Chapter 36

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*Mackenzie's POV*

     I was on the roof of the house. Somewhere that I had found to go that comforts me. I'm not upset, just overwhelmed. So much more has happened in my life in the past five or so months than my entire life. So much good things. It's the beginning of December now, and it's quite cold out, but I don't care. I love it here in this house. I love my room. I love the bathroom that Simon and I share. I love the garden. I love the kitchen. I love everything about this house. Especially the people in it. I love Simon Minter. I love Vikram Barn. I love Joshua Bradley. I love all of the other guys too. I love Olajide Olantinji. I love Harold Lewis. I love Tobias Brown. I love Ethan Payne. I love Callum Airey. I love these guys so much. They are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I heard someone crawling out of my window and I looked down. I saw Simon's head poke out of the window. "I knew you'd be up here." He said as he pulled the rest of his body out the window and onto the roof. He crawled over and sat beside me. "What are you doing out here? Zeus is going crazy without you." He said as he slung his arm around me. "I'm thinking." I said as I rested my head on his shoulder. "Would you like to tell me what you were thinking about?" He asked. "You. The rest of the guys. The house. How much I love all of you. How much of an impact you all have made on my life. How my life could change so drastically in one moment. How I'm not depressed hardly ever anymore. How I haven't cut in so long. How happy I am now. How I am thankful for my fans. How my fans are thankful for me. Because the way I think about it, my subscribers, all two million of them, love me like I loved you guys even before I met you. I hope that's how they feel. I hope I change people's life. I hope I help." I said quickly, opening up to Simon. He was silent for a while and I looked up at him. I saw a tear roll down his cheek slowly. I wiped it with my thumb. "Why are you crying?" I asked as I sat up and turned towards him. "You know how you were talking about how your life could change drastically in one moment?" He asked, his voice wary and barely audible. I nodded slowly, bracing myself for what was coming. "Well, last month, when we had a night out, I got extremely drunk. I could hardly even walk. And....I-I messed up." He said as more tears began to fall from his eyes that were avoiding mine. I wiped his tears. This is it. I knew what was coming and I choked down the lump in my throat that was building up. "I-I had sex...with this girl. I-I'm so sorry. I didn't know what I was doing. I didn't want to tell you because I knew you would get pissed. And....t-the girl contacted me today...and she told me that she was p-pregnant and that I was the only guy she has slept with." He said, stuttering a lot and speaking fast. I was silent. Just like every love story, something has to go horribly wrong. I looked out at the stars and held back my tears that were threatening to fall. I didn't know if I was sad or pissed, or even worse, both. "So, all this time, you kept this secret from me. Only for it to come back and bite you in the ass." I said, my voice sounding so much better, stronger than I thought it would. "I-I'm sorry." He said, tears falling steadily from his eyes. He reached his hand out to touch my face, but I jerked away from him. This was it, this is the downfall of my happiness. "Fuck off, Simon. If you would've told me the night it happened, or the next day, then I probably wouldn't have been too upset, but you just had to keep it a secret. And now you're going to be a father. Of some slut that you probably thought you were never going to see again. I loved and trusted you Simon. Shit, I still love you and I probably always will. We were supposed to be able to tell each other everything! What the hell happened to that?!" I said, my voice gradually raising. "Please keep quiet, the guys don't know." He said, wiping his own tears and slowing his crying. "No! Fuck you!" I yelled as I ran to the window and slid into my room, leaving it open for Simon. Zeus was sitting on my bed, looking concerned because I was pissed. I was so pissed. I was about to lose it. I heard Simon behind me so I ran. I ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed two pans an hit the together repeatedly, making Josh and Vik come out of their rooms. Only to see me extremely pissed and Simon's tear-stained face. "BOYS! I HAVE AN ANNOUNCEMENT!" I yelled as I ran up the stairs. "SIMON FUCKING MINTER IS GOING TO BE A DAMN DAD!" I yelled. The boys exchanged confused looks. "And if you're wondering," I started as I threw the pans to the ground with a loud thud. "I'm not pregnant." I said as I stared Simon down. My anger grew each second. It was silent, too silent. "Simon...explain?" Vik said, confused. Poor, innocent Vik. I began pacing, repeatedly running my fingers through my hair and clenching my fist. "Let me!" I interrupted Simon. "THIS LITTLE SHIT CHEATED ON ME A MONTH AGO AND KEPT IT A SECRET! TURNS OUT, KARMA GOT A HOLD OF HIM AND THE BITCH HE FUCKED GOT PREGNANT!" I yelled, pointing at Simon as I yelled. "IT WAS AN ACCIDENT! I was drunk!" He said, over my stomps. "BITCH PLEASE! I'm not fucking stupid. I've been through your phone. Girls you've been texting telling the how much you missed them and how much you couldn't wait to fuck the shit out of them when you see them! Yeah! I know! This is bullshit! I never spoke to you about it because I never wanted it to be true. I denied it. I could never think that the boyfriend I loved so fucking much could do that to me! So, you've fucked up! Congratulations!" I yelled. I had never spoken about the messages to anyone because I tried to convince myself that it wasn't true. "They were mistakes!" He yelled, running his fingers through his hair. "They were all the same mistakes! And you can't make the same mistake more than once, because after the first time, it's not a mistake anymore, it's a fucking choice." I said, letting a single tear slip. "Mackenzie..." He said, his voice cracking. "Simon, we're through. Don't try and use those shitty excuses. You fucked up. Now, I will, under any circumstances, not let this change things between us. We are still going to be best friends and we are going to be happy together and we are going to record together. Everything will be normal, but we won't be a couple. Understand?" I said sternly. I didn't want to lose Simon completely. "Understood." He said with nod. By now, he had stopped crying, but he still looked upset. I sighed in relief and looked between Josh and Vik. Josh looked at me and then Vik. Vik stared back at Josh. "Well, damn." Josh said. Vik nodded slowly and walked back inside his room slwoly, as if scared to make sudden movements. "If this gets brought up again, I will be upset. Let's just forget that we ever dated. Let's forget everything. Start fresh." Simon said. I nodded in response. "I-I've got to go edit." I said as I turned around quickly and went into my room. I shut the door loudly and ran to my desk chair. I sat in it and put my elbows on the desk. I put my face in my hands. "Well, shit." I said as I sighed and let another tear fall. I can't believe that just happened.

*Simon's POV*

      "I-I've got to go edit." Mackenzie said as she turned around quickly and went into her room, closing the door loudly. I followed her to my bedroom door. I opened it and shut it quietly. I walked to my chair and sat in it with a sigh. I put my face in my hands and sighed. "This can't be happening." I said as I let a few more tears escape. I hurt her. My phone began ringing an do looked at the caller ID. It was Rebekah, the girl I got pregnant. "Hello?" I said into the phone. "Hey, I just wanted to tell you that in going to the doctor tomorrow if you want to come." She said in a sweet voice. "Uhh...sure." I said as I held back the tears that were threatening to fall. "Great. I should be around there by noon to pick you up." She said. "Okay, see you then. Bye." I said as I hung up and didn't wait for a response. Rebekah is the nicest girl ever. I grew up with her. I would never date her. She's like a sister to me, and I'm her brother, which makes it even more weird that we are going to have a baby. Mackenzie is hurting, I know she is. I hurt her. I love her. Maybe I never did truly lover her like that. Maybe deep down, I just thought of her as a best friend, nothing more. Because, if we love someone, we shouldn't hurt them. I'm pretty sure that's why I did the thing so did. Well, hopefully things will be back to normal soon. We couldn't stay angry at each other forever, could we? I got up and took my shirt off and jumped into bed. I needed to sleep on this one.

*Mackenzie's POV*

     He never loved me. Maybe I never loved him. Maybe I just tried to make myself love him like that. To be honest, I was happier before we were dating anyways. I think I was happier before because it made things a little awkward when we were dating, and I didn't like that. I nodded to myself, letting this new information sink in as I climbed into bed with Zeus, who was curled up beside me within seconds. We couldn't stay angry at each other forever, could we? I thought about today's event as I slowly drifted off to sleep.


Well, damn. That was intense. I hope you guys like this chapter because I do. Hope you have/had a great day!!

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