Chapter 3

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     We pulled into a driveway of a very large house. I didn't want to even think about going in it. I just stared at it, through the window, not moving. "You coming?" Cal asked from the driver's seat. I nodded slowly. I opened the car door an climbed out of the car. I swung my purse over my shoulder and went to the back to get my suitcase. Josh already had it in his arms. I sighed, I didn't want all of this attention, but I got it anyways. "Thanks." I said, turning back towards the magnificent house. "Let's go!" Cal yelled. I started walking towards the house. As I began walking up the steps, I got more and more anxious. No, not now. I thought to myself. That's the thing about anxiety, you can't necessarily control it. I didn't really know what I was nervous about. I guess just thinking about if they don't like me, they would take me back. "It's okay." Cal said, putting his arm around my shoulders. "How did you-" I started. "You bite your lip when you're nervous." He said, opening the door to the house. I sighed and stepped in with him. We were greeted by a set of stairs. "Shall I show you to your new room?" I heard someone ask behind me. I turned around to see Simon there, holding out his hand. I nodded and he quickly walked past me to the stairs. He stopped at the bottom step and waited for me. He grabbed my hand and began leading me up the stairs. "There's Vik's room. That ones Josh's. That is their bathroom. Here's my room, and my bathroom. And this is your room. Right next to mine!" He said, pointing out each door as we walked. He opened the door to my new room to reveal a beautiful room. It had white walls and a white ceiling. It had dark grey carpet. There was a queen-sized bed in one corner of he room with a grey comforter on it. In another corner of the room was a set up, just like all of the other guys had. With a couple monitors, a T.V., an X-Box One, a Play Station 4. In another corner was a bookshelf, with many books on it. There was a big window on the same wall as my bed. I looked around and loved every thing in that room. I turned around and gave all of the guys a big hug. "I can't say thank you enough." I said, walking over to the bed. "Look at this." Simon said and walked over to a door. He opened it to a giant walk-in closet. "Oh my God!" I said, running over to it. "You like the room then?" He said, still standing beside the closet door. "No, I don't like it. I love it!" I yelled, giving him yet another hug. "Hey! I thought you said you were done with hugs?!" Cal yelled, walking towards us. I rolled my eyes and have my brother another hug. "I'm gonna get unpacked and settled in." I said, pulling away from the hug and walking towards my suitcase that Josh had brought up to the room. "I'm going to head home. I'm coming around tomorrow though. So be ready to record!" Tobi yelled from the door way. I walked over and gave him a hug. "Me too!" Ethan said. I gave him a hug, too. "Me three, I guess!" JJ yelled in my ear. I laughed and gave him a hug. "Guess that's my cue!" Harry said. I gave him a hug too. "Bye you guys!!" I yelled at them as they walked down the stairs. "We'll let you unpack." Vik said as he, Josh, and Simon walked out of the room. Cal stayed and sat down on my bed. I opened my suitcase and began emptying it. "You don't have much, do you?" He asked, eyeing my clothes laid out on the bed. I shook my head. "We will fix that." He said, standing up. I just nodded as he walked out of the room. I was alone for the first time that day. Well not the first time, but since I met the other guys. I got unpacked quite quickly. I put my suitcase away and walked over to my desk. I decided to just watch some of the videos I had missed today.

