Chapter 12

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     I now had a very awkward cast thing on my hand. I had in fact broken two of my knuckles. It didn't hurt, they just said that I had to keep the cast thing on for at least 4 weeks, depending on how they heal. I walked in to the waiting room and saw Simon sitting there alone and on his phone. He looked up when her heard me walk towards him. "I told you so." He said with a smirk and pointing to my hand. I rolled my eyes and giggled a bit. "Where's Josh and Vik?" I asked. "They got a cab home, they had to record and edit." He said, standing up and slipping his phone back into his pocket. "Ready to go?" He added. I nodded and we walked out of the hospital. I climbed in the car and looked straight ahead while Simon began driving us home. It was about a half an hour drive, but I didn't mind. We had been driving for about five minutes when Simon spoke up, breaking the silence. "Why didn't you tell know?" He asked nervously. I knew what he was talking about. I knew that as soon as I showed my scars and cuts, I would have to have this talk with someone, and I was dreading it. "You never asked...?" I asked it more than said it. I really couldn't think of a way to tell him that I didn't want pity, other than bluntly saying it. "Yeah, well, nobody just walks up to someone and asks 'Oh hey, do you cut yourself?'" He said sarcastically, but being completely serious. I sighed. "I didn't want any pity. I didn't want people to think it was all for attention. I don't want that." I said quietly, looking straight ahead. "When's the last time you did it?" He asked. I shrugged. "Tell me." He said. "The night before Josh adopted me." I said barely above a whisper. "Then why does it look so fresh?" He asked again. "Because I don't let them heal properly. I always pick the scab or scratch at it. But the last time I actually did it was that night. The night before my life changed." I said quietly. "Don't ever fucking do it again." He said. I have had this talk before, with Cal. I cut myself before my parents left me, before my life got ruined. "You don't understand how fucking hard it is to stop." I said under my breath, not really caring if he heard me or not. He pulled the car over. I looked at him. "What are you doing?" I asked. He pushed up his sleeves. I saw something I didn't think I would ever see on Simon, scars. Not many, but they were there. They were old, faded, but still there, still visible, still reminders. "I do understand." He whispered. I looked up at him. He had a tear rolling down his cheek. I wiped the tear and embraced him in a hug. That was a very needed hug. I let a few tears escape, but didn't actually cry. He pulled away and I sat back in my seat and stared out the window. He began driving again. "When was the last time you did it?" I asked him. He sighed. "I don't remember." He said. I knew he did. "Yes you do." I said. He had his eyes still glued to the road. "That's why I started YouTube. So I could keep myself busy, so I wouldn't do it." He said and I saw his jaw tighten. I put my hand on his knee and looked forward. "Want some food?" He asked. I smiled, glad to get off of this depressing topic. "Sure." I said. "Text the guys and tell them we will be a little late. Tell them we are getting some food, but not for them." He said as he pulled into a driveway of a place. I nodded and giggled a bit and texted the guys. We ended up eating at McDonald's. We ate happily, talking about small things. "Do you want a dog?" Simon asked very randomly. "What?" I asked through a mouthful of fries. "Do you want a dog?" He repeated, with a straight face. "Sure. Why not?" I said shrugging. He nodded and continued eating. "That's a little random, don't you think?" I said. He looked up at me and smiled. "Nope. Not at all." He said looking into my eyes. We had another moment. We got lost into each other's eyes. It's a little too easy to get lost in his eyes. They're like an ocean view against the night sky, a view you never want to forget. A view you never want to look away from. My phone buzzed on the table. He sighed and grabbed his phone out of his pocket and began scrolling through something. I looked at it. It was a text from Karmyn.

K-Missed you at school today! Are you okay?
M-I'm fine. Simon let me skip.

     I smiled as I remembered it was Friday, that means I get a three day weekend.

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