Start from the beginning

"I'm gonna be a dragon!" He cheered. You sighed, smiling. "How predictable." He tilted his head. "(Y/N)..."


"What does predictable mean?"


You were helping Levy decorate the guild's exterior. Stringing up pumpkin patterns, and cobwebs, you were slightly pale when you reached in the box and pulled out a skeletal hand. 


Shrieking, you jumped away from the box. "Levy...why is there a corpse in there?!" You demanded, feeling as if your bravery was running away.

"It's Halloween, (Y/N)!" She called down. "You can't do Halloween without scary things!" 

You shivered and approached the box. "Um...it's fake- right?" 

Levy gave you a scary look. "Who knows?" She asked, creepily. "Anyway- that should be the last one!" She smiled, returning to her normal self. 

You looked off to the horizon. The sun was just starting to set. "Ah...sorry, Levy. I need to leave!" You panicked, and ran off. 

You saw her give you a wave. 


"Hey...when did this store suddenly pop up! Overnight?!" Natsu screeched, pointing at a black and scarily decorated store. 

"I'm guessing it's run by foreigners?" You tilted your head. Nearby, Lucas cowered behind Natsu. "Papa..." 

"What?" Natsu turned around. Seeing his son scared, some sort of protective Natsu appeared. "Don't worry, son!" He boasted. 

"I will protect you!" 

You watched as the idiot held his son's hand, and marched into the store. Sighing, you had a smile on your face as you followed them- Rin in your arms. 

The moment you walked in, you were greeted with cold air rushing to you. Nearby, you could hear a distant scream. 

Chills ran down your back and Rin immediately began screaming. "O-oh, no- R-rin!" You hurried back outside, where it was much quieter. 

Cooing to the child, she gradually quieted to the point where she happily was bubbling incomprehensible words. 

Just about ten minutes later, Natsu, with Lucas not far behind him, ran out the store with a bag. He spotted you, and ran. 

"Oh god," he gasped for breath. "That was so weird." Lucas was practically still shaking from the horror. 

"We got costumes!" Lucas crowed, peering in the bag. You tickled Rin's chin. "Oh, really?" You grinned. 

"We got one for you too!" Lucas held up a package. "We have a king costume, a queen costume, and a skeleton costume for me!" 

You grinned. "A queen costume?" Looking at Natsu from the corner of your eye, you echoed, "king costume?" 

He turned red. "I thought...we could go matching." He spluttered. 

You gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I like how you think," you murmured. Natsu turned even more pink. 

"Anyway- we need to hurry!" He grabbed your hand. 

P A R T Y     T I M E

"Ooh, nice costume, (Y/N)-nee." 

You smiled down at Romeo, who was grinning brightly. "Thank you, Romeo. I like your mummy costume." 

Romeo smiled. "Thank you, (Y/N)-nee!" 

Your attention was turned away, when Levy hurried up to you. "Do you like my costume?" She asked, twirling. "I'm a librarian!" 

You grinned. "Cute, Levy." 

"Thanks! I think the queen costume suits you," she complimented. "Lu-chan's wearing a princess costume. Have you seen Gajeel's?" 

You raised your eyebrow. "Oh no, what is Gajeel being?" 

She laughed. "A bear!" 

"A w-w-what!? How?" 

"I convinced him!" She giggled. "It's so cute!" 

You smiled. "Awh, that's cute. I'll find him later." Besides you, Natsu linked your arm through his. "I'm a bit worried about Rin..." 

"Don't worry, Natsu." You smiled at him, sweetly. "We've left her with Plume and Happy before. It's fine." 

"If you say so..." 

You gave him a kiss on the side of his mouth. "You had some chocolate, there." You explained, gazing at him.

Natsu's eyes were filled with love. He leaned in, and covered your lips with his. He tasted like sweet chocolate. 

"You had some chocolate all over your lips." He smiled. You giggled. "I didn't eat chocolate." You gave him another kiss. "But I'll have some now." 

He led you to the refreshments table, where a bunch of plates were neatly laid out. On them, laid delicious-looking chocolates. 

"Please take one, milady." He said, in a foreign polite manner. 

"Did you have too much to drink?" You laughed as you held a chocolate between your fingers. "You're acting different today."

"Just being in-character with my costume." He had a look of mock horror on his face. "Are you saying I'm not always polite?" 

"Well...no, but..." 


"I just- it's nice, once a while." You snuggled up to him, your heart almost bursting when his free hand wrapped around your waist, bringing you even closer. 

"Hey- lovebirds." 

You both whipped around, as if you were caught in the middle of a murder. "Gray-!" You squealed. "You're so cute! You and Juvia's costumes are so cute!" 

Gray staggered a step back, covering his face. "I-I need to go to the batheroom." 

Juvia giggled, watching him leave. "Juvia will catch up with Gray-sama later. Juvia only told Gray-sama to wear a suit." 

Juvia had donned a beautiful white and lacy wedding gown. Hers, brought nostalgic of your own wedding. 

"I think it's beautiful," you smiled. "I'm sure you'll be able to wear it for real, one day." 

Juvia blushed uncontrollably. 

Natsu playfully brought a lock of your hair to his lips and kissed it. "Don't forget about me..." He said, wanting attention. 

"You're such a baby." You sighed at him. "Juvia, I'll-"

But Juvia was already waving back at you. "Juvia will find Gray-sama now~! Have fun, (Y/N)-san and Natsu-san!" 

You waved, and leaned backwards onto Natsu's chest. "Tired?" He asked. "Are you kidding?" You smiled up at him. 

"The party barely even started! C'mon," you grabbed his hand, "let's have fun tonight." 

Natsu's eyebrow raised, suggestively. "Tonight?" He echoed. "Later tonight?" His voice dropped to a husky whisper. 

"I'd like that," he murmured in your ear, gently kissing your neck. 

___End of Chapter___

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I liked writing this. 

It. Wuz. Fun. 

There were so many questions. I'll answer them in the next real chapter~!


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