Chapter 28-Part 1

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The next day, I wasn't woken up by my alarm, but by my favorite people in the world. Even Cal was there. "Mackenzie wake up!" I heard Cal's voice and I was immediately very awake. I sat up quickly and looked over towards the doorway. My brother was standing there, leaning against the door. "Hey." He said with a small grin. I jumped out of bed and ran to hug him. "Awww." I heard from different voices outside of the door. I looked over to see all of the Sidemen with cameras in their hands. "Guys! I haven't even gotten dressed yet!" I said as I pointed to my clothes. "Get ready for school. We will be leaving a little earlier today." Simon said as he walked over to me and Cal with his camera. "Are you coming?" I asked Cal as I looked up at him. "Sure am." He said with a smile. "Okay good. Now everyone go away." I said as I pushed him out of my room and shut the door. I sighed as I turned around and faced my room. I walked over to my closet and looked for something to wear. I decided on my usual skinny jeans and a t-shirt. Today it was white skinny jeans with a black and red 'WEEZY' top. As I got dressed, I thought about the guys talking at my school. Everyone knows I live with Simon, Josh, and Vik. This will probably go horribly wrong. Knowing what people at my school can do, they will absolutely take the piss out of me having a YouTube channel and them being 'nerdy' because they're gamers. I walked out of my room and straight into the bathroom. Simon came in shortly after I had finished brushing my teeth. I sighed as I watched him walk towards me. "You never let me be alone in here." I said as I continued straightening my hair. "No I don't. But if you think about it, I'm older and I was here first." He said with a cocky smirk. "It would just be nice." I said with a small fake grin. "You can't get enough of me, so it doesn't matter." He said, trying to keep a straight face. I just rolled my eyes and finished doing my hair. I put on some natural makeup and left the bathroom. I went downstairs into the very noisy kitchen and got some cereal. "Someone want to go get my shoes and socks and my bag?" I asked as I sat down. "What shoes?" Cal, who was sitting beside me asked whilst not moving. "Surprise me. As long as I match, I don't care." I said. He nodded and got up as I started eating. "Are you going to have a good day at school today?" A voice I recognized as Tobi's asked me as he stole Cal's seat. I shrugged. "Probably." I said as I looked around the room. "You guys will be there, so how could it possibly go wrong?" I said with a genuine smile. I wanted to believe that. "As long as we don't embarrass you." Harry's voice came from the other side of me. "Which you better not do." I said a so took another bite. "No promises." Ethan said as he leaned on the counter across from me. "Is everyone just listening to our conversation and jumping whenever they please?" I asked. "Yeah pretty much." JJ said from beside Ethan. I rolled my eyes as I got up to put my empty bowl in the sink. "Here is your stuff!" Cal yelled from the other side of the island. "Jesus, Cal. I'm right here. You don't have to yell." I said as I washed my bowl. He sat my stuff down and sat back in his original seat. I sat beside him as I put my shoes on. "Thanks." I said as I grabbed my bag and swung it over my shoulder. "Time to go!" I heard Vik's voice yell from the front of the small crowd. As I was as tall as or taller than most of the guys, I could see his head, but I couldn't see his face as he spoke. We all walked out of the house and got into two different cars. This time, it was me, JJ, Tobi, Ethan, and Cal in one. I wanted to ride with them as I didn't get to see them much. "I'm kind of nervous." I heard Tobi say from my right. I was in the middle of the backseat. Ethan an Cal were in front. "Why? It's just a bunch of stupid teenagers." JJ said seriously. I looked at him. "Oh-oh shit! I'm sorry! I forgot!" He said as he laughed his famous, very loud laugh. "I'm scared I'm going to cuss." Ethan said from the front. "Me too. I'm pretty sure we're not allowed to." Cal said as he kept his eyes on the road as he was driving. "You guys don't cuss when you talk at Insomnia and stuff like that." I said with a shrug. "Oh. Look who stalks us. Oi Cal! You're sister's a stalker." Tobi said jokingly. I forced a smile. "Can I ask you something, Mackenzie?" JJ asked me. I nodded in response. "Why did you watch us? You don't seem like a girl to like YouTube." He said with a shrug. I sighed. I honestly thought the honest answer was quite embarrassing. "Let's just say...I was in a bad place before. And you helped me. You made me not feel alone. It took my mind off of everything while I was at the orphanage. It also gave me a bit of hope every time I watched Cal that he would come back for me." I said quietly the car was silent for a few seconds after. "Don't get all emotional now!" Ethan said with a small laugh, breaking the uncomfortable silence. I giggled. "We're here!" Cal said as he pulled into the school parking lot. As it was a bit earlier than usual, there wasn't many people already here. We all got out of the cars. We met kind of like in front of the school, no one was going in. "Am I leading the way?" I asked as I walked around the outside of the group to the front. "Well, we have no idea where to go." Josh said with a shrug. I lead them into the school and I walked into the office with the all close behind. "Where are they setting up at?" I asked Karmyn's mom at the front desk. "The gymnasium." She said with a small smile. I nodded in response and walked towards the gymnasium. The principal and a few coaches were in there already setting up a few things. "Mackenzie! Hey!" My coach for football said as I entered the room. I smiled. He was always super nice to me. "Ready to beat the boys again today?" He asked as I walked closer to him. "We have a another scrimmage?" I asked I gave him a small side hug. He just nodded and got back to work. "Mrs. Johnson, these are the Sidemen, and my brother Cal." I said as I walked over to my principal. She smiled an then looked back at me for a formal introduction. "This is Simon, Vik, Josh, JJ, Harry, Tobi, Ethan, and Cal." I said as I pointed to each of the boys as I named them off. "This is your brother?" She asked as she gesture towards Cal. "I can see a resemblance." She added as she looked at us. "How are you connected to the other boys?" She asked me, still examining the boys. "Well, Josh adopted me actually. And they're all Cal's good friends." I said with a small shrug. She looked at Josh and then back at me. "But he's so young." She said whilst putting a hand over her chest. "I did it for Cal." Josh spoke up as he threw his arm around Cal's shoulders. Cal smiled, which made me smile. I love seeing him happy. We continued to help set up until the bell for first period rang. The assembly wasn't until second period. "Boys! Best behaviors please! I've got to go!" I said as I picked up my bag and headed for the door. "Bye!" They said after me as I walked out.

