Chapter 21

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The next day when I woke up, I could feel Simon's arms still tightly wrapped around me. I gently moved his arms and sat up. I went to the bathroom and went back into Simon room to grab my phone. When I walked in, he was awake. "Good morning." I said with a small smile. He just looked at me. "Are you dying?" I asked sarcastically. He nodded. "Hangovers are hell. That is why you don't drink." I said as I sat down beside him. "My head hurts so bad." He groaned. He covered his face with his hands and rolled over to face me completely. He put his head in my lap and snuggled into my stomach. "I don't appreciate this." I said as I played with his hair. He shrugged. I reached over him and grabbed my phone and took a quick picture of him. I tweeted it and captioned it 'This is why you don't drink, kids!' I tagged him in it. I heard his phone vibrate, but he didn't move. "Do you want me to go get you something?" I asked. "Yeah. A time machine so I can go back and not drink so damn much." He said as he uncovered his face and looked up at me. "What happened last night?" He added. "Well at like 2 AM, you called me and asked me to come get you guys. I did. Then Josh and Vik went to sleep and I had to physically undress you to get you to lie down." I said. He smiled. "And...?" He asked, urging me to go on. I wanted to tell him how he basically confessed his love for me, but I didn't want to embarrass him. "You made me sleep with you." I said, deciding it would be easier to just leave that part out. He nodded. "I have to do something today." He said suddenly. "What do you have to do?" I asked. "I can't tell you, it's a surprise." He said simply. I shrugged. "Okay then." He sat up. "Get out. I have to get changed." He said. "Well...okay then." I said while standing up with my phone clasped tight in my hand. "Oh shit. I forgot we had to talk this morning." He said, running his fingers through his hair. "We don't have to." I said, avoiding his gaze. "You're right. We don't have to. You already know everything I'm going to say. And I know everything you're going to say. So let's just skip it. Just think about it. Okay?" He said quickly, walking towards his closet. I nodded. I really didn't want to have that conversation, I'm glad he understood. We were only going to talk about me cutting again. That's it. No big deal. I walked downstairs and sat down at the island. I was scrolling through twitter when I heard someone walk in the kitchen. "Morning." I recognized the voice as Vik. "Morning." I replied. He walked to the fridge and took out the milk. He grabbed a cup and filled it to the top with milk. "What are you doing today?" I asked him, locking my phone and putting it down on the counter top. "I don't know actually. Probably just going to record and edit videos. We could record some if you'd like." He said. "Yeah, that'd be nice." I said with a nod. He gave a thumbs up and walked back out of the kitchen with his cup in his hands. "Good morning, Daughter." Josh said as he walked into the kitchen. "Morning, Dad." I replied with a small smirk. "Why don't you call me Dad?" He asked while he sat down beside me. I shrugged. "It's kind of weird. Even if you are Daddy af." I said, my smirk growing. "No! We're not doing that! No!" He said, facepalming. I laughed a little. Simon walked into the kitchen. Now fully dressed in a long sleeve black shirt with jeans. (*Let's pretend that it's like October! Okay? Okay.*) "Where are you off to?" Josh asked him. "Suprise." He said simply and started making a bowl of cereal. Josh looked at me and raised an eyebrow. I shrugged. Simon's phone started ringing. He looked at it. "Excuse me." He said with a finger in the air and he walked out of the kitchen.

*Simon's POV*
"Hey!" I said into the phone. It was Cal. The surprise is that I'm going to get Mackenzie a dog. I feel like it might help her a bit. "Hey! I got your text. Why do you want to know what type of dog Mackenzie might like?" Cal asked from the other end of the phone. "Because I'm going to get her one today." I said. "Oh okay then. When we were kids, she used to always want a German Shepherd. Something about how loyal and majestic they are. I'm pretty sure she still likes them." He said. I nodded, then remembered that he couldn't see me. "Okay. Thanks. I got to go." I said quickly. "Alright bye." He said. "Bye." I responded and hung up the phone. I walked back into the kitchen and Mackenzie and Josh were laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked while a put up the milk and box of cereal. "Josh is just really retarded!" Mackenzie said, gasping for air. "No I'm not!" Josh argued. "I'm not going to ask any questions." I said as I sat down and started eating. "When are you leaving for this 'surprise'?" Mackenzie asked me, turned towards me in her chair. "When I get finished with this." I said, pointing to my bowl. "Oh okay." She said with slight disappointment. "What are you guys going to do?" I asked while I took another bite. "We are probably just going to record some videos." Josh answered. "How long are you going to be gone?" Mackenzie asked, ignoring what I had just asked. "I have no clue." I said honestly. She sighed. "Okay. Well I'm going to go to my room then." She said as she stood up. I looked at Josh who was already staring back at me. "She really likes you." He said seriously. "Really? I didn't think she actually liked me that much. I really like her." I said, staring at the wall. "Why don't you just ask her to be your girlfriend?" He asked. I sighed. "She's sixteen, Josh." I said, Turing back towards him. He shrugged. "Love knows no age." He said, quoting something lame. "Yeah, but the police do." I said quietly. "They don't have to know." He said. "I will think about it." I said. "Think about what?" Mackenzie asked from the doorway. "Umm...n-nothing. What are you doing in here?" I asked quickly. "I forgot my phone. And this is the kitchen. I can be here." She said, walking to the island to grab her phone. She walked back out, not asking any more questions. "Thanks Josh. You almost got me caught." I said sarcastically. "It's not like she doesn't know you like her." He said as he rolled his eyes and stood up. "I've got to go edit. Bye." He said. He didn't wait for a response, he just left. I sighed and took my bowl to the sink. I washed it quickly and walked towards the front door. I stopped in front of it and called up the stairs "I'm leaving!" I yelled. I heard a few muffled voices and then I left.

*Mackenzie's POV*
Simon has been gone for about an hour now. Josh, Vik, and I just finished recording Cards Against Humanity with Ethan and JJ. I have to admit, I love that game. I was editing it when my phone buzzed on my pocket. It was Simon.

S-Get everyone downstairs in the living room when I get home. I will be there in like 10 minutes.

M-Okay. See you then.

I was excited to see what Simon's surprise was. I walked out of my room and towards Josh's. I knocked on his door and opened it. "Simon said be downstairs in the living room when he gets home. He will be here in 10." I said. He nodded and stood up from his bed. I went to Vik's room and they followed me down the stairs. We sat on the couches in the living room anxiously waiting for Simon's surprise. We heard the front door open and close again. "Close your eyes!" Simon yelled from the hall. We looked at each other and his our faces in our hands. "Okay!" Vik yelled. I heard footsteps then some moving around. "Okay. Open." I heard Simon's voice. I opened my eyes to the cutest thing ever. It was a German Shepherd puppy. He was just laying down on the ground staring up at us. I gasped and covered my mouth with my hands. "You didn't!" I said as I looked towards Simon. He was staring at me with a huge smile plastered on his face. "I did." He said. I got off of the couch and picked the puppy up. I held it close to me for a bit. I looked back up at the guys to see pictures being taken of me. I didn't care. I was so happy. "When did we agree to get a pet?" Josh asked as he kneeled down beside me and petted the puppy. "Simon and I did. When we went to McDonalds when I broke my hand." I said as I stared at the new member of our family. "You remmeber." I heard Simon whisper to himself. My smile grew. "It's a boy. What do you want to call it?" Vik asked, taking the dog from me. "Zeus." I said as I stood up from the floor. "I like it." Vik said with a shrug. Josh nodded. We all looked at Simon. "It's perfect." He said, staring straight into my eyes. I guess our new dog is called Zeus.

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