Chapter 22: A Mating Ball (Louis' POV) {Larry}

Start from the beginning


                The two girls refused to let me go, saying something about saving my ‘ass in tights sight’ until the dance, so I ended up spending the entire day. To say I was a little restless and anxious until the time for us to head down to the hall would be an understatement. I missed Harry, as sad as it was. I hated not being around him.

                The dance had already begun by the time we got there. As soon as I spotted Harry (which wasn’t too hard, since his curly hair was a bit of a give-away) in his pirate costume, I ditched May and Lee, and ran over to him. “Hazza.” I said, grinning.

                Harry turned around, and I could see his pirate costume was actually a Captain Hook costume. I laughed. “Hey Boo.”

                “Yeah, hey Louis. Thanks for noticing.” Zayn said sarcastically, but there was a small smile on his lips. He was in tight, black leather pants, with black boots, a red over top with some white frilly top underneath it, and a deep red cap behind him. If (a) I was into him, (b) he was gay and (c) I didn’t lov- like Harry, I’d totally want him.

“Your girlfriend was behind me-“ I cut myself off, looking behind me. May was slowly walking down the stairs that were in front of the door, look beyond beautiful in the light. She had pulled the hood up, just enough that it almost framed her face. I could practically feel Zayn grinning from here as he walked over to meet her. As May reached the bottom, he offered her his arm, and, as she laughed, she placed her hand on it.

“They’re a cute couple.” Harry commented, putting his arm around me.

I nodded. “Yeah, they’re good for each other.” I smiled up at him, and nestled into his arms.


                As it turned out, Liam decided to go and hang out with Niall, claiming that he’d rather not be a 7th wheel (since- somehow- Lee had snuck her boyfriend, Miles, in) and ditched us as we were somewhat losers, just hanging out at some table.

                “They’re honestly so cute together though, Lee, you have to see them be all cutesy. They get worse than Larry over there.” May said from Zayn’s lap.

                Lee’s eyes went wide. “That must so cute, it’s sickening!”

                May nodded. “It really is- OH! Did you bring the stuff?”

                “I got it.” Miles said. He seemed like a pretty cool guy (honestly, he was dressed up at Han Solo. How much cool do you get?), and looked at Lee like she was his world.

                “Woah woah woah.” Harry said, “What stuff?”

                “Stuff to spike the punch.” Lee said, “And I refuse to do it.”

                May rolled her eyes. “Fine. I’ll do it. Pass it here.”

                Miles passed her a sliver flask, and I highly doubt May would remember much after that.


                It was probably after midnight, by the time Harry and I headed back to our dorm. Neither of us was really tired when we came back so we made-out, plain and simple.

                We were in the bedroom- obviously the most useful place to make-out with someone- and it finally hit me. I need Harry, in the sexual way.

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