Chapter 19

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     I felt guilty about cutting as soon as I woke up in the morning. After that dream about Simon, I just can't imagine him hurting and I feel as if I'll hurt him if he found out. "Good morning." Simon said as softly as he walked into my room. "Morning." I said as I sat up, pulling my sleeves down. He stared at me for a bit then looked at the ground. "I was just making sure you woke up. Get ready for school." He said as he walked out of the room. That was weird. I shrugged it off and climbed out of bed. I went to my closet and grabbed a black 'Sidemen' sweatshirt with white skinny jeans. I put them on an went to the bathroom. I put on deodorant and perfume. I brushed my teeth and my hair. I put my hair into a messy bun and walked downstairs. Simon was at the island on his phone. "Do you want to drive this morning?" He asked me as I grabbed a bowl for cereal. "Like actually drive?" I asked. I had driven before and I was honestly quite good at it. "Yeah. You are 16." He said. "Yeah sure. That'd be cool I guess." I said as I sat down with my bowl of cereal. "How have you been lately?" He asked staring at me. "Good...I guess. And you?" I asked, trying to sound normal. "Fantastic." He said flatly. He continued to stare at me. I ignored it and ate my breakfast. "Why do you keep string at me?" I finally asked, getting tired of that weird feeling. "You're just so beautiful." He said calmly. I felt my face heat up and I instantly turned away but played it off by taking my bowl to the sink. "Ready to go?" He asked. "Just gotta put my shoes on." I said, walking towards the door and slipping on my black and white converse. I grabbed my backpack and slipped my phone in the back pocket of my jeans. "Here." Simon said, throwing me the keys to the car. I smiled. "Let's do this!" I said excitedly. "Please don't kill us." Simon said as we walked into the morning air. We climbed in the car and I started it. "Are you sure you can handle this?" Simon asked. I ignored him and began driving. "See? I'm a good driver." I said as we pulled into the school parking lot. "Yes. Yes you are." He said as he unbuckled his seatbelt. "Have a good day!" He said as I opened the car door. "You too!" I said. I began walking, but felt eyes on my the entire time. I turned around to see Simon out of the car, hand on the door handle, just staring at me. I waved and blew him a kiss. He waved and climbed in the car. Here goes another day at school. Well, at least I get Nandos.

     Today at school actually wasn't that bad. Karmyn and I had both aced a test. Lucille, on the other hand, almost got me in trouble. I did my best and ignored her. At least she wasn't bullying anyone else. Now, I was driving Simon and I home. "I'm actually so excited to go to Nandos later." I said with a huge smile as we pulled into the driveway. "Me too." He said. I grabbed my backpack from the backseat and walked into the house. "Who's ready to go to Nandos?!" I yelled as soon as I opened the door. Vik didn't respond, so I assumed he was recording. Josh, however, opened his bedroom door. I put my bag down in my room and went into Josh's. "What time are we going?" I asked as I sat in his desk chair. "Probably about 6 or 7." He said. I nodded an texted Karmyn, asking if she wanted to go. She responded instantly with a yes. "Karmyn's coming." I said as I looked up at him. He smiled and nodded. "Want to invite Cal?" He asked. "Can we?" I asked in response. "We can." He said. "I will call him." I said. He nodded and I looked back at my phone. I scrolled through my contacts until I found Cal's number. I called him. He picked up after about three rings. "Yes, baby sister?" He said as he answered. I rolled my eyes at the nickname. "Want to go to Nandos with us later? At about 6 or 7?" I asked. "Sure!" He said instantly. "Okay cool. I will text you when we leave and you can just meet us there." I said. "Yep. Sounds like a plan." He said simply. I nodded, even though he couldn't see me. "Talk to you then, bye." I said. "Bye." He responded quickly. "Cal's coming." I said as I hung up. "Okay. Vik told me earlier he couldn't make it. He's streaming something for like 10 hours or something ridiculous like that." He said. "He works way too hard. Is he streaming now?" I asked. He nodded. I got up and walked slowly towards Vik's room. I didn't bother knocking and just walked in. He looked at me and then back at the screen. He was playing Minecraft, as usual. "Hey Mackenzie! Join me?" He asked as he pulled his spare chair over next to his. "What are you doing?" I asked as I sat down. "Playing Minecraft." He said. "Nooooo.....really?" I said sarcastically. He smiled and chuckled and continued playing. "You guys work him way too hard." I said as I pointed at the facecam. "No they don't." He said. I nudged him. "I'm trying to make an excuse so you can come to Nandos with us later." I said like I was pretending to be quiet, but loud enough for everyone to hear. "Oh right. Yeah! All I want to do is go to Nandos!" He said, catching on to the joke. "Guess you'll have to come another time, Block Boy." I said with a shrug as I started to stand up. "If this wasn't going on my Minecraft channel that is rated G, I would totally cuss you out." He said, glaring at me. "I know." I said with a cocky grin as I walked towards the door. "Have fun, Vik!" I yelled as I walked out of his room, shutting the door behind me. I heard him laugh and then I walked away. "Get ready to go to Nandos!" Josh yelled at me from his bedroom door. I looked at the time on my phone. It was already 5. I walked to my room and opened my door. My room was really messy. I'll clean it later. I shrugged it off and walked back out towards the bathroom. I plugged my hair straightener in and took my hair down. I brushed it and waited for my thing to hear up. Simon walked in the bathroom with his hair not done. "Hey." He said as I played with my hair some more. "Why do we always do this?" I asked as he picked up his hair gel. "You remember?" he asked, turning towards me. I nodded. He smiled and started doing his hair in his usual messy quiff. I smiled as I picked up my straightener and ran it through my hair. I already have naturally straight hair, so I don't need to use it much. I brushed my hair one last time and grabbed my makeup bag. I put on some mascara and eyeliner. I looked back at the mirror to see Simon staring at me. "Can I help you?" I asked while I put my things away. "No." He said while he continued to stare at me. "Then why are you staring at me?" I asked with my eyebrows raised in annoyance. He looked away quickly and smiled. "Just wanted to I guess." He said with a small shrug. "Guys! Let's go! Karmyn's already here!" Josh yelled from downstairs. We quickly walked down the stairs and shuffled out of the door. Soon, we were on our way.

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