Chapter 28-Part 2

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*Simon's POV*

      It has never changed. Every time we go and talk in front of a big crowd, I get extremely nervous. I don't know why. I should be over it by now, but I'm not. I'm not good with people. I think sometimes the fans can tell that I'm nervous because I'm a little quieter and am always plying with my ring on my pinky finger. "Are you alright?" Mackenzie asked me as she put her hand on my shoulder. I looked at her and nodded slowly. "You'll do fine." She said with a reassuring smile. I felt a smile come to my mouth. Seeing her smile always makes me smile. "We're going to go sit. Right there in the front row." She said as she pointed to the bottom row of seats.  I nodded as she walked away with Karmyn, sitting in the front row as promised. Soon, the gymnasium was filled with excited students. They couldn't see us though, because of the way we were standing. "Alright boys! You know the plan!" I heard JJ say as he passed out the microphones. I sighed as tried to calm my nerves. "You alright Simon?" He asked as he handed me my microphone. I nodded with a small smile. "I'm so pumped." Harry said under his breath beside me. "Why? It's just high schoolers." I said as I popped my knuckles. "I'm going to make Mackenzie and Karmyn come join us." He said. Before I could protest, we were walking out into everyone's view. I heard an applause and scanned the many faces until it died down. I relaxed a little as I found Mackenzie in the crowd of many, cheering us on. When she saw me looking at her, she gave me a thumbs up. I honestly can't see how she's always so positive. The students took their seats once again and the room grew quieter and quieter. "Hello everyone! I hope your all having a good day! Now, not many people in here know who we are. So, if you do know who we are and what we do, I would like you to come down here." I heard Harry's voice boom throughout the room. "Wait, I didn't agree to this." Cal said into his mic jokingly. I watched as Mackenzie and Karmyn exchanged looks and slowly walked towards us. They were the only ones who came down. I smirked. "I was hoping you would come." I said as as I slung an arm around Mackenzie. "Even though they need no introduction, this is Mackenzie and Karmyn." I heard Josh say. The room was quiet. "Is anyone wondering how we know them?" Tobi asked the crowd. "Adopted!" I heard from someone's voice in the crowd. We all turned our heads towards the voice, Lucille. "Yes, you're right. I adopted her. And Karmyn is her best friend." Josh said as he walked towards something. He pulled out two more microphones and handed them to Karmyn and Mackenzie. "And they will be joining us." Ethan finished Josh's sentence. "I had no say in this." Mackenzie said into her microphone after she turned it on. I was shocked. I didn't think she would actually talk in front of the whole school. "Me neither." Karmyn added. "Those of you who don't know, Mackenzie has a very successful YouTube channel. She has over a million subscribers and she loves doing YouTube." Vik said as he walked toward Mackenzie. Although her face was red, she kept on. She was acting herself, the her I loved the most. The her that was in her videos. The her that was her best. "I don't think they needed to know that." Mackenzie said as she stood next to Vik. "It's part of the speech." He said in response, smirking. I'm pretty sure we all had an idea of what was going on. "She does YouTube because it helps her forget things." JJ said from the other end of the room. "I'm pretty sure that Mackenzie doesn't have the best life. She gets bullied a lot. By everyone in this school right now. Even if you have never actually said anything to her or commented or liked a picture, you haven't stood up for her, so you're just as guilty." Tobi said as he pointed towards the crowd. I looked at Mackenzie, she now was looking at the ground. "She doesn't give up." Cal said as he walked towards his sister. "This is my sister. My best friend. We haven't spent our whole life together, but that doesn't matter. What does matter is that we are together now." He said as he hugged his sister. "Now you guys see where she got her height." JJ said with a chuckle. There were a few laughs in the crowd. "But we're not here to tell you a sob story." I said, finally relaxing a little more. "We're here to motivate you guys, help you become successful, and tell you to never give up." Ethan finished my sentence. "Can I not finish a sentence?" I said as I turned towards Ethan. "Oi! Emon." He said with a smirk. The rest of the guys and Mackenzie and Karmyn snickered, but the crowd was silent. "Inside joke." Karmyn said, rescuing us from the awkward silence. I nodded and we continued the assembly. It went very well. I think we actually got something through to the kids, even though I didn't even want to be in the same room as them because of what they're doing to Mackenzie. I did it anyways. We all did. I knew that none of the guys wanted to be there. When it was finally over, Josh decided to sign Mackenzie out of school for the rest of the day so we could go get pizza. He wanted Karmyn to come along, but she had to go back to class.

*Mackenzie's POV*

     Cal was traded out for Harry in the car. I was now in a car with Harry, Ethan, Tobi, and JJ. We were listening to 'Test Me-JME' (this song has been stuck in my head ALL DAY!) It was fun riding with them, super fun actually. It took about twenty minutes for us to get to to a pizza place. "We are here!" Harry, who was driving, yelled once we pulled into the parking lot. We all met with the other guys inside once we got there. Simon was on my right, Cal was in front of me, and JJ was on my left. Our pizzas soon arrived at our table, and left just as fast. I felt my stresses drift away as I looked around at the guys. They were just bantering about. I smiled a big, true smile as I looked at the boys who were once my idols. Once my idols, now my family. Family, I like that word. I finally can like that word.

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