three other times. When I hung up the phone, all of the guys had gone off to do their own thing. School was out by now, so I decided to text Karmyn.


M- Hey!
K-Dude! You broke Lucille's nose!
M-Not the first time....
K-Can you meet me in the park, by the swings, in 15?

I slid my phone back into my pocket. The park was literally a few blocks away. "I'M GOING TO THE PARK!" I called up the stairs on my way out the door. "OKAY!" Simon called down. "BE SAFE!" Josh yelled. I'm pretty sure Vik was recording, but I didn't care. "LOVE YOU TOO, VIK!" I said sarcastically. I waited and about five seconds later he called back. "BYE!" I smiled and walked out the door.

After the ten minute walk to the park, I was sitting down on the benches on my phone when I felt someone sit next to me. There was Karmyn. "Hey!" She said cheerily. I pulled my knees to my chest and turned to face her. "What did I miss at school?" I asked. "Nothing really. Lucille has a broken nose and is probably not coming to school for a few days. All of the kids she bullied, look up to you now. All of them. They're one of us, 'nerds', 'geeks', YouTube lovers, gamers. All of them were made fun of. Even the 'goth' or 'emo' ones. They have a respect for you now. You're like our leader." She said. It made me think for a minute. How many people she was mean to. How much she deserved what she got. It made me not feel guilty for what happened. It made me proud. Proud that I stood up for myself and Karmyn. I'm not afraid to do it again. My phone buzzing brought me out of my thought. Simon was calling me. "Hello?" I said, slightly annoyed. "Hey. Just letting you know that we are about to start recording, so if we don't answer our phones, that's why. I will text you when we're done." He said quickly. "Why couldn't have you just texted me now?" I asked. "Hey! I didn't think of that!" He said. I giggle a bit. "Goodbye, Simon." I said. When I said that I saw Karmyn's eyes light up. "Bye!" He yelled. I hung up and Karmyn just stared at me for a few seconds. "You love them, and they love you. Right?" She asked, raising an eyebrow. I slowly nodded, trying to read her mind to see where this was going. "Why were you put up for adoption anyways? I mean, Cal went with you guys' parents, why couldn't you?" She asked. "My parents hated me. Don't know why." I said simply. "Will you ever speak to them again?" She asked. I looked up at her from the grass, she was actually curious. Maybe she will be my good friend that I have needed for so long. "I don't know, honestly." I said shrugging. "Do you live around here?" I asked, changing the subject. She nodded. She didn't ask anymore personal questions, she understood that I didn't want to talk about that stuff. "Where at?" I asked. She explained everything and she ended up living a few houses down from me. "How did you not see me walking here?" I asked. She laughed. "I don't know! I don't pay attention that much!" She said while laughing. I joined in with her laughter. "Hey!" I heard a voice call behind us. I turned around and saw Vik. He was wearing running attire. "Hey, Vik!" I said. Karmyn raised an eyebrow at me, she didn't believe me. "I didn't know you ran." I said gesturing towards his clothes. Karmyn turned around then and her jaw dropped. "Yeah." Vik said and began walking towards me. "Who's your friend?" He asked, taking a seat on the other side of me. "Vik, this is Karmyn. Karmyn, you know this is." I said with a smile. She closed her gaping mouth and nodded with a smile. "Fan?" Vik asked. Karmyn nodded again. I noticed that she seemed a bit uncomfortable. "That's cool." Vik said honestly. Karmyn nodded. "Can she come around for dinner?" I asked Vik. "I don't see why not." He said. I smiled. "Thanks." I said giving him a small hug. "I gotta get back." He said sanding up. "Okay! See you later." I said as he turned around and jogged away. "Omg! I'm actually going to the Sidemen house!" Karmyn squealed. I nodded and laughed. "Oh wait! I have to ask my mum!" She said, pulling out her phone. "Hey! Mom, can I go to my friend's house for dinner tonight?........only a few houses down from us.........Thanks!........I will be home by 7, I love you!" She said and hung up the phone. "Let's go then." I said standing up. We talked a little on our walk back to mine. When we finally arrived, I stopped before opening the door "Be prepared." I said, looking at her. She smiled. "I'm always prepared." She said with a giggle. I slowly opened the door. "BOYS! I'M HOME!" I yelled up the stairs. I walked Karmyn into the kitchen and we sat down. She was looking around the room. Josh walked in the kitchen. "Ooh! Friend!" He said, rubbing his hands together like an evil person. "Josh, this is Karmyn." I said. He nodded and looked her up and down while doing so. "Nice shirt." He said. She was still wearing the Sidemen sweatshirt. She smiled and blushed a little. Simon came in next. "What's for dinner?!" He asked, not looking up from his phone and almost running into Josh. "Smooth." I said, getting his attention. He looked up and saw me and Karmyn. "Oh, shit. Hey!" He said with a big smile. "Simon, Karmyn." I said pointing at her. He nodded and turned to Josh. "Seriously though, what's for dinner?" He asked. I giggled and Karmyn just smiled. "Mackenzie's question, not mine." Josh said, pointing at me. I rolled my eyes and stood up. I went over to the cabinets and looked for stuff to cook. "Spaghetti okay?" I asked, taking out the spaghetti noodles. They nodded and I began cooking. "Do you always cook?" Karmyn whispered to me. She was helping me cook. She was cutting the vegetables while I was cooking the meat. "Not really. Sometimes I do, but I've only been here for a week and a half." I said shrugging. The guys were sat at the table, waiting to eat. I heard the front door open. "HELLO MOTHERFUCKERS!" I heard a familiar voice yell. JJ then walked in the kitchen. "Oh shit! I didn't know you had company! I'm sorry! Shit!" He said, walking over to give Karmyn a hug. She just laughed. "I'm Karmyn." She said when she pulled away from the hug. "How come very time I come over here, you're cooking?!" JJ yelled, looking me up and down. He have me a quick hug and went and sat down by the boys. "1. You have come over here once. And 2. It's nice to see you too." I said with a smirk. I turned the stove off and began making the boys' plates. I served the food and Karmyn sat beside me with her own plate of food. I began eating slowly. "I heard what happened at school today." JJ said with a smirk. Karmyn giggled a bit and I just sighed and rolled my eyes. "Did you beat her ass?" He asked. "She broke her nose!" Karmyn said laughing. "You need to stop doing that!" JJ said with a smile. I just shrugged. "You're not becoming one of those badass girls on drugs and that beats everyone up that looks at her." Josh said. I smiled and shrugged again. "Shut the fuck up okay? It won't happen again!" I said, getting slightly annoyed that they told everyone. They smiled a bit. "Who all did you tell?" I asked, taking a bite of food. Simon shrugged "Everyone...?" He kind of asked more than said. I rolled my eyes. "You guys are impossible." They just nodded heir heads in agreement. We finished dinner and Karmyn left. That was the day. I took a shower and jumped in bed. I drifted off to sleep eventually.

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