Chapter 11

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*Still Simon's POV*

     I woke up in the morning with light shining through my window. I groaned and got out of bed and went to take a shower.

     When I got out of the shower, I heard music coming from Mackenzie's room. It was 'Test Me-JME'. I grinned and walked towards her room. She was dancing around the room and rapping along with the words. When she saw me, she smiled and just began rapping again. "Okay then." I said to myself as I walked out of the room. I went downstairs and into the kitchen. Josh turned towards me and grinned. "You let her stay home?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. I nodded. "And why is that?" He asked, taking a big bite of the cereal in front of him. "She was upset yesterday, so I told her that she didn't have to go." I said while scratching the back of my neck. I was nervous that Josh would yell at me, but he didn't. He looked like he was thinking about something. "What was she upset about?" He asked. I sighed. "That guy that was here yesterday, she liked him and he asked Karmyn to the dance. You know, teenager stuff." I said with a shrug. He nodded and zoned out. He definitely had something on his mind. "What's up?" I asked him. He shook his head, bringing himself out of his deep thoughts. "Cal called. Their parents are over at his. He thinks it would be a good idea for her to speak to them. I don't know if it will be or not." He said hurriedly. I nodded, taking in the information. "Well, I think she should talk to them. Try to fix their relationship. Maybe it will work out." I said slowly. He nodded and looked me in the eye. Vik walked in the kitchen then. "Morning." He mumbled. "We are going to take Mackenzie to Cal's to speak to her parents." I said. He looked at us shocked. Like we had just announced that we could cure cancer. "Is that a good idea?" He asked, walking towards the fridge. "We think it is. Perhaps she could fix their relationship." Josh said before I could answer. Vik nodded. "Yeah, I guess." He said as he gave up looking in the fridge and just grabbed an apple. "Morning guys!" Mackenzie said from the doorway. We all turned towards her and it was silent. "What?" She asked quietly. "We are going to go around Cal's in a bit." I said. She looked relieved and nodded. She made her a bowl of cereal and began eating. I watched her, she was wearing a black 'Sidemen' hoodie with white skinny jeans. I smiled. I liked it when she wore our merch, she looked cute in it. She looked genuinely happy. I saw it in her eyes. If you looked deep enough, you could see a little bit of pain, but I ignored the pain that was that deep, it was that deep for a reason. She noticed me staring at her and smiled at me. I continued to stare. "Ready to go?" Josh asked. She nodded and stood up and put her empty bowl in the sink. She slipped on some black Vans and walked to the car. I climbed in the back with her and sighed. I hope she takes this well.

*Mackenzie's POV*

We were walking down the hall towards Cal's flat. The guys were being awkwardly silent today. I wonder what's up with them. I knocked on the door. It opened and I was embraced into a hug by Harry. "How you doing Mackenzie?" He asked quietly. "Good, I guess." I said with a small smile. He nodded and greeted the other guys with bro hugs. We followed Harry into the living room. It was silent in the flat, again something that was weird today. We walked in the room and I froze. There sat across from Cal on the small couch, were my 'parents'. I didn't even know what to think. "Mackenzie?" My mom asked while shooting up from the couch. I didn't even move. I couldn't. "What is she doing here?" My dad asked Cal. "Josh adopted her." Cal said quietly. I stayed quiet and completely still. They say back down. Cal patted the seat next to him, telling me to sit down. I forced myself to sit down next to him. I sat down and just looked at my feet. "When were you going to tell us that you found her?" They asked Cal. "I'm sitting right here." I spoke up. I looked up at them, their eyes focused on me. "I think I should be the one asking the questions." I said angrily. "Why?" I said quietly looking down at the small table separating us. "Why what, sweetie?" My mum said in a sweet tone. I looked up and glared at her. "Don't call me sweetie! Why did you guys leave me?! Why do you hate me?! Do you even know what you have done to ruin my life?! I can't even count how many times I have cried myself to sleep! How many times I thought that if I just died, it would fix everything! How many times I did this!" I said that part rolling up my sleeve, revealing multiple thin, white lines. A few fresh red ones. The thing I have done so well to hide from the guys, they know now. I heard a few gasps. I pushed my sleeves back down and looked back up at them. "All because of you!" I said. My hands were shaking. I sat back down and stared at them, waiting for a reaction. "We don't hate you." My dad said. "Not anymore?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow. He shook his head. "We hated you, because we wanted to be the perfect family. We wanted to have the white picket fence house. We wanted to just be perfect. But you weren't, so we just hated you." My mum said bluntly with a shrug. "I'm still not perfect. I never will be. So you must hate me still!" I said loudly. They were silent. "How is Cal so perfect?!" I yelled. They looked up at me, then at Cal, then back at me. "He's not perfect, just a lot better than you. You're a freak. You're way too tall for a girl. You like video games and football. You hate dresses. You hate makeup and jewelry. Girls aren't supposed to be like that. Now you're hurting yourself, all for attention." My dad said quite loudly. I felt a pang of hurt, that was soon replaced with anger. "FUCK YOU! Getting adopted by Josh has been the best thing that has ever happened to me! It's going to stay that way! I'm not letting you fuckers ruin my life again!" I yelled, shooting up from the couch and pointing in their faces, getting way too close to them. "You don't speak to your parents that way!" My mum said as she stood up and slapped me across the face. I didn't feel it. My body was numb with anger. I clenched my fist and ran towards the wall. I couldn't hit them, I would regret it. No matter how much shit they had put me through, I couldn't bring my self to do it. I punched the wall as hard as I could. I hit it repeatedly until there was a gaping hole in it. My knuckles had blood dripping down them. I was pulled away and I faced my parents once again. "You will NEVER be my parents!" I yelled as I stormed towards the front door. "Wait!" I hear someone call behind me. It was Cal. I hugged him tight. "I have to leave." I said in his ear. He nodded and let me go. I continue to storm off and I walked through the front door, slamming it behind me. I heard it open again and I just walked down the hall toward the lift. I pressed the button to go down as footsteps were heard beside me. I looked over and saw Simon, Vik, and Josh all standing there. They were already looking at me, not saying anything. We stepped into the lift and I pulled them all into a group hug. "I love you guys so fucking much." I said from the middle of it. "I love you too." They all said in unison. We all stepped away and someone grabbed my hand. I winced at the pain. I looked down and saw my knuckles still bleeding and bruised. "Damn, girl." Simon said. I looked up at him, he was studying my knuckles. I pulled them away from his hand. "I'll be fine." I said, putting my hands in my hoodie pocket. "No, you won't. I think they're broken." He said, pulling my arm out of the pocket. I sighed and gave in. "Yeah, we're going to have to get those checked out." Vik agreed. I smiled. They did care about me. I had meant every word I said back there. Getting adopted was the best thing has ever happened to me.

Sorry for no update over the weekend, I was out of town! Back on that daily update grind! Love you guys if you actually read this!

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