Chapter 2

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I was finally getting out of here. I wasted no time and started packing while Josh was signing papers. I ran up to my room and quickly put all of my clothes on my bed. I hurriedly put them in my suitcase I was brought here with. Once I got done with my clothes I put my tooth brush in a plastic baggie and put it in my purse along with my hairbrush, phone charger, phone, and headphones. I put my deodorant and perfume in my purse too. I threw my purse over my shoulder and ran out of my bedroom, my suitcase rolling behind me. I ran down the stairs and into the main room. Everyone was standing behind Josh, deep in conversation. They didn't even notice me come in. I did see Kaleigh standing beside Simon though. Obviously flirting. It made me mad, not exactly sure why. I couldn't like Simon. Could I? He had always been my favorite Sideman. I just shrugged the thought off. Even if I did like him, there's no way he would like me. I walked over to Cal's side. He hugged me for the millionth time that day. "Cal." I said. He looked at me with concern in his eyes. "I think I've had enough of the hugs for today." I said with a smile. He chuckled and just gave me another hug. "Cal! Stop it!" I yelled while laughing. I felt hands grab my shoulders and pull me away. I was then embraced by another hug. I looked up to see Simon hugging me. "I will save you!" He said with his fist in the air. I giggled and pushed myself away from him slowly. "The point of saving me was to get out of hugs!" I said while laughing still. I haven't laughed like this in a while. I immediately stopped laughing when Kaleigh walked over to Simon's side. She wrapped her arm around his. Making him stand very close to her. He looked confused, then he pulled his arm away. She looked furious, until she looked at me. "This is your fault!" She yelled, walking closer to me. I was very much taller than her, and stronger. We had already gotten into many physical fights, I had won all of them. Yet she still tries to fight me over the stupidest things. She was very close to my face, screaming at me. I just rolled my eyes and ignored her. I tried at least. I felt a pain on the left side of my face. She had slapped me, hard too. I just laughed. "That all you got?" I asked. I wasn't trying to start anything, I was about to leave, forever. The last thing I wanted to do was beat the poor girl up. "You scared to hit me back? You scared to embarrass yourself in front of your 'brother'?" She asked, obviously furious. I didn't say anything, I just punched her. Square in the nose. I heard a crack and she fell to the ground, crying. "Mackenzie! How many times do I have to tell you not to hit her back?!?! You know that you are a very powerful person! You can't react to stuff like that!! Bipolar or not!" Miss Evans yelled at me. She was one of the more unpleasant ladies that worked here. She always took Kaleigh's side. No matter what. I just rolled my eyes and mumbled "I'm sorry. She started it though!" She just shook her head and picked Kaleigh up. She began walking towards the nurse's office. She disappeared behind the corner and I turned back around to the guys. They were all just staring at me, open-mouthed. "Are you just going to act like you didn't just break that bitch's nose?!?!" JJ yelled. I looked down and shrugged. "You're bipolar?" Vik spoke up next. I didn't want them to know. I thought that if they knew, they wouldn't want me. I sighed and looked up. I looked at all of them, still staring at me and slowly nodded. I heard a laughter, very recognizable burst out. It was Ethan. "That was fucking awesome! You didn't even flinch when she hit you! I want to see you in another fight!" He yelled, in between laughs. The other guys joined in laughing. Josh walked over to me, still laughing and put his arm around my shoulder. "Shall we go, daughter?" He asked once the laughter died down. "Sure......DAD!" I said. That caused everyone else to laugh too. "No! Please no!" Josh said, shaking his head. Once we recovered from laughing, we began walking towards the door. We all got outside and I put my bags in the car. I walked to in front of the building and stared at it. This is where I had spent the last 3 years. I hated it. I was finally leaving. The front door opened and all of the girls that live there walked outside, even Kaleigh. She was holding what looked like ice on her nose, she was still crying. All of the other girls looked like they did NOT want to be there, saying goodbye. I walked over to the ladies that worked there. The ladies that had helped me through all of it. I gave each of them a big hug. I said goodbye to each of them. The last one I said goodbye to was Miss Riley. Her