Chapter 33

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*Simon's POV*

I pulled the blankets off of her and stared at her. She was so beautiful. She slowly opened her eyes. "I don't wanna." She said sleepily as she stretched. "I know, but I gotta." I said as I plopped down on the bed beside her. I was laying on my stomach and her on her back. She rolled over and faced me. "Hi." She said as she ran her fingers through my hair. I smiled in response. It was moments like this that I wish I could replay every day. "Good morning." I said as I looked up at her. "Do I have to go to school? I stayed up almost all night editing and recording with you guys." She complained as she rubbed here eyes. I sat up and looked at her. "That was your choice. Now, get ready please." I said as I walked out of her room.

*Mackenzie's POV*

     I got out of bed finally and walked to my closet. I thought about what I wanted to wear, and then I laughed at myself. I wore what I always wore. I pulled out a white 'Sidemen' sweatshirt and some black ripped skinny jeans. I put them on quickly and went to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and my hair. I put my hair in a messy braid and put a blue bow in it. I put on some mascara and examined myself in the mirror. I wasn't exactly ugly, but everyone at school believed I was. I sighed as I pulled my eyes away from the mirror. I went to my room and grabbed my phone off of the charger. I slid it in my back pocket and put some socks on. I walked downstairs, being as quiet as possible. I knew that Vik and Josh were still asleep because they stayed up just as late as I did. I walked into the kitchen and Simon was sitting on the island on his phone. I grabbed a bowl and some cereal. "How come that is all you eat in the mornings?" He asked after I began eating. "Because I can't be bothered to make anything else." I said as I continued eating. He chuckled and then was silent. I looked up from my almost empty bowl to find him staring at me. "Can I help you?" I asked as I got up to put my bowl in the sink. "No." He said with a smirk. "Then why are you staring at me?" I asked as I walked towards the doorway backwards so I could still see him. "Because you're beautiful and you're mine, so I can." He said as he stood up and walked towards me. I stopped at the doorway. When he reached me, he brought his hand up to my face. He closed his eyes and leaned in. I did too. And we kissed. Even though we haven't kissed many times, it felt so natural. "Guys! At least get out of the doorway. I just wanted sandwich." I heard Vik's voice behind me. Simon smiled and then pulled away. I turned around and Vik was standing there with his arms crossed. "I thought you were asleep." I said as I slung my bag over my shoulder that Simon had brought downstairs. "Preston woke me up to record something and I got hungry." He said as we walked past me. "It's time for us to get going anyways." Simon said as he checked the time on his phone. "Alright. Bye. Have a good day Mackenzie." Vik said a I turned away. "Unlikely." I mumbled as I opened the front door. I walked slowly to his car, dreading going to school. Eventually, I reached the car. I sighed as I climbed in and shut the door loudly. Simon got in shortly after me. "It'll be okay." He said as he started the car. "I know." I said as I looked out the window. The rest of the car ride was silent, a good silent. "You're going to have a good day." Simon said as he hugged me goodbye. He kissed my forehead before pulling away. "I'll try." I said before getting out of the car. As soon as I stepped into the school, I didn't want to be there anymore. I hesitantly looked through the glass door to the front office. I saw that Karmyn's mom was replaced by a stern looking older woman. I can tell that I won't be too find of her. "Mackenzie! It's great to see you back here." I heard someone say from in front of me. I snapped my head towards the voice. It was the principal, Ms. Johnson. I knew how to make people happy, so I went along with it. I put on a smiled. "It's great to be back." I said as I slowly stepped towards her. "I've got to get going, but I want you to stop by the office later when you get the chance so we can discuss something. I'm sorry about Karmyn as well." She said. I nodded in response. What do you say to that? She walked past me and into the office. I walked down the almost empty hall to my locker. I was looking for my science book when I heard the clacking of heels on the floor. I grabbed my book and shut the locker and leaned my head against it. Here it comes. "I heard about Karmyn. How does it feel to have no one? I wouldn't want to know. Why don't you just kill yourself so I don't have to deal with you?" Lucille's voice filled the quiet halls. I dropped my stuff and turned toward her. I stomped towards her, rage taking over. I didn't stop it either. I grabbed her by the collar of her shirt and forced her backwards until her back hit the lockers on the other side of the hall. "Say one more fucking word about Karmyn and I will live up to beating the shit out of you, again. I don't care who's around. Do you understand me?" I said behind gritted teeth. She was silent, but had a slightly frightened look on her face. I grabbed her with my left hand and brought back my right. I punched her right in the lip. It began bleeding quickly. I slammed her again into the locker. "Do you fucking understand me?" I asked again. She ignored me once more and