Chapter 26

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     We finally arrived at Nandos after a very exciting car ride. It was just us singing and dancing to songs. We basically went full retard to YMCA (reference to a Cards Against Humanity video. I love you if you get it!). We sat down in a booth across from each other (idek how Nandos works so don't judge me plz). Our food finally arrived. "Sometimes I wonder how many people there are here right now that are talking about us." I said randomly as I looked around the room. It was packed for a Monday. "Probably not a lot." Simon said as he looked around the room with me. "Those people are for sure." I said as I nodded towards a group of people that I recognized from school, half of them were looking directly at me an the other half were talking to the people that were looking at me. "I mean come on people, if you're going to talk about someone at least don't make it noticeable." I said as I turned my head back to Simon. "I dare you to flip them off." He said with a smirk. I looked back at the group, now all of then were either looking  at me or Simon. I extended my middle finger up at them, just as dared. They looked away quickly and the girls rolled their eyes. "Wait, I didn't know we were playing Truth or Dare." I said as I took a bite of my food. "Want to?" He said as he swallowed some of his food. I nodded. "Okay. Truth or Dare?" He asked. I thought for a second. "Truth." I said, I didn't usually pussy out and pick truth, but I thought this could be interesting. "Why don't you ever talk about our kiss?" He asked quickly. I knew my cheeks were very red. "Same reason you don't I guess." I said with a shrug, trying to hide my blush. "I like not acting all awkward about it after we kissed, so let's keep it that way." I added. He nodded whilst smiling, causing me to smile. "Truth or Dare?" I asked, wanting to change the subject. "Dare." He said with a small smirk.  He didn't know what he just got himself into. "Okay, I dare you to scream something really loud." I said, looking at him with my best straight face I could manage. "That could get us kicked out." He whined, crossing his arms. "You could always pussy out and forfeit." I said with an evil grin. He straightened up in his seat and shook his head. "Then yell." I said, taking a sip of my drink. "What do I have to yell?" He asked with a long, exaggerated sigh. "Anything you're heart desires." I said with a bad posh accent.

*Simon's  POV*

"Anything your heart desires." Mackenzie said in a bad posh accent. I know what I wanted to yell, I just couldn't bring myself to do it. "Okay then." I said shakily. I yelled the first thing that popped into my head "HA, GGAAAYYY!" I yelled really loud. Mackenzie laughed and looked around the room innocently. The room had grown quiet and very one was looking in our direction. A waitress with short black hair came over to our table. "I'm going to have to ask you to not do that again. That was extremely loud and obnoxious. Please, don't do it again." She said in a stern voice, looking directly at Mackenzie. "Yes ma'am. I apologize." Mackenzie said in a soft voice, I could tell she was trying not to laugh. The waitress looked at me and straightened up a little, poking out her chest a bit. "Hey cutie. How about I get your number?" She said with a wink. I looked back at Mackenzie who had her mouth wide open, staring at the waitress. "Uh...we're kind of on a date." I said to the woman, not looking at her. "What? No way! You. And her." She said, scrunching up her nose in disgust as she looked at Mackenzie. Mackenzie stood up, revealing her height to the snobby waitress. "Yeah. We are on a date. Do you have a problem with that?" Mackenzie asked her. Crossing he arms over her chest. "What are you going to do about it, Giraffe? Are you going to beat me up?" The waitress asked sarcastically. "Bitch, I might." Mackenzie said. I knew she was pissed off now. I stood up and stepped in front of Mackenzie. "We will just be going now. I will be filing a complaint to your employer, by the way, about your unnecessary bitchy behavior." I said. I glanced down at her name tag. "Amber." I said as I grabbed Mackenzie arm and escorted her out of the restaurant. I knew she was pissed because she was completely silent. "Are you alright?" I asked once we got out of there. "I'm sorry. I fucking ruin everything. I j-just-" she said, unclenching her fists and moving her hands as she talked. "It's okay. You don't ruin everything." I said as I put an arm over her shoulder. Another couple walked into the restaurant beside us. The guy was about as tall as me, but the girl was an average height for a girl her age. Mackenzie sighed. "I'm a fucking giraffe." She mumbled under her breath as she stared at the couple, longing in her eyes. "You're my fucking giraffe." I said as I stepped in front if her and grabbed her hands. She smiled a little and looked at her feet. "I'm not yours." She said quietly, not looking at me. "You're right. But you will be. One day. Hopefully." I whispered. She looked up at me. I got lost in her eyes, searching for something I didn't really know was there. Love. I saw it though, there was something about the way her eyes looked when she looked at someone she loved, that intrigued me. I saw it when she looked at Cal. She loves her brother. She truly does. Then it hit me, she loves me. She loves me. I smiled to myself. "It would be so romantic if they kissed." I voice said beside us. I glanced over to it quickly and saw two girls with their hand over their chests. I looked back at Mackenzie, who was still staring at me. I nodded. She did too. I closed my eyes and leaned in. It was just as great as the first kiss. I felt my stomach knot up. The world around me didn't exist, it was just me and her. She pulled away slightly, so I did as well. I opened my eyes to see her already looking towards the girls. I looked at them and smirked. "Love." One of them sighed. I looked at Mackenzie, she looked a little nervous. "Hello ladies." I said with a small wave. "Hello. Sorry for intruding, we are just big fans of both of you and wanted a picture." One of them said sweetly. So smiled and felt Mackenzie relax a little beside me. "Yeah sure." I said as I took a step closer. We took selfies and stuff and then it was just me and Mackenzie. "That's my first time meeting a fan." She said with a big smile. "Nice, isn't it?" I asked her. She nodded. "Lovely." She said, looking off in the distance. "Are we just going to ignore that kiss?" I asked her. She looked up at me. "Probably." She said innocently. I smiled and nodded. We probably would never talk about it again, but I could never forget it.

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