and I had always been super close. "Goodbye. I will miss you." I whispered in her ear while hugging her. He sniffled and whispered back "I will miss you too, sweetheart." I pulled away from the hug and saw tears in her eyes. "Oh. Please don't cry, because if you cry, I'm going to start crying. Then it won't be pretty." I said, wiping my teary eyes. She smiled. "Can I?" I asked. Her smile grew wider and she nodded. She knew what I was talking about, we always joked about it. I gave her one last hug and walked towards the girls that had made the last 3 years of my life a hell. "I have one thing to say to all of you. You guys have been so damn mean to me.....for....absolutely NO reason. You guys have made the last 3 years of my life awful. So, GOODBYE BITCHES!!!!" I yelled the last thing with my middle finger up at them. I slowly walked over to Miss Riley and have her one last quick hug, all of the other people outside were shocked by what just happened. "It was even more amazing than what I thought it would be." I said pulling away from the hug. "Goodbye, Mackenzie." She said, telling me to get out of here before I get jumped. "Goodbye." I said and turned around quickly. I don't like goodbyes. Never have. I ran towards the car that Cal was standing beside. He opened the door for me to get in. Cal was driving an Josh and Simon was in the back. They all got in the car. "I liked your goodbye." Josh said while shutting his door. I smiled. "I hate goodbyes." Cal and I said at the same time. We looked at each other. My smile faded. The last time I was in a car with Cal, I had almost died of agony. I had lost my brother, and now I had found him. "Are you okay?" Cal asked when he saw my smile disappear. "I'm better now!" I said happily. I was ecstatic about leaving that place. "Why were you put up for adoption anyways?" Simon asked. I sighed an leaned back in my seat, after putting my seatbelt on. "Si, I don't think it's a go-" Cal started. I cut him off by putting my hand in the air. "Our parents hated me. Don't know why, probably never will. When them and Cal went to travel the world 3 years ago, they left me behind. Cal came back for me." I said, not looking at anything other than the road in front if me. "On the papers, it said your birthday was yesterday. Was it you that Cal tweeted happy birthday to?" Josh asked from the seat directly behind me. "Yeah.... I think." I said, looking at Cal. He nodded, telling me that I was right. "I didn't think you remembered." I said quietly, more to myself than to anyone. "I would never forget about you." He said, his eyes still completely focused on the road. I started getting my headphones out of my purse, but I was ripped by Cal handing me the AUX cord. I looked at him and smiled. "Oh god. We are about to die, aren't we?" Simon said from the back. I plugged my phone in and pressed 'Shuffle' the first song that came on was 'Lamborghini-KSI' just my luck today. I played it and rapped all of the words. I had always been able to rap along to songs. I could talk really fast if I needed to, so I was quite good at it. I used to want to be a famous rapper, like Eminem. That dream didn't last long though. When that song went off 'The Real Slim Shady-Eminem' came on. I would not be lying if I said I had a slight obsession over Eminem. I had all of his songs. My phone buzzed while the song was playing, killing everyone's vibe. "Hey! Stalker much?!" Simon yelled from the back. I looked at my notification and it was Simon's tweet. I looked at it it said 'Where have you been my whole life?!?!' And it had a video of me rapping the words to 'Lamborghini'. "Oh my god Simon! Why would you post that?!?!" I yelled. He just laughed. I love his laugh. Wait, did I really just think that? No! Mackenzie stop! I noticed that everyone had become completely silent. I looked around. Josh and Simon eyes were all on me. Cal was quiet, but he was still driving. Simon's face looked red. "I said that out loud, didn't I?" I said.they all nodded. I put my head in my hands and got super embarrassed. They just laughed. "Let's pretend that don't happen!" I said when they finally stopped laughing. They nodded in response. The rest of the car ride was like this. We would listen to some music, completely jam out, or have unnecessary laughing fits. It was a great time. As we got closer an closer to the house, I felt myself getting nervous. I was going to be living with some of the main people that kept me alive for the past couple of years. I didn't know what to think, too much had happened today anyways. I shouldn't have to think. I should just know. Know that I'm going to be happy for the rest of my life. At least I hope I am.

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