Chapter 20

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Once we got to Nandos, Cal was already there. We sat down at a table and ordered our food. I felt eyes on me for a while until I actually looked around. There, a few tables away from us was Lucille an her friends. I sighed. She was looking at me an smirking and laughing with her friends. I looked at Karmyn. She was looking at her too. I looked back at Lucille to see her and her group stand up. They started walking over towards us. Karmyn and I exchanged a look and I just looked down at the table. "You're fucking all of these guys?" I recognized that voice anywhere. She was already standing over our table with a huge smile on her face. "Fuck off Lucille." I said, glaring at her. "Why don't you just go fucking cut yourself again? Yeah! I know now! I saw you during PE today!" She said, bobbing her head. I was now very pissed off. I stood up quickly and grabbed the collar of her shirt, pulling her face inches from mine. "Please don't make me beat your ass in public." I said behind clinched teeth. She didn't say anything, but her eyes moved around nervously. "Now piss off." I said, letting go of her and sitting back down. "Go kill yourself." I heard her say under her breath. I looked back up at her and flipped her off. She rolled her eyes and walked away. I looked around my table to find all eyes on me. "You know her?" Cal finally asked. "We go to school with her." I said. He nodded and looked away. "She was a bitch." Josh said with an angry look on his face. Karmyn and I nodded in agreement. "What did you tell her?" Simon asked. "I told her to not make me beat her ass in public." I said with a shrug. "I love you." He said with a chuckle and a smile. I giggled. The rest of the night went very well.

*Skip time to Friday night*

It's finally Friday! Friday night actually. Early Saturday morning. I'm home alone, watching Netflix in the living room. The guys went out and promised to be back before 3 AM. It was now 2:15. I was really into my movie I was watching when my phone rang. It was Simon. "Hello?" I said into the phone. "Mackenzie! Hey!" He slurred, obviously very drunk. "Hey Simon." I said in a calm voice. "Do you think you can come pick us up? We are at (random club name) at (random address)." He slurred slowly. "Yeah sure. Be there in ten minutes. Be waiting for me." I said into the phone and then hung up. I didn't want them to get hurt or hurt someone else while they were very drunk, so I hurried. I was wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants with Ugg boots when I shuffled out the door. I climbed I to Simon's car and drive to the address he had given me. I drove quickly to get there. When I pulled up to the curb, they were already waiting outside for me. All of them looked incredibly drunk. Especially Simon. Vik didn't look as drunk though. Simon ran to the passenger side door and hopped in. Vik and Josh climbed in the back. "I'm so h-happy to see you!" Simon slurred and reached over to hug me. I hugged him back and then pulled away. "Sit back in your seat please." I said while I pushed him into his seat properly. "Buckle up." I told him. He did and when I drove home quickly. When we got back to the house, Vik and Josh went inside, leaving me with Simon. We got out of the car and I helped him up the walkway to the front door. We walked inside and I had to help him up the stairs. I sat him down on his bed. "Ready to go to bed?" I asked him. He shook his head no and then hugged me again. "Simon. Stop." I said. He pulled away. "You have to go to sleep now." I said as I reached for his shoes. I got them off successfully. I then reached for his shirt. "Wait. I like someone else." He said holding his hands up to stop me. That honestly broke my heart, right then and there. "And who's that?" I asked, trying to distract him. "Her name is Mackenzie. My friend Josh adopted her and she lives here. She's so beautiful and funny and cool. She's just perfect. I wonder where she is now." I smiled really big. "Simon. It's me, Mackenzie." I said looking him in the eye. "Oh hey! I was just talking about you!" He said innocently. I laughed. "Let's take your shirt off so you can get some sleep, okay?" I said sweetly. He took his own shirt off. "Lie down and I will go get you some water." I said. He lied down and watched me walk out of the room. I went downstairs and grabbed a water bottle and quickly went back upstairs. Simon was staring at the door when I walked in. "Here." I said as I handed him the bottle. He drank it. "I'm going to go to bed now. Get some sleep." I said as I stood up from his bed. He grabbed my wrist and turned me to face him. When I looked at him, he wasn't looking at my face, he was looking at my cut. My fresh one. He traced it lightly with his thumb. "Stay with me." He whispered, looking up at me with soft eyes. I sighed. "Simon, you need to sleep." I said quietly. "Sleep with me." He said, patting the bed beside him. I looked at the bed and then back at him, unsure. "Please." He said. I sighed and gave in. I climbed into bed beside him and turned towards the wall with my back towards him. He wrapped his arms around me. "Goodnight." He whispered in my ear. "Goodnight." I whispered back. "You know we have to talk in the morning right?" He whispered. I nodded. With that, I soon heard him snoring softly. I grinned. I really do love him.

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