Chapter 5

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I woke up in a bed that wasn't mine. I could tell by the way the blankets felt. I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in Simon's bed, he was laying beside me. He was on the edge of the bed. He looked like he was scared to touch me. I smiled, he was just too nice. I got out of bed and threw my hair in a messy bun. I walked out of his room, being very quiet. I guess Cal went home last night, because he wasn't in my room or on the couch. I looked at the time on my phone, 12. Great, now my sleeping schedule is going to be messed up. I made a bowl of cereal and sat at the island, eating silently. Simon walked in the kitchen. "Morning." He mumbled, waving slightly. "Good morning. Why did I wake up in your room?" I asked, looking up at him and raising an eyebrow. He blushed a little. "You fell asleep when we were watching the video. I didn't feel like carrying you all the way to your room, so I just put you in my bed. I didn't touch you. I promise." He said, putting his hands in the air to surrender. "My room is just beside yours." I said smiling. "Hey! I was tired. It's not that big of a deal." He said defensively. I just giggled. My phone started ringing. It was Cal. "Hello?" I asked. "Hey. I was wondering if you would like to come around to my flat today? You could meet the other Cal and we could go out for some food." He said. "Sure. Pick me up in an hour?" I asked, bringing my bowl to the sink. "Yeah. And ask if any of the guys want to come." He said quickly. "Will do. See ya later, bye." I said, hanging up. "Where are you off to?" Simon asked from the other side of the kitchen. "Cal wants me to come over. He wanted me to ask you guys if you wanted to go to. Wanna go?" I asked, washing my bowl. "Sure. I'll go ask Vik and Josh." He said, I heard footsteps lead out of the kitchen. I turned back around and went to get ready. I walked into my room and put on some high-wasted black shorts with a pink 'SDMN' shirt I had recently been given. I tucked the shirt in and examined myself in the full-length mirror I had recently gotten for my new room. I liked me. I didn't want to change anything. Well, maybe my height, but besides that I'm perfect, to me at least. I think it's just hard being friends with all guys now. And being as tall as if not taller than most of them. I had never gotten along with girls. They would always just bring me into some sort of useless drama. Cal used to date these stuck-up, fake whores. Before I left, he had this one girlfriend that was a whore. He broke up with her and told me that he was done with girls like that. I believed him. The only reason I didn't like girls the girls he dated was because they were usually all really mean to me. I hated it. "Josh and Vik aren't coming!" Simon yelled from the other side of the door, bringing me out of my thoughts. "Okay!" I yelled back. I put on some black and white Vans and went to do my makeup and hair. I put on some concealer where I needed it, some eyeliner, and I curled my lashes and put on some mascara. I never was in to makeup that much. I decided to curl my naturally straight hair. I was in the middle of curling it when Simon walked into the bathroom. He was vlogging, "She hasn't been here for that long and this place already looks female-infested." He said, pointing the camera towards the mess. It was just my makeup and hair stuff. "Shut up! I always clean up after I'm done!" I yelled, laughing. "Anyways guys. I'm vlogging today because we are actually doing something. Mackenzie and I are going over to Cal's. Then we might get some food or something." He said, pointing the camera towards himself but staying in the bathroom. "So yeah, I will see you guys when we get there." He continued, putting the camera away. He came up beside me and began doing his hair. I smiled to myself. Cal and I used to get ready for school like this. "What?" Simon asked, running his fingers through his hair. I just shook my head and unplugged the curler. I brushed my teeth and Simon was still doing stuff in the mirror. "Ready?" He asked me when I got done. I nodded. "Let's surprise Cal." I said, checking the time. It had only been half an hour since we talked on the phone. He nodded and we left. The ride there was silent. It wasn't awkward though. It was nice actually. He finally arrived and we went to Cal's door and knocked. He opened shortly after. "What are you guys doing here?" He asked nervously. I could tell something was up. I looked at him suspiciously. "We wanted to surprise you!" Simon said, pulling out his camera. He was oblivious to Cal's strange behavior. Maybe I was just imagining things. He let us in, but we kind of just stood around by the door. I looked at Cal. His eyes kept darting towards what I assume was the living room. I sighed. "Cal...." I said. "What?" He asked, faking a smile. "Are we just going to stand here all day or are we actually going to go do something?" I asked, kind of pushing him towards the room he was looking towards. We walked in and there was a girls sitting on the couch. She was wearing a crop top and some very tight, VERY short shorts. He ass was hanging out. She had on red lipstick and black eyeshadow. Her big boobs were basically hanging out of her shirt that was almost non-existent. I sighed. This is the kind of girls Cal told me he was over with. She looked up at us from her phone when she heard us come in. "Who the hell are you?!" She asked, looking at me with evil eyes. "I'm Cal's sister, Mackenzie." I said walking towards her with my hand out. "Don't fucking touch me!" She yelled looking at my hand with disgust on her face. I put my hand down and clenched my fist. I was getting angry. "Damn bitch, calm down." I said with a smile. She looked up at me with disbelief. She shot up from the couch, getting in my face. "Shut up! You have no right to call me anything!" She said pushing me. "What's wrong? Scared to hit me back? I bet you are. You're obviously a hipster-wanna-be with daddy issues that self-harms!" She spat in my face, pushing me yet again. "Mackenzie..." I heard someone say behind me. I was raging now. I pushed her until she was pinned up against the wall. I put my fore arm on her chest, so she couldn't move. I pulled my arm back, my fist clenched, ready to punch her. Someone caught my arm. "Mackenzie! Stop!" I got out of the person's grip but I didn't hit her. "Now that you've pissed me off, I suggest you get the fuck out of here before I beat your ass!" I yelled at her. She had fear in her eyes, but she nodded. I let her go and she ran out of the door. I heard it slam and I just stood there, staring at the wall where she once stood. I was still extremely mad. "Calm down." I heard someone say and try to hug me. I pulled away and looked at the person, it was Simon. I turned around all the way and leaned against the wall. "Who was she?" I asked, still trying not to go off. "My girlfriend." Cal said quietly. Now Harry and Callux entered the room. "Was someone playing FIFA or something? What was all that screaming?" Callux asked. The only reason I knew who he was is from the guys' videos. "Mackenzie almost beat Sam's ass." Simon said smiling. "How do you know she would've won the fight? I've seen Sam fight." Callux said from beside Harry, who was grinning. "The first day we met her, she broke a girl's nose." Harry said, still grinning. "Wow. Okay then." Callix said, he looked like he was trying to process. "You good then, Mackenzie?" Cal asked. I shook my head no. I was still very mad. I needed to punch something. "You want to hit something? Don't you?" He asked. I just nodded, staring at the floor with my fist clenched. "Guys. I suggest you step back." He said. I slid down the wall. I sat with my knees in my chest. I hid my face. They were actually threatened by me. I've become a monster. I can't believe it. "Are you okay?" I heard Cal ask. "I guess." I said, looking up and standing up. "Why were you so mad anyways?" Asked Callux. Poor him, he didn't know about my disorder. I shivered at the word. I ignored him and walked over to the couch, plopping down with a sigh. I heard whispers behind me but couldn't quite make out what they were saying. Everyone else eventually came and sat down too. We played some FIFA and then we went to go eat. When we got done eating, it was like 9 so Simon and I went home. We are in the car now, not saying anything. Just listening to the music. "I had fun today." I said, breaking the silence. "Me too." He said. I looked over at him, he looked uncomfortable. "What's wrong?" I asked. He looked at me, his eyes wanted to say something, I could tell. He quickly looked back at the road. "It's stupid...." He said, kind of shaking his head. "You can tell me. I'm not going to judge you." I said, putting my hand on his knee. "I....just.....I don't know. I feel different when I'm with you. In a good way. I just...can't put my finger on it. It's just something that's...I don't know, different." He said stuttering. I was confused. I moved my hand from his knee an looked out the window. It's starting. He's beginning to not like me. "You don't like me do you?" I asked, still looking out the window. "No! I like you! I just...I think I might actually like you. You know? And I can't, because your my mate's sister." He said. I couldn't believe it. He actually liked me. And he just admitted it. I looked up at him. His eyes were focused on the road. "Oh." Was all I could manage to say. "Sorry if I made things awkward now. I just, I felt like I needed to tell you. So I did." He said awkwardly. "It's not awkward. Only if you make it. I'm not going to make it awkward, so that's up to you." I said maybe a little too calmly. I started panicking. No. I just messed this whole thing up. Now he's going to think I don't like him. "Plus, I might like you too." I said quietly and looking out the window. I glanced back over at Simon and he was smiling. I can't believe it. Simon and I might actually become a 'thing'.

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