When I finally got to my first period class, after a long hallway of pointing and snickering, Karmyn was waiting for me. "Where have you been all morning?" She asked as we took our seats. "In the gymnasium helping set up for the Sidemen thing." I said. The teacher still hadn't come into the room, so we continued talking. "Oh yeah! I forgot about that!" She said as she slammed her hand on the desk. I giggled. "Okay class! I know everyone's super excited about this thing we are having next periods but you need to calm down." The teacher said as he came in and sat down. We stopped talking and started paying attention to the lesson. There was a knock on the door. "Come in." The teacher said loud enough for whoever it was to hear. The door opened to reveal Simon and Josh. Karmyn and I exchanged looks. "I'm sorry for interrupting, but can we borrow Mackenzie and Karmyn? We need their help with something." Josh said in his best proper voice. The teacher like at us and nodded. "My two best students? Of course." He said with a smile. Karmyn and I looked at each other and grinned. We gathered up out things and began walking towards the door. As I walked down an aisle of desks, Lucille tried to trip me. I stopped walking in front of her outstretched foot and looked at her. I clenched my fists. "C'mon Mackenzie." Simon said from the door. I looked up to see see all three of them staring at me. I walked out of the classroom with them. "I thought you were going to kill that girl with your eyes." Simon said as I walked beside him. "Believe me, I tried." I said with a shrug. I looked on the other side of him for Karmyn, but she wasn't there. I turned around to see her and Josh walking slowly behind us. "Look who's finally growing some balls." I whispered as I nudged Simon's arm. He turned around to look at them. They looked so cute together with both of them having giant smiles. We walked into the gymnasium and just kind of hung out until the thing actually started. It was a long wait from the rest of first period to second. I'm actually very nervous for the guys to talk in front of the entire school. This whole school hates me and Karmyn. Perhaps they could change that, or make it worse.

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