     I was in the middle of watching Simon's GTA video when I heard a knock at the door. I paused the video and turned around in my chair. "Come in!" I yelled so they could hear me. The door opened to reveal Vik. "We ordered some pizza if you want to come eat." He said. I stood up and walked towards the door. I was quite hungry. I got my phone out of my pocket and looked at the time, 10:00. Wow. I guess I had watched way more videos than I had intended to. Vik lease me down the status and into the kitchen. Everyone was already devouring the pizza. Cal was still here, though. "Are you staying the night, Cal?" I asked grabbing a slice of pizza. He nodded. I sat at a stool at the island and began eating. "Aren't you guys' sleeping schedules like all kinds of fucked up?" I asked  I wanted to know how it would work with my regular sleep schedule. "Language!" Cal yelled, playfully slapping my cheek. "Hey! The only person you can tell me when to do is Josh!" I said, slapping him back. "Yeah, Cal!" Josh yelled. I laughed with everyone else. "But seriously though, language." Josh said. I rolled my eyes. "Hey! Hasn't even been here a day and she's getting an attitude." Simon said with a smile. I giggled. "Yeah but seriously, we kinda like halfway fixed our schedules about three days ago. We usually go to bed at around midnight and wake up at about 10-11. We usually sleep for a long time." Vik said. I nodded. I usually woke up very early, I just always had. "Still wake up at an in humane hour?" Cal asked me. He used to always pick on me because I would wake up so early. I nodded with a smile. I'm glad that he remembered. "Do you sleep late or something?" Simon asked, confused. "No. I wake up super early. I always have. Never needed a lot of sleep." I said, looking at the counter too. "I'm usually the first one awake around here, so we have that in common." He continued. I smiled. I could tell they were trying to make me feel at home. I just didn't like the fact that they had to put effort into it. They shouldn't have to. I already feel comfortable around them. I don't think I should, but I've been watching them on YouTube for so long, I just kind of feel like I already know everything about them. Thy sounds creepy, like I stalk them. "Where am I sleeping?" Cal asked, interrupting my thoughts. "You can have my bed. I'll take the couch." I said. "You're not sleeping on the couch!" Vik basically yelled at me. I giggled a bit. "I don't mind, I actually like couches." I said, looking at him. "Yeah she does. Always has. She's a weird one this one is." Cal said, raising an eyebrow at me. "Why do you like sleeping on couches?" Josh asked, looking at me like I was an alien or something. I immediately started freaking out. Oh no! They already think I'm weird. I shrugged. "I dunno." I said. Cal nudged me with his elbow. He knew why I liked couches, I just didn't want to say it because they might think I'm super weird. I looked at Cal and shook my head. There is no way I'm telling them. "Yes you do." Simon said, bringing me out of my thoughts. "Well.... I just like to kinda snuggle up to the back of the couch. It's comfortable." I said looking down at the counter again. Cal patted my thigh. I looked at him, he smiled at me. "So you're a snuggler, eh?" Simon asked, wiggling his eyebrows. I felt my cheeks get warm. "I-I guess." I said shrugging. "No! No, Simon!" Cal yelled, startling me. Simon grinned. "That's my sister!" Cal yelled, pointing at me. Simon laughed with Vik and Josh. I just sat there awkwardly. I don't think Simon could actually like me, could he?

     After we finished off the three pizzas, we decided to watch some movies. Of course, Cal chose a scary movie first. I hated scary movies. Cal was on my left and Simon was on my right. If I did get scared, one of them was going to have to let me squeeze their hand until their fingers break. A really scary part came on and I was hiding my face in a pillow. The creepy music intensified and I felt like i was about to cry. I felt an arm go around me but I didn't dare move that pillow. When I heard a scream and the music stopped I waited for a few seconds then removed the pillow. Simon had his arm around me, pulling me closer to him. This is just awkward now. "I hate you Cal! Why did you have to choose a fucking scary movie?!" I yelled, glaring at my brother. He laughed and threw a pillow at me. I returned it, it hit him in the face. "It's on!" He yelled. He threw the pillow at me very hard. It hurt. He shot up from the couch and ran into the kitchen. I chased after him, pillow in my hand. Ready to hit him. I turned the corner too sharply and slipped on nothing but my socks. I fell right on my butt. Even though it hurt I couldn't help but laugh. I heard the other guys start laughing as well. By now I was lying on my stomach, my hand on my butt, and laughing so hard I thought I would die. Cal sat down on the floor beside me. "That's what you get!" He said in between laughs. I just hit him with the pillow. He didn't do anything but continue to laugh. After we recovered I was very tired. "I'm gonna head to bed." I said standing up. "Ah, I think I broke my butt." I said slowly climbing the stairs. I heard footsteps behind me but didn't bother to look. I walked into my room. The footsteps followed me in. I jumped on my bed. They wouldn't let me sleep on the couch. Simon was standing at the doorway. He walked in and sat down on my bed. "How was your day?" He asked. I sighed and late back on the headboard. "Eventful. I got adopted by the Sidemen, got reunited with my brother, broke a nose, had a pillow fight, and is potentially getting way too much hate on my social medias because of what you posted on Twitter. Everyone thinks I'm your girlfriend or something. You should tell them that we aren't a thing." I said quickly, staring at the ceiling. "Maybe later." Simon said. I felt a weight lift off of my bed, telling me that he had gotten up. "Goodnight." I said as he walked towards the door. "Goodnight, Mackenzie." He said. I looked at him and he was smiling. He quickly looked away and walked out, losing the door behind him. I got changed into some shorts and a tank top. I got on my phone for a little while then I eventually fell asleep.

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