The Dinner Date

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But it didn't outweigh the fact he smelled like the forest he lived in. Or that he was cocky and infuriating, unable to follow even the most basic rules of court etiquette. He was also a thief, albeit an honorable one who sought only to improve the lives of the people around him. He was a good and caring father as well as a loyal friend. And he was incredibly easy to talk to as she felt he was never judging her...

Regina stopped, closing her eyes. She had feelings for Robin Hood.

Now that she was being honest with herself, she had been fighting them since she met him. Snow had seen it then—how she was intrigued by him and had silently agreed with Snow that he was pretty cute. So was his son, who she soon saw he adored. Anyone who was that devoted a parent earned her respect.

The way he had of getting under skin was also because she cared for him more than she had wanted to admit. She was trying to keep him away but he insisted on getting closer to her, trying to get to know her. In some ways, she wondered if he had feelings for her that weren't the usual ones she experienced in others—disgust, fear, hatred.

But it had been in her head. He had feelings for another woman.

Anger and jealousy coursed through her. She had to see who had stolen the thief's heart. Not to hurt her but just...just to make sure she was worthy. (Regina had no doubt though that the woman was more worthy than her). Snow had told her where the dinner was going to take place, so she could stop by on the way to her own meal and just catch a glimpse of her. The fact she decided to wear her best form-fitting red velvet dress and leave her dark hair down had nothing to do with trying to lure Robin away.

Not at all.


She hid behind a column in the courtyard, watching the servants as they set up a table under Snow's watchful eyes. Two candles were added and lit, though it was still light out. Food was carried out and laid out on the square table as were two wine glasses. From what Regina could tell, her stepdaughter had tapped into the royal wine cellar and chosen one of Regina's best wines for Robin's dinner with his ladylove. She vowed to get Snow back for that.

"This looks good," Snow said, nodding. "Let's go and get ready for the regular dinner."

The servants bowed or bobbed curtsies before hurrying ahead of the princess. Snow looked around, nodded once more and then followed them. Regina resisted the urge to ruin the meal and stayed behind the column, waiting to see who showed up next--Robin or his dining companion.

"Come on, Papa!" Roland's voice echoed around her. "It's this way!"

Robin's familiar, deep chuckle reached Regina's ears, sending her heart fluttering. "Slow down, my boy. There's no need to rush."

"We don't want to keep her waiting!"


"Your date!" Roland announced, coming into view. He stopped short, frowning as his brown eyes took in the courtyard. "She's not here."

Robin chuckled again, picking up his son and setting him on his hip. "Maybe we're early, Roland. You did rush me here."

"This is when the princess told me to be here!" Roland crossed his arms. "She's supposed to be here."

"Who? Princess Snow?"

Roland shook his head. "Your dinner date."

"And who is that?" Robin asked. Regina wondered that too, noting that there was no one else within the vicinity of the courtyard. Certainly whoever had snagged Robin's affections would've been here, ready to begin what was no doubt going to be a beautiful relationship she was going to have to watch develop from the sidelines, knowing it could've been her but that she had once again been too afraid, too angry, to seize her chance.

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