grabbed her face in her hands. I brought my hand up again. I punched her once more in the nose. She began crying and I released her from my death grip. "Excuse me!" I heard a sharp voice from my side. I turned my head to see the stern looking woman in the office. "Office. Now." She said as she walked towards Lucille. She was on the floor crying. I grabbed my stuff off of the ground and walked towards the office. I honestly didn't care anymore if I got in trouble for hurting Lucille. That bitch deserved it. I sat in the seat in the corner of the room. Ms. Johnson walked in and sighed. "When I said come see me, this is not what I meant." She said with a small smile. I stood up and followed her to her office. I sat on one side of the desk and she took her seat in the other. Lucille came in, still crying hysterically, and sat next to me. "What is going on?" Ms. Johnson asked as she leaned forward on her desk. I was quiet. "She....she just started hitting me." Lucille stuttered. I shook my head as I stared at the wall. "Is this true?" She asked me in a stern voice. "No." I said as I looked back at her. "S-she's lying." Lucille said as she sniffled and wiped blood from her lip. "Mackenzie, do I need to call Joshua again?" Ms. Johnson asked as she crossed her arms. "Go ahead, he'll believe me." I said sassily. "Lucille, let us have a moment." Ms. Johnson said as she helped the still sobbing Lucille out of the room. I heard the door shut and Ms. Johnson can back to her seat. "You're signed up to try out for the girls football team, correct?" She asked. I nodded slowly. "Well not anymore." She said. I stood up quickly. "That's not fair! Lucille is lying! Why does everyone fucking believe her?" I yelled as I pointed at her. She gasped and covered her mouth. "Sit down! That's it! I'm calling your father." She said as she grabbed the phone off her desk. "Please do!" I said as I sat back down and crossed my arms. I listened to her side of the conversation. "Yes, this is Ms. Johnson, the principal at (school name). Is this Joshua?.........I have Mackenzie in my office and I'm afraid she is causing some problems.........yes, that would be lovely..........okay see you then." She said as she hung up. Great. "He will be here shortly. Don't move." She walked out of the room and I was alone. I sighed and put my face in my hands. I hate being bipolar. I wish I could've just ignored her and walked away, but I couldn't. After a while of thinking, the door opened again. I could hear more footsteps and Lucille's sobs. I looked up to see Lucille sitting down in the chair to my right and Josh walked towards my chair. Ms. Johnson took her seat and Josh sat on the arm of my chair. "Now, would both of you like to tell your side of the story to Josh?" Ms. Johnson said in a sweet voice. It disgusted me. "I will go first while she sucks up her faucet for a bit." I said as I turned towards Josh. I saw him try to hide a laugh and Ms. Johnson sigh. "Okay, I got my book out of my locker and she walked over to me and said and I quote 'I heard about Karmyn. How does it it feel to have no one? I wouldn't want to know. Why don't you just kill yourself so I don't have to deal with you?' And so I got mad and I grabbed her by her shirt and pushed her against the locker and said 'Say one more thing about Karmyn and I will hurt you, again. I don't care who's around to see. Do you understand me?' And when she didn't answer, I punched her in the mouth and then I asked her again I punched her in the nose. And that's when I had to go in here and she said I couldn't play football." I said in a rush. Josh just nodded, obviously believing me. "That's not what happened at all! You just started beating me and told me that you were going to kill me!" Lucille spoke up. "Mackenzie, why would you do that to Lucille?" Ms. Johnson asked, taking her side. "You've got to be kidding me." Josh whispered to me. I just shook my head in disappointment. "Joshua, how are you going to handle her behavior?" Ms. Johnson asked. "I'm not." He said bluntly. "And why is that?" She asked while she crossed her arms. "Because she is telling the truth. I'm not saying that what she did was right, but she did have a reason to do it." He said as he stood up. "You're kidding me." Ms. Johnson said. "No, I'm not. Now, if you don't mind, I should get going. I've got loads of videos to edit." He said as he walked back towards me. I stood up and gave him a quick hug before he left. "Well, I guess I'll just have to keep you from playing football." She said as I sat back down. "Guess so." I said. She got up and escorted Lucille and I out of the room.

*Skip time to gym class (last period)*

I jogged up to the field and began stretching. She can't keep me from playing in gym class like we do almost every day. "Mackenzie! I'm excited to see you try out for the team." Coach said as he walked towards me. I was still the only one out here. I like Coach because he doesn't put up with Lucille's shit. "About that...." I started at I scratched the back of my neck. "I'm not allowed to try out because I got in trouble." I said as I stood up. "What did you do?" He asked with a chuckle. "I punched Lucille." I said as some more girls began to show up. "I'm not going to ask for details" he said as he blew his whistle and we began to do warm ups. We ended up just doing drills the rest of the day, but I didn't mind. I was just happy to be able to touch a